I Will Never Die, You Can Do Whatever You Want!

Chapter 45 Dazhuyou, Teenage Dream

"Brother Li, I'm actually not arrogant."

on the way.

Sun Siruo recovered again, looking full of vitality before.

He raised his head and said proudly:

"I have known since I was born that I am a child of heaven and earth!"

Li Yongjin said with a smile: "A child once said the same, but she said she is a child of the stars!"

The former Sun Siruo had always had this kind of speculation, but he was not too sure.

But now, all sorts of weird things are happening.

He couldn't help but not believe it.

Plus, Li Yongjin has been advocating him along the way.

He's also a little bit, giddy.

But floating is floating, he has basically never been idle all the way.

In the face of disasters in various places, Sun Siruo was the first to act.

If it is really irreparable, you can only ask Li Yongjin to take action.

Every time at this time, Li Yongjin is like a god.

With a wave of his hand, a miracle descended.

After enlightenment, he comprehended a brand new kind of power, called [Force of Nature]!

As long as he wants, he can turn into nature, drive nature, and mobilize nature at any time!

And this kind of nature does not refer to nature in the traditional sense, but refers to the world!

In fact, in Li Yongjin's eyes.

This ability is also a kind of power of heaven and earth.

The power of heaven and earth, after those powerful Mahayana cultivator enlightened,

Only after entering a stage called "Deva Unity" can there be a Transcendent state.

The strength of this state fluctuates depending on the Magic power consumed by the user.

Li Yongjin didn't know either.

If you use all your strength to mobilize the force of nature, what will be the consequences.

Anyway, he has never encountered such a situation until now.

Such characters fall into the eyes of the rescued victims.

That's no different from Deva's Promenade.

They were grateful to Dade all the way, and some even followed them spontaneously.

Originally, it was just one or two.

Then, save a dozen.

At the back, there were hundreds of them.

These refugees are still dressed in rags and are very embarrassed.

It made the two of them very embarrassed, and this journey was like the leader of the Beggar Sect.

But everything was saved.

The so-called sending the Buddha to the west can't be ignored, right?

It doesn't seem to be the case if they are just left behind.

Ever since.

In this ten years of continuous disasters and people's livelihood in dire straits.

The team of the two gradually grew.

There are tens of thousands of people behind them, and there are tens of millions of people in front of them, waiting for them to save.

However, the world is about to fall, and it seems that such a disaster will not end in a short while.

There is no time in the world, and the mountains and rivers are broken and the catkins are floating.

In a blink of an eye, this is the tenth year since he enlightened!

"This world is very abnormal..."

That night.

Aurora night.

On the outskirts of Mobei, Li Yongjin saw the so-called aurora for the first time.

The brilliance that stretches across the sky seems to disturb the whole world.

This was the first time he had seen such a quiet beauty.

The extreme beauty made the originally noisy team quiet down all of a sudden.

Everyone sat or stood, their eyes fixed on the aurora beyond the horizon.

Li Yongjin said with emotion: "I have never experienced such a violent world."

"Me too, I have never seen such a broken mountain and river..."

Sun Siruo's tone was already a little choked up.

He was full of confidence from the beginning, but now he is a little unconfident.

Even he is full of doubts about the future of own.

No matter how powerful he is,

Before the mighty power of heaven and earth, they are all ants.

Facing the wrath and liquidation of heaven and earth, no one can escape this catastrophe.

At this time, he couldn't help but start to doubt.

Is there any point in what you do?

Perhaps, learn from those cultivators...

Only by escaping from the world with the strength of the whole clan can we protect ourselves, right?

It's just that it will inevitably go against his ideals and aspirations.

"Damn it, are you really going to give up?"

Sun Siruo wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and suddenly turned around.

He met the eyes of tens of thousands of people behind him.

Their eye sockets are deep, but their eyes are bright.


Suddenly, there was a dragon chant in the distance!

"hold head high!"

"I refined you, I ate you..."

"Swallow you all, and I will be able to get rid of the liquidation of this great world!"

The thick dragon chant filled the ears like a magic sound, shaking everyone's eardrums to hurt.

In the sky, a huge purple dragon head suddenly appeared.

The dragon head opened its mouth and sprayed out a billowing purple flame.

This is the magic fire that burns everything, can burn everything, and turn everything to ashes.

The endless void boiled, and the whole world began to tumbling.

Feel the full-bodied Devilish Qi.

Li Yongjin frowned slightly, finally squeezed a sword finger, and whispered that sentence: "Sword comes."

There was a crisp sound.

The mahogany sword at his waist was unsheathed, and it emitted a brilliance under his feet.

This mahogany sword was made by him using the soul to simulate the differentiation of the body, and then strengthened with the power of nature.

After these years of nurturing, even the mahogany sword in the state of mind and soul is sharper than thousands of blades in this world.

It's just that iron axe, because it's too good.

It's a pity that he couldn't bring them down together.

"Brother Li, let me help you."

Sun Siruo didn't show weakness either, with a wave of his sleeves, dozens of weapons appeared behind him.

Like a turning wheel, light shines behind him.

The golden Lotus flower hung down, and the light curtain of luck formed the sea.

Even better than the Buddhas in the world, he is really a heavenly deity of many treasures!

This guy is going too far now.

After mastering the luck of heaven and earth, he became a master of weapons just like himself.


Of course, such combat power is also quite impressive.

Under Li Yongjin, he can also do a few extra tricks.

"Nielong, how dare you use the lives of the entire city to refine dragon pills!"

"Your crime is heinous, suffer death!"

Just when Li Yongjin felt the ferocious aura and was about to strike.

Outside the empty plain ahead, a shocking sound of anger rang out.

Instant youth rose from the wind, and an extremely powerful projection came to the world.

It was a Xuannv circling Nine Heavens, and the streamers of Immortal Qi fluttered every now and then.

The multicolored petals flicker with special effects, embellished with hundreds of millions of stars, illuminating the entire night sky.

Facing this statue, which is hundreds of thousands of feet high.

Li Yongjin can only retreat thousands of miles away to resist this coercion a little bit.

After Xuannv came into the world, a Ribbon popped up with a single tap.

The entanglement of threads makes the dragon entangled so that it cannot move.


"You cannot escape your sins forever, accept God's punishment!"

Then, she flicked her sleeve angrily, and waved a large piece of petals.

The originally weak petals instantly turned into the sharpest blades, constantly cutting the body of the dragon.

The flowers burst out, and the dragon's body suddenly appeared riddled with holes.


"Ah, this is a bit handsome!"

Li Yongjin saw that he didn't need to pretend, so he fell to the ground.

Looking up at the fairy projection, his face is full of appreciation.

The scene in front of me was really shocking.

However, when he slowly shifted his gaze to Sun Siruo, he was stunned.

I saw that the old grandson at this time was already in tears.

He trembled all over, then slumped on the ground covering his face and wept bitterly: "That's Da Zhuyou...that's Da Zhuyou!"


Li Yongjin didn't quite understand, so he shook his head.

Suddenly, he remembered.

Back then in Huayang City, he seemed to have heard those people discuss it.

Da Zhuyou is the person closest to God in their minds.

At the same time, it is also the spokesperson of the gods descending to the mortal world.

According to legend, their blessings can communicate with God and often perform miracles.

Its ability even surpassed their high priest.

At the same time, it is also considered to be the person who is most likely to ascend within the millennium.

People like this believe in the sky the most, and they also understand the fate of heaven.

What will happen next, Li Yongjin does not know.

At that time, he had already left Huayang City.

But it is said that their Da Zhuyou seems to have run away overnight.

The authenticity of the news has yet to be verified.

But seeing it today, Li Yongjin was sure that the rumor must be false.

How could such a brave Da Zhuyou be the cowardly deserter back then?

If she escapes, who in the world can be a hero?

So their big wish, should have never flinched Half step!

Boom boom boom.

The void is still shaking, and the earth continues to shake.

"Roar ~!"

"Ang, stop hitting..."

In front of Xuannv, the magic dragon could only wag its tail and beg for mercy like a bereaved dog.

"That's the color of life!"

Sun Siruo choked up.

After tidying up my emotions a little, I started to explain to Li Yongjin.

For this kind of ancestral secret technique, most people actually don't know much about it.

"This is the divine body that Zhu Youshu practiced to the extreme and communicated with God to beg for mercy!"

"This technique is condensed to the extreme, which is the legendary technique of Dazhuyou. You need to burn out the Blood Essence and contribute your soul to succeed..."


At this point, Sun Siruo couldn't continue.

Dazhuyoushu is actually a kind of

Please use the art of God!

You need to use your own life and pray for a miracle from God.

please god



Above Nine Heavens, Xuannv's temperament was condensed to the limit.

Her whole body was filled with the color of colorful glazed glass, and she grabbed a long whip with a false grasp.


Along with the long sleeves, the long whip kept whipping the unstoppable dragon.


Boom boom boom.

With this deadly rhythm,

There is actually a magnificent piece of music descending from the sky, as the bg of the goddess descending into the world.

Liuxia heard the Yaoqin, danced and played a song.

It seems that the servants of the moon danced a startling dance above the sky.

That is the color of life, and it is also the last singing song.

see this scene,

Li Yongjin lowered his head, arched his hands and said softly: "Congratulations!"

Even for these years, he has been looking at the world from outside the world.

At this time, in the face of such miracles in the world, I couldn't hold back anymore.

With the body of a mortal, he can stand shoulder to shoulder with a god.

This is the Dazhuyoushu in his mind.

It's just that such a miracle needs to be cast with all of you.


Would you rather be a hero for a few minutes, or a coward for the rest of your life?

"Burn up the Blood Essence Tongtian mansion, and open the gate of heaven with a light reprimand."

"This is the true meaning of Da Zhu You Shu, I finally found it."


Sun Siruo, number one in the world, knelt down.

Facing thousands of miles away, that celestial avatar projected.

In front of countless disaster victims behind him...

Facing the god statue, he knelt down directly.

This kneeling is to respect the common people!

"Mr. Sun!"

Everyone exclaimed and felt very uncomfortable.

Such a kneeling is as heavy as a thousand ounces.

The next moment, plop plop plop.

Rows of disaster victims knelt down, kneeling behind Sun Siruo.

Li Yongjin looked sideways slightly, looking at the mass of black kneeling behind him, his expression moved.

I have to admit, I was touched.

Sun Siruo obviously has the power to shatter the universe and overthrow the Yin & Yang, but he never dared to contend with the heaven and the earth.

He is very afraid of death... Extremely afraid of death, he is a person who cherishes his life and respects the world.

But now, he has actually realized the real Dazhu Youshu?

Looking at him like this, he seemed to have made up his mind.

After a long time, Sun Siruo stood up tremblingly.

His eyes were red, and he said firmly: "Brother Li, I have decided. Even if I give up all my body, I must reorganize the mountains and rivers, so that the sun and the moon will shine!"

At this time, his temples were stained with Xu Fengshuang.

The white hair on the temples hangs down, and the whole person adds a touch of dust.

He realized.

He is not going to be number one in the world!

Because of Li Yongjin, he knew that he would never be able to become the real number one in the world.

That being the case, why not follow your heart?

The so-called number one is nothing more than a fantasy in childhood.

One thought leads to great enlightenment.


He took off all the heavy armor and weapons on his body, and broke free from all shackles at once.

At this moment, he lost tens of kilograms of weight.

The direction of the story also changed accordingly.

Originally, this should be a story about fear of death.

However, this invincible young man...

But he chose to compose it with fearlessness.

"Huhu, it's still so easy."

Sun Siruo let out a long breath, laughed and said, "Let's go on, Brother Li."

"Okay, let's get rid of the root cause!"

Li Yongjin also nodded.

In the aurora night, the magic dragon falls.

The two men who were confidants hugged each other tightly.

Behind them, tens of millions of people raised their heads together, looking up at these two figures.

In their eyes, they seemed to see the sun and the moon rising!


As the saying goes.

Of all the sharp edges in this world, only the past hurts the most.

After the disaster, auspicious holes opened.

In the eighty-fourth year of Li Yongjin's enlightenment, spring began.

Perhaps, the person who offended heaven and earth has already been sacrificed to heaven.

Anyway, that's what the Rivers and Lakes rumors say.

The disaster has since passed, and the world has returned to its former beauty.


This Rivers and Lakes is still lively.

This year, Shushan, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism Academy... successively announced the opening of the mountain to accept disciples.

Carrying the banner of the Renaissance, they lifted the curtain of this flourishing age.

On the old soil of the disaster, many new cities have been built one after another.

The new city - Baiyu City.

When the last brick fell, Li Yongjin and Sun Siruo looked at the brand new city and showed satisfied smiles.

In the center of the city, where the original statue of the Moon Cultivator was, a statue of Xuannv was re-placed.

The name is: Great Wishes - Su Jing!

This is what the savior Sun Siruo meant.

He said: "From now on, this world no longer needs the protection of the Great Moon Cultivator. We should remember the hero who opened this world for us!"

Li Yongjin only felt that he was uneducated, so he silently gave a thumbs up from the side.

The ending of the story is always parting.

Outside Chayin Town.

Sun and Li bid farewell to each other.

"Brother Li, are you leaving?"

"Well, there is always a banquet in the world." Li Yongjin nodded.

"It's a pity, maybe in this life... I will never meet a confidant like you again."

Sun Siruo looked disappointed.

"Hey, didn't I tell you?"

When Li Yongjin said this, the two looked at each other and smiled.

They even said in unison: "Mo Chou has no confidant in the future, who in the world does not know the king?"

It's time to congratulate you, Dr. Sun.

From now on, in this world, who doesn't know the king?

On the occasion of parting.

Sun Siruo carefully took out a kit from his arms and handed it to Li Yongjin:

"Brother Li, I beg you again."

"Please take it and give it to a young man who walks away with Tianya with a sword like me, and is as chivalrous as I am."

"This is mine, a little blessing."


Hearing this, Li Yongjin nodded solemnly, and took over the section of Karma.

During his last three years in this world, he searched the entire continent.

Finally, in the season of peach blossoms.

Next to a lush peach blossom tree, he found the last temple on the mainland that still kept the statue of the great moon cultivator.

He buried the kit under the statue.


The gate of the temple slowly closed,

Li Yongjin's back disappeared through the crack of the door.

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