Devil's Grotto Cave, where Tianyuan resides.

This place was originally a place where outsiders rarely set foot, but today two distinguished guests came.

One is a young hero, and the other is a tortoise with half-closed eyes.

The big tortoise is very lazy and takes a rest every time it takes a step.

The Tianyuan Patriarch in front was waiting quietly with a smile on his face.

It seems that the apprentice is waiting for the Master without any complaints.

The more respectful the look, the more courteous, dare not say a word to urge.

above the turtle's back.

Li Yongjin looked at this scene and secretly sighed.

He really deserves to be the Patriarch of Tianyuan, look at how he treats guests.

There is almost nothing to say.

Ever since.

Everyone in the audience was very comfortable and comfortable, only the well-informed Patriarch Tian Yuan was shocked alone.

"The breeze embraces the moon, hurry up...make tea!"


Seeing someone, Ouyang Ruoli asked him to make tea as if relieved.

Qingfeng and Lanyue did not dare to neglect, turned around and ran into the reception hall.

Tea, very good.

Just one sip is refreshing.

There are all kinds of flavors in it, and there is a delicate fragrance coming around the tip of the tongue.

But Li Yongjin did not come to drink tea, but to ask for an explanation.

It doesn't matter who said this statement.

All he wanted was to know...the truth.

while they were talking,

Ding Cangtian found an excuse at random, and lay down under a big statue outside the door.

With his eyelids closed, he soon fell back into a deep sleep.

Seeing this, Li Yongjin thought that people with insomnia should seek advice from Guigui on how to sleep.

This sleep quality is too high, right?


The conversation went very well, and Tianyuan Patriarch did a great job of showing own hospitality.

Almost know everything and say everything.

And in the words, he praised Li Yongjin and Qingshanzong to the utmost, which made Li Yongjin feel very comfortable.

When he got everything he wanted to know, he came to the door contentedly.

Pat the turtle's shell skillfully: "Don't sleep on the turtle, it's time to go."

"Oh... how come so fast?"

"Then next time, try to slow down?"

Li Yongjin laughed amusedly.

Ding Cangtian muttered, but obediently bowed down.

In fact, it doesn't like camel people very much, but if it's this boy...

That's not impossible.

And it quite likes Li Yongjin's slow-moving character.

It's like the sky is falling, and it's not a big deal.

It made people understand at once, what is meant by quiet time.

There was nothing impatient about him, nothing like a young man eager for revenge.

On the contrary, like a tourist visiting the scenery.

After all, which bitter and bitter guy have you ever seen riding a tortoise on the road?

Just like that, one person and one turtle left the Tianyuan station.

They walked on the road, leaving footprints of different shades one after another step by step.

Patriarch Tianyuan smiled like a yellow chrysanthemum in full bloom, this journey is a long way to go.

In the end, even Li Yongjin couldn't help feeling: "Patriarch Ouyang, you are really polite and hospitable. At first... I thought you were not very talkative."

In this cultivation world, Ouyang Ruoli is one of the rare good-tempered people he has encountered.

As worthy of the patriarch, it is self-cultivation!

Ouyang Ruoli was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and showed twelve white teeth: "Young master, you are absurdly praised. It should be said that I have neglected you. You are welcome to come and play more often in the future."

After all, the patriarch has a bright smile!

Wait until they're gone completely.

Only then did Ouyang Ruoli take out a handkerchief from his cuff and wipe the cold sweat off his forehead.

He swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "Damn, it's really worthy of the Canggu royal family, it's really a centipede, dead but not stiff..."

At this time, when he thought of just now...

Those Black Tortoise lines that are more than 100,000 years old can be seen from the back of the black tortoise.

Still have lingering fear, trembling all over.

At the same time, I am very fortunate.

Thanks to my young age, I have traveled all over the world and seen a lot.

This is the benefit of profound experience and extraordinary vision.

Not only saved himself, but also saved the entire station!

after all,

That's an old monster comparable to the Mahayana period!

To protect that young man...

It seems that this magic cave will not be peaceful in the future.

Thinking of this, Ouyang Ruoli immediately ordered:

"Pass down the order. From today onwards, the Tianyuan resident will implement strict control, and you are not allowed to enter or leave at will!"

"I'll give you half a day to think about it, and you can leave whenever you want."

"If you leave, you will be expelled from the resident status, and you will no longer be protected by us in the future."

Closed Door Training Closed Door Training.

He decides.

From today onwards, he will be closed to death!

It's none of your business, just hang it high.


Walking on the road, Li Yongjin was in a good mood.

It seems that he came to the right place for this trip to Tianyuan Station.

Not only did I know the past grievances, but I also felt that I was greatly respected.

It turns out that not all cultivators are so arrogant.

There are still a small number of people who are reasonable.

Ding Cangtian saw Li Yongjin's youth, laughed and said: "Politics, do you really think he is very polite? I thought you were joking."

"Isn't it?" Li Yongjin asked back.

"When you are absolutely strong, everyone will be polite to you, and you will find that all the people you meet are good people!"


Ding Cangtian speaks earnestly and sincerely, and only hopes that Li Yongjin can see this cruel world clearly as soon as possible.

Stop being so childish and become more mature.

As a result, Li Yongjin just shook his head firmly:

"No, there must be such a situation. You don't need to be absolutely powerful, and you will also gain the respect and courtesy of everyone..."

"It's just that we haven't found it yet," he said.

"hope so."

Ding Cangtian chuckled and stopped talking.

"So, would you like to go find it with me?"

"Well, you brought me out after all."

It looked at Li Yongjin's golden pupils, and said firmly, "Anyway, I'm in this world, and I don't have many friends, so I'll follow you!"

"Wise choice."

Li Yongjin laughed very badly.

Actually, Ding Cangtian didn't say everything.

For example, it has not yet found the own channel.

But its instinct tells it that its way lies in Li Yongjin.

Follow Li Yongjin, you can become enlightened.

So, it is convinced.

When it becomes enlightened, it will be able to breakthrough to the Mahayana Realm.

You must know that if the Integrated Union wants to breakthrough Mahayana, it is not enough to rely solely on practice, and it is necessary to realize the Tao.

At present, Ding Cangtian knows his own strength.

I have never realized the Tao, but the sleep for so many years is not in vain.

It has been deposited in the sea for so many years, even the ordinary Mahayana cultivator cannot easily break through its defenses.

But apart from defense, it lacks attack methods.

Its power can only be compared to normal Integrated Union power.

But that's enough.

The defensive ability of the Mahayana period is invincible in the era when quasi-immortals are out!

So it is very sure that it can protect Li Yongjin comprehensively.

Protect a world where only Li Yongjin feels polite!

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