I Will Never Die, You Can Do Whatever You Want!

Chapter 24 The Strange Troubled Boy

There is a lot of information hidden in Ding Cangtian's shocked words.

For example, this magic cave is really unusual.

According to the experience of these days, this should not be a coincidence.

Juku Chau is indeed a very strange place.

"So you mean, the Minor World where you are... also has a magic cave?"

Li Yongjin folded his arms, looking at the square in front of him with sadness.

So it seems.

The hope that Master's hatred will be avenged as soon as possible seems to be getting slimmer.

Ding Cangtian immediately swallowed a mouthful of saliva, as if he was still reminiscing about the past.

In its impression, the three words Mokudong can represent a very bad memory.

Whenever I think of this, it still trembles a little.

Regarding this, Ding Cangtian nodded: "If my guess is correct, this magic cave is really not simple, and it probably has something to do with the Minor World on this side."

Li Yongjin nodded.

But he always felt.

With such a clue alone, it is a bit unrealistic to discuss these.

It is too early to draw conclusions now.

"Okay, Turtle, let's go."

Li Yongjin waved his hand, not going to think about such a complicated problem anymore.

Every Minor World, whether or not, has a Morgul Cave.

Sooner or later he was going to conquer.

So if you encounter any problems along the way, just solve the problems.

When the car reaches the mountain, there must be a road.

In this way, one person and one turtle walked on the road.

Among them, Li Yongjin, dressed in commoner clothes, has gone through the wind and frost, but looks the same as before.

on the way.

Li Yongjin has been asking Ding Cangtian almost all the time, a question about age.

"Tuigui, did you say that you really slept for more than three thousand years?"

"It's more than 3,600 years, this is the ninth time today!"

"It's been so long, but I really didn't notice it at all."

Li Yongjin sighed, and then asked: "Then tell me, how old am I now?"

Li Yongjin has been thinking about this question all the way.

But he couldn't figure it out.

You talk about it.

The age of a person is calculated according to the age of the body.

Or is it based on actual psychological perception?

If calculated according to his physical age, he is estimated to be almost four thousand years old now.

But he didn't have the experience of living for such a long time.

Moreover, the life bonus of the system does not count the three thousand years.

Instead, it is calculated according to the time when he sank the Minor World.

This is very strange.

For this, Ding Cangtian let out a long sigh.

God, kill me!

This boy whose alias is called Time seems to be inversely proportional to IQ and longevity.

Why, he always has so many strange questions?

Is he a problem baby?

Which cultivator would care so much about own age?

In terms of age, you can count as you like, who can control you?

However, it couldn't answer that way.

Because its life is all in Li Yongjin's thought.

It could only ponder for a long time, and said:

"You know, mental age is different from actual age..."

After hearing what it said, Li Yongjin nodded in satisfaction.

Well, that's right.

I am not that old, I am still the young man who never forgets his original intention!

From Guigui, Li Yongjin understands that physical age is not equal to mental age.

Age is meaningless to longevity species.

After all, he is a long-lived species.

The existence of longevity is destined to make time meaningless.

Become a kind, a symbol that only exists in his memory.


Juku Island, Moku Cave.

Li Yongjin looked at the endless mountains in front of him with bitterness on his face.

Here, is a continuous large mountain range.

Its terrain is extremely complex and rugged, like a dragon dormant, fighting and snakes.

The pulse is like the ridge of the sky, and the wall stands thousands of feet.

If ordinary people go in without turning on the navigation, they will probably get lost.

"I'm a tortoise, is this what you call the magic cave?"

"Are you sure it's here?"

"Is it true?"

Li Yongjin didn't understand very much, he kept patting the turtle's back and questioning Dingcangtian.

What about the magic cave?

It's fine if there's no magic, not even a hole?

Here it comes again.

This troubled boy came again with his doubts!

Ding Cangtian was annoyed by the question, so he directly stuck his limbs and head into the turtle shell.

Then he began to answer:

"I'm sure and definitely, it's definitely here!"

"Because what I feel from here is the breath of the Devil's Cave!"

"I followed the breath all the way here, which is exactly the same as the magic cave breath I felt in Minor World!"

"This is the unique ability of our mysterious tortoise family to trace the origin. We are good at discovering the unique [imprint] of everything in the world. There is no mistake!"


Hearing Guigui mention the own race, Li Yongjin became convinced of it.

Here in Dingcangtian, it regards racial honor more important than his own life.

This is the key information Li Yongjin learned after numerous threats along the way.

So no matter what it is, once it involves the own race, it is absolutely reliable and credible.

Mokudong is very different from the Devil Cultivator world he imagined.

There is no magic here, and naturally there are no holes.

Some are just continuous mountains like stars dotted the night sky!

Watching Li Yongjin in a daze.

Ding Cangtian poked his head out and explained:

"Actually, the Devil's Cave is not a cave, but an Integrated Union of countless great forces. It can be mountains, it can be the sea, it may be the gathering place of immortal sects, or it may be the birthplace of aristocratic families..."

"Anyway, it's not easy here, so take it easy, kid."

"Although I have the Cultivation Base of the Integrated Union period now, it may not be able to keep you."

"But you don't have to worry, your kid has a long life, and when you boil them all to death, you will be invincible!"


Hearing this, Li Yongjin was very disdainful.

Cut, I still want to be like you, forcibly endured for tens of thousands of years and still not be invincible?

Daddy is now invincible!

The Integrated Union period is undoubtedly an extremely high cultivation realm.

There may not be one in a million people in the entire cultivation world who can have such a Tongtian thorough Cultivation Base.

They are generally OP Experts who dominate the continent, and only Super Sects can have the bosses of the Integrated Union period.

Li Yongjin is not surprised that Guigui can have the Cultivation Base of the Integrated Union period.

After all, after living for so many years, even a pig should ascend.

Regarding this, he spat in a broken mouthful: "Bah, you are too hip, are you a bastard? You have lived for tens of thousands of years, but you still can't ascend..."

Ding Cangtian didn't expect it.

Occasionally, I showed off Cultivation Base once, and what I got in exchange was not admiration and surprise, but disdain and scolding.

It's completely shut down.

Soon, several streaks of spiritual light flew out from the Demon Cave.

"Who is making noise in my Tianyuan residence, and quickly report their names!"

A majestic voice rushed towards Li Yongjin with mighty momentum.

The billowing air waves shook Li Yongjin's eardrums.

Hear his voice before seeing him.

He narrowed his eyes and looked ahead.

What a great power!

"I don't change my name when I walk, I don't change my surname when I sit, Li Yongjin, a disciple of Qingshan Sect Kumu Peak, is here to ask for advice!"

Li Yongjin stood up slowly and stood on the back of the turtle.

There is a mahogany sword at his waist, and an unpretentious iron axe.

Standing with hands behind their backs, the momentum is not lost.

When the other person heard this, his voice broke immediately.

As if terrified.

"Qingshan Sect Deadwood Peak, you... are you Wang Mo's apprentice?"

"Yo, you know my Master?"

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