I Will Never Die, You Can Do Whatever You Want!

Chapter 5 Are You The Only One With A Sword?

On a dark and stormy night.

Wang Moguo (o) ran away.

Li Yongjin looked at the slightly obscene figure and was stunned.

He could only give a thumbs up silently, then tilted his head to one side.

"Master is worthy of being a Master, and the thickness of this face is also unique."

However, why am I still a little moved?

For the sake of himself, the Master actually took the risk of losing his life at the end of the festival.

He really, I cried to death.

Fortunately, Li Yongjin gave Wang Mo a break.

The rumor of Wang Mo's abnormality the next day did not become popular in the whole sect.

"Master, is it really worth it for you to do this?"

Li Yongjin couldn't help asking.

Wang Mo glanced at him strangely: "Who would want to meet a monster like you?"

Hope to admit defeat, he gritted his molars:


If it wasn't for that day, Li Yongjin would have insisted on learning his stunts.

In addition, I drank some horse urine (wine) by myself.

He will definitely not be so impulsive.

Say the words "If you can learn it, then I will run around the dead wood peak and fruit".

Then, he saw the most incredible scene in his life.

After Li Yongjin was beaten a few times, nothing happened.

It was really hard to use it.

Although rough, it has a few Fractionated Divinity rhymes.

Wang Mo could tell at a glance that this was definitely the embryonic form of his stunt.

Every move contains some kind of superficial avenue of heaven and earth.

There was a terrifying aura faintly coming towards him.

Animals, they are simply animals!

In just one afternoon, Li Yongjin really learned it.

With such talent, he has the demeanor of a legendary fairy.

My apprentice, Yongjin, has the qualities of a fairy.

Since then, Wang Mo has kept this sentence on his lips.

In the next few hundred years.

When he met old friends, he would brag about it, which attracted countless envious and jealous eyes.

Naturally, Li Yongjin's name resounded throughout the world.

The general dialogue is as follows.

"Old Wang, I looked for the Medicine Pill refined by your Qingshan Sect a while ago, do you have any clues?"

"Ah, it's old ghost Liu, how do you know that my apprentice has the talent of a fairy?"



The back mountain of Qingshanzong.

Martial arts arena.

The place here is very large, and Sect disciples often compete with each other.

Thanks to the Sect formation Restrictions, everything here is extremely strong and tough.

Similarly, it is also a good place to practice moves and Taoism.


Seeing that there was no one around, Li Yongjin quietly held the Sect wooden sword and started to get lucky.

After this period of time, continue to practice Breathing Exercises.

Coupled with Wang Mo's guidance.

In his body, the first ray of Spiritual Qi has already been born.

Also, there is a cyclone that is almost imperceptible if you don't look carefully.

It also means.

His Realm at this time has crossed the innate threshold of the mortal practitioner and has come to the cultivation realm of the cultivator!

After the Realm breakthrough, Li Yongjin felt full of strength all over his body.

Even the life expectancy has skyrocketed by hundreds of years!

After gaining the sense of aura, he can finally use the Master's stunt.

"Sword... come!"

The wind blew, and the robes rattled.

Li Yongjin's fingers merged into sword fingers, and the Spiritual Qi on his body began to surge.

No more, no less.

Just the right amount of Spiritual Qi, flowing into the two Meridians on his wrist.

Wang Mo's spiritual skill is called Shaking Mountain.

Belonging to the top grade of Xuan rank, it can be powerful and domineering.

(Ranks from high to low are divided into: Immortal, Heaven, Earth, Xuan, Huang, and Upper and Lower Grades)

I saw ripples visible to the naked eye, swinging from the top of his wooden sword.


From the wooden sword in his hand, there was a dull sound of the sword!

The ground under his feet actually began to tremble accordingly.

This move to shake the mountain is not just a sword move.

It can be combined with thousands of moves, even fists and kicks.

Successfully performed, the earth shaking and mountain shaking can break through the Xuanjia formation, which is an extremely powerful move.

If it wasn't so mysterious, it wouldn't deserve to be called a stunt!

His Master, Wang Mo, was able to develop this trick during the Foundation Establishment period, and he really deserves to be the pride of a generation.

When talking about Eight Trigrams, I heard from my senior sister.

If it wasn't for that love in the world of mortals, Dao's heart would be damaged.

It is impossible for Wang Mo to stop here.

With a single swing of the sword, the majestic Sword Qi has an unstoppable momentum,

Cut towards a huge test stone tablet in the distance.

"Hmph, return the sword... you, come with the sword too?"

It's too late to say it.

In front of the stele, a phantom of a fist print appeared, which happened to block his Sword Ray.

Bang bang.

The fist shakes, and the Sword Qi shatters.

Even Li Yongjin's heart was shattered.

Daddy's first move, it's ruined for you just like that.

Young master, who did I provoke?

villain, definitely villain jumped out.

Following the source of the sound, Li Yongjin looked over with an uneasy expression.

It was a burly man.

He wears an iron armor knuckle, his whole body is covered with armor, and there is a big red cloak behind him.

The whole is one, dragon and phoenix among people.

It reminded Li Yongjin of the popular image of the black tiger in the anime in the previous life.

Well, the old dog licking king!

"Hei... Brother, what are you doing?"

Li Yongjin was upset, but he still called his brother.

This is called courtesy before soldiers.

Fight later,

You can't blame yourself for losing etiquette.

After all, he is a newcomer, and he looks short when he sees everyone.

"Hmph, I am Zhang Dongxi, the great disciple of the Outer Sect Tianzhu Peak."

"I have heard for a long time that my junior brother has recently become the No. 1 rookie in Sect, so I am here to ask for advice."

During this time, the Elders of the whole sect seem to be mentioning one person's name.

That is Li Yongjin.

A completely unknown new disciple.

Yo, isn't this the villain's routine?

Li Yongjin folded his hands.

Is it still in your way because you are too shiny?


Zhang Dongxi?

"It's really dirty."

Li Yongjin disdains.

"What did you say, can you say it again?"

"Oh shit you!"

Then, the two arrogant young men naturally fought.

The cold knife passed forward, and the hands were as heavy as the wind.

Fight each other with fate.

As a result, Li Yongjin was naturally defeated again and again, with constant injuries on his body.

But he was indomitable, completely ignoring the injuries on his body.

Zhang Dongxi was gradually terrified by the fierce exchange of injuries for injuries.

This kid is so scary!

This time, Li Yongjin had to admit he was irritated.

By the opponent's words, and the opponent's fist.

He doesn't want to be stepped on, and he also wants to be as handsome as the other person.

He also wants to...

Worthy of a sword!

Since being abused by the Master, Zhang Dongxi also wants to join in the fun,

Then hit!

"Don't fight, don't fight, you boy monster is here."

Zhang Dongxi smiled wryly and waved his hands repeatedly.

He regrets it.

Why did I provoke this little monster?


The experience has arrived.

[Ding, because the host has a longer lifespan than the other party, and meets the prerequisites for Cultivation Base replication. 】

[Congratulations to the host, successfully copying all the Realm Cultivation Bases of the opponent's late stage of Qi Refining! 】


Hey, it's over!

"Now, the offense and defense are changed!"

A faint rainbow light appeared from Li Yongjin's body.

Smiling like the man in black in Conan!

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