I Will Never Die, You Can Do Whatever You Want!

Chapter 49 Your Path Is Unstoppable

Heavenly Dao Zhigong, the Dao is ruthless?

Ding Cangtian was shocked when he heard the words, and then nodded sharply.

I don't understand it, but it makes sense!

The two paws clapped together like seals, flattered and said: "As expected, you are the boss, it makes sense, I feel that I have also realized it!"

Actually, it enlightened?

It's a fart.

After all, if the sky is fixed, you can become stronger when you sleep.

At this time, Li Yongjin also noticed the abnormality on Dingcangtian.

He suddenly frowned and asked, "Good guy, what kind of look do you have?"

Pretty chic.

The whole is armored Dragon Turtel, can't you see that the turtle has a new skin?

But it’s really pretty, and it’s not easy.

It took thousands of years to come up with such a set.

Hearing the words, Ding Cangtian raised his head very proudly, and said proudly: "You finally saw it? I am a unique fighting form of the Xuangui clan, handsome or not?"

"Oh, a fighting turtle, huh?"

Li Yongjin nodded, acting very calm.

After getting used to all kinds of strange events in Minor World, he has become very calm.

It's just a new set of skin, and it doesn't make him feel much trouble.

"Let's go, let's meet that guy outside."

Li Yongjin waved his hand and removed the power of heaven and earth around him.

The ninety-nine Restrictions outside are still being shattered.


beyond the sea.

With mixed feelings, everyone watched Ye Jianlai only one step away from the real ascension.

Soon, really soon!

As long as he works harder, the ninety-nine Restrictions will be resolved one by one.

Then he can directly use the power of Feishengchi to reshape his feathered avatar!

Once the feathered avatar is condensed, it can attract Heavenly Tribulation to ascend.

As long as you successfully pass the Heavenly Tribulation, you can reshape the fairy golden body.

If you do this step, you will be able to open the gate of heaven and reach the sky in one step!

At the scene, no one doubted whether the young man with the sword could successfully survive the Heavenly Tribulation.

And if it is said that this man who opened the sky with a sword, he couldn't even ascend.

That can only show that the legend of Juku Chau is just a hoax.

Other than that, there is no other possibility.

"Hey, take a good look at this scene. It may be a rare event in ten thousand years..."

The bosses were filled with emotion, and they left here silently with all the arrogance.

When the Heavenly Tribulation condenses, idlers and others will be directly chopped into fly ash.

For safety, keep at least a thousand miles away.

Thousands of miles away, even if there are a few thunderstorms, it will not be too difficult to bear.

One of the teenagers was hit hard, and Dao's heart was shaken: "Master, am I really that bad? Why do I feel... so far away from him?"

After witnessing the beauty of that sword,

There is already a crack in the undefeated Dao heart of the youth.

Only after seeing Ye Jianlai did he know what true invincibility is in this world.

Since leaves are born, how can Xiao be born?

Thinking about Xiao Wanglin Wudi's life, he can be said to be the best in the contemporary era.

But in front of Ye Jianlai, he was completely different.

How can he accept this?

Perhaps, this is what the Master often said about people beyond others.

A young man next to him holding a Daoist book laughed and flipped through the book with some saliva on his fingers.

He sneered and said: "Hold it if you don't accept it, and beat it back if you don't accept it! Don't think about what daddy said to comfort you. If you lose your courage to seek the Tao because of this, don't say that you are my disciple of Zhou Yunhai!"

When the boy heard this, he immediately pursed his lips.

Dao's heart, which was about to crack, was forcibly sealed with cement!

He knows exactly who his own Master is.

If the Dao heart breaks, it will break itself too.


Yes, I have such a Master, and I may not lose to that one in the future.

The road of practice lies in the long and long time. Does the one who runs first must go far?

Zhou Yunhai!

When some young Tianjiao around heard this name, they couldn't help but choked up.

Didn't notice, this one is here too?

Immediately, everyone moved away silently, away from the monster.

The Zhou family's sea of ​​clouds is the light of the mainland Zhou family.

Legend has it that Cultivation Base Tongtian is the most arrogant, already undefeated in the world.

Inherent in the reputation of "I am invincible under Deva, one for one above Deva".

Although it was just a legend, no one dared to give it a try.

Just at the scene, everyone began to feel confused.

How should such a top-notch powerhouse be compared to Ye Jianshen who is about to ascend to the ascension?

Really looking forward to their fight.

Unfortunately, no chance.

On the other hand, old man Zhang, not only did not avoid hearing this person's name.

Instead, he cheerfully led the donkey and leaned on the young man.

The young man licked his lips and said in a low voice: "Dragon meat in the sky, donkey meat on the ground, I don't know if it tastes good or not."

He didn't shy away from it either, and he knew at a glance that he was used to it.



After Nine Heavens, Ninety-nine Restrictions disappeared.


In the sky above, thunderclouds surged.

Dark golden thunderbolts rolled continuously above.

Come like thunder, receive wrath.

Terrible Tianwei condensed above everyone's heads.

Tens of miles, hundreds of miles.

After a few breaths, it condensed to thousands of miles.

And this time, the coverage of Heavenly Tribulation continues.

It can be seen that the quality of this Heavenly Tribulation is very high.

Ye Jianlai smiled wildly: "I have lived through ninety-nine lives, and I can't extricate myself from the size of the universe, and I am also obsessed with the hatred of the past and cannot extricate myself..."

"But today, these things will eventually become a thing of the past. I will prove the way with a sword, and this way will finally come true!"

"Looking back on my life, I am so sad. I also cried before leaving, and I don't know what to say..."

This is the pretend declaration, and it is also the last message left by the Ascendant to this world.

Or to cup, or to advise;

Either good words or bad words.

Anyway, it's like an acceptance speech.

But if he has this capital, everyone still gives him enough respect at this moment.

After all, he is a fairy, and he can ascend to the upper realm and ride above the common people.

Since then, immortals and ordinary people have been separated.

Just as he was about to continue, the Great Sea Minor World began to surge.

A black water column swept across thousands of huge waves and soared into the sky.

Above the waves of the water column stood a young man in plain clothes.

The young man stood with his hands behind his back, and his robes moved automatically without wind.

He looked at the aggressive Ye Jianlai, tilted his head and asked very suspiciously: "I said, can you go?"

Just now, you kid, you have been making noise during the Young Master's Closed Door Training, right?

Oh, I remembered.

What the hell is your name Ye Jianshen?


At this moment, the wind stops and the clouds settle.

Juehai, which was still boiling, suddenly became still.

Ye Jianlai was surprised to find out that after Restrictions were shattered.

He was actually unable to use his own sword power to mobilize the energy of the cave eye that should belong to the ownerless thing.

"Hey, variables..."


Old man Zhang pinched his fingers a few times, then shook his head with a gloomy face and sighed: "I can't see through it, I can't see it through, this doll is so strange."

This destiny and Karma were completely messed up because of his arrival.

Things get more and more interesting and complicated.

"Apprentice, watch carefully."

"It's a good show again. If the two of them fight for a while and lose both, you can replace them."

Zhou Yunhai closed the Daoist book and suddenly became excited.

He doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement.

At this moment, a faint blue light was shining in his eyes.

His eyes are sharp, and he looks like an eagle watching a wolf.

It looked like a hungry wolf.

"Master...Master, isn't this bad?"

The boy scratched his head, his face turned red all of a sudden.

This is the color of embarrassment.

To be honest, he, Xiao Wanglin, has always acted openly and aboveboard in his life.

He can't do this thing of picking up leaks behind his back and being the sixth child.

However, Zhou Yunhai rolled up the book, smashed it on his head, and cursed: "You are really boiled water—boil!"


Can such a shameless face be eaten?

You Master, if I had been thin-skinned back then, I'm afraid I would have died on the street.

How can there be a legend about the invincible Zhou family in the future?

But this kid doesn't want to ascend, so that's up to him.

If I leave in the future, there will be someone to die.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yunhai closed his eyes and began to rest his mind.

Forget it, the juniors have their own junior uniforms.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with staying in the lower realm.

Under heaven and earth, how can there be any real freedom and freedom?

Even if you are a fairy, don't you have the trouble of owning it?

If so.

Then why do they still need to be bound by Karma, and have to go down to repay this Karma?

Zhou Yunhai didn't believe it anyway.

Xiao Wanglin touched his head aggrievedly, not daring to say a word, not even breathing.

I still don't speak anymore, so as not to make the Master angry again.


"You are the Li Yongjin who shook the mountain with a sword and was included in the amazing talent list, right?"

Ye Jianlai saw who was coming, his face was cold.

In the void, hundreds of millions of Flying Swords gathered in an instant, pointing at Li Yongjin.

Even if something unexpected happens now, Ye Jianlai still doesn't panic.

Today he is going to ascend, even if the heavenly king daddy comes, he will not be able to stop him!

And this person is just an episode on his way to ascension, nothing to worry about at all.

With a sweep of Ye Jianlai's divine sense, Li Yongjin has been thoroughly investigated.

It's just a mere little Nascent Soul, who dared to jump in front of the Banished Immortal.

Could it be that there is something strange in that hole?

Yes, this kid must have had some kind of romantic relationship in it to have such an astonishing performance.

But no matter what, Realm low is Realm low.

Under the absolute suppression of Cultivation Base, Ye Jianlai still couldn't believe that he couldn't take him down.

Just like own Realm, it is also temporarily borrowed.

If it is not owned, it will have to be paid back sooner or later!

But the temporary Realm is enough to suppress him.

He smiled slightly, and continued:

"You are late, go back. This opportunity is destined to belong to me..."

Li Yongjin picked out his ears,

He flicked it to Ye Jianlai, and said with a blank face: "I said, did you make a mistake, or do you not understand human speech?"

"Then I'll tell you again, this place has been requisitioned by me."

"Now it belongs to Xuan Jiuzhou Qingshan Sect's territory. From then on, no one is allowed to set foot without my permission."

Finally, he said with one word: "Get out!"

A word fell.

Under the long sky, his words kept echoing.

get out.

get out.



If he hadn't thought about the difficulty of Ye Jianlai's practice, Li Yongjin would never have spared him lightly.

Ye Jianlai was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed a few times: "I thought I was crazy enough in my life, but I never thought I would meet someone even crazier than me. Then...die!"

His patience has been completely worn away, and it immediately turned into a golden light.

Within the universe, within Yin & Yang.

Countless Sword Qi disappeared in an instant, from the outsider's point of view, his sword is from disappearing to appearing.

Because the speed of his sword even surpassed the time and space of this world.

Only when the sword is drawn, the extremely strong people present can slightly detect a golden light.

After the sword was drawn, Ye Jianlai's sword completely returned to nothingness.

When it reappears, it is another level of nothingness.

From nothingness, to nothingness.

This is the end of life.

His sword is walking the route of extreme violence.

You know it's a straight line without any twists and turns.

But you are, unstoppable!

"Good sword!"

Li Yongjin sneered, not knowing whether it was a compliment or a mockery.

Facing this sword, he didn't even make any moves.

It looked so unresponsive, the whole person was dumbfounded.

There are only a few people present who can see a little trick.

One billionth of an instant later.

Unbelievably, Ye Jianlai appeared on the other side of the sky.

He looked down at the sword in his hand and fell into momentary doubt.

how come?

Another one that doesn't stick to any Karma?

Ye Jianlai's head was about to explode.

This is playing horse riding?

You freaks, there's more to come.

"Old man, this kid is also on the same road as you?"

Zhou Yunhai looked at Li Yongjin curiously, and asked Mr. Zhang casually.

Old man Zhang shook his head firmly without any hesitation and said, "He is different from us."


Zhou Yunhai narrowed his eyes immediately, straightened up and took out a map from his pocket.

After opening it to Misty Continent, he took out a pen from his cuff, licked it, and circled Xuan Jiuzhou's territory map.

This is an interesting place, which can be used as his next travel location.

Maybe, the opportunity for him to continue his life...

right there.

This is the celebrity effect, the strong actually believe in metaphysics.


In the air, the two were still confronting each other.

Ye Jianlai took a few deep breaths, and forcibly calmed down: "I must admit, you are very weird. But my way is unstoppable!"

As he said that, he wanted to clap his sword again, using the sword of Samsara!

That is his real trump card, which is specially used to break through the past, present and future.

Maybe it can forcibly break the opponent's Law of Karma.

Anyway, give it a try.

"No, you are wrong."

Li Yongjin turned around suddenly and looked in the direction of Qingshanzong, leaving him with a lonely back.

He waved his hand again: "Your path, the world can stop it...I can stop it too!"

After speaking, Li Yongjin took a step forward.

After vicissitudes, Wandering Xia is still heading towards the direction of the Qingshan Sect.

Because there is his home!

With this step, his aura suppressed the audience, completely covering Ye Jianlai's sharpness.

At this moment, Ye Jianlai's invisible rules were enveloped by the rules of the sea and the sky.

Poor Ye Jianlai suddenly fell like a meteor.

It also symbolizes that his whole life will fall heavily at the highest point.

From gods to dust.

At that moment, everyone dropped their jaws in shock.

"What the hell?"

"I lost it!"


"how come?"


All the old monsters have maintained the self-cultivation and self-cultivation for thousands of years, and they have completely disappeared.

Because in their eyes.

Li Yongjin in front of him.


Half step... feathering!

Such Realm also means that Li Yongjin is only one step away from the real ascension.

And his Realm is completely different from Ye Jianlai's.

His aura was extremely condensed, and he could faintly stir the Heavenly Tribulation that had just dissipated.

What exactly this represents needs no explanation.

The oriole hiding behind the praying mantis has spread its wings!

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