I Will Never Die, You Can Do Whatever You Want!

Chapter 53 Stay Safe, You Are In My Heart

Why give up ascension?

Li Yongjin said that he seems to have really not thought about this issue carefully.

He just simply doesn't want to ascend, so what's the reason?

But answering this way seems a bit too Versailles.

Speaking out, it doesn't look like human words.

"may be because……"

Li Yongjin turned his head and glanced in Xuan Jiuzhou's direction.

At this moment, his eyes have penetrated the barriers of time and space.

He could even smell the faint fragrance of green grass on the top of Qingshan Zong's Deadwood Peak.

"I can't let it go."

These words are also true.

No exaggeration.

"Okay, a mortal answer."

The Lord of the Devil's Cave gave a half-smile, and disappeared completely after two quacks.

Then the stone tablet slowly closed, and everything returned to calm again.

Misty Continent has lost another successful Ascendant.

But he succeeded in gaining a super evildoer that even the master of the devil's lair praised.

This super evildoer, perhaps in a long, long time, will become a great help to their Demon Cave.

Even, it may be a big backer!

Of course, these are not things to talk about.

It's Mokudong, the beautiful imagination and vision of those old monsters.


With the guidance of the Lord of the Devil's Cave, Li Yongjin finally met Master Wang Mo in the Wuzhu's station in the Devil's Cave.

At this moment, Wang Mo exuded golden light like a golden Buddha.

His hair is bald, but his topless chest is still the same as before.

There are strange lines on the body that look like fantastic rune tattoos.

For these symbols, Li Yongjin did not pay close attention to them.

he knows,

This is Wang Mo's unbreakable golden body.

According to legend, the Canggu royal family has two ancestral Secret Techniques that are the most amazing.

One is the engraving of the soul, which can engrave the blood of the direct line with the soul.

When the soul is immortal, the blood of Wang's direct line can be revived and the family's former glory can be revived.

Second, it is the strongest and strongest indestructible golden body in the world.

Even the heavens and the earth cannot easily obliterate a great golden body of the Canggu Wang family.

Therefore, during the Canggu period, when the descendants of the Wang family traveled the world, they were generally divided into two factions.

One school cultivates the soul and the other school cultivates the body.

But there are very few who can combine the two factions.

It is said that the combination of the two can create the immortal soul of God King.

From now on, jump out of Samsara, not in Five Elements, and get real freedom and freedom.

This is the Canggu royal family, one of the most peak clans in the Canggu period!

Li Yongjin came to Wang Mo's golden body, knelt down and kowtowed several times.

Boom boom boom.

The voice is dull and powerful.

"Master, let's go home."

After Li Yongjin kowtowed, he boldly stepped forward, intending to return to the Green Mountain Sect with Wang Mo's golden body on his back.

Now that the Wang family is gone, the Green Mountain Sect is their home.

Master has fought for the Qingshan Sect almost all his life.

His golden body is bound to last forever with Sect.

Moreover, the Green Mountain Sect is so obstinate, so it must be able to preserve Wang Mo's golden body very well.


He pulled Wang Mo's arm and found that Master's palm was clenched very tightly.

It seems that there is something inside.

"Hey, what is Master holding in his hand?"

Li Yongjin's curiosity arose, and he felt that this should be a relic left to him by the Master.

The whole process was very difficult.

It took a lot of effort, and even mobilized a lot of power from heaven and earth, before Li Yongjin let go of Wang Mo's tight grip.

See what the Master is holding.

Li Yongjin's indifferent state of mind finally stirred up thousands of waves.

I saw Wang Mo's palm.

Lying down in one piece,

longevity lock!


Xuan Jiuzhou.

Qingshan sect.

After receiving the news, Sect Leader Wang Moran finally announced the opening of the sect!

As soon as the sect was opened, he ordered a collective cleaning, and swept the Sect up and down to be spotless, so as to sweep the couch and welcome them.

Because, that legendary junior brother is coming back!

Also, the equally legendary Uncle Wang is going home too!

The joy and excitement brought to everyone by the return of the two legends of Deadwood Peak is indescribable.

At the gate of the mountain, Wang Moran kept pacing excitedly.

He never thought that in just a short period of ten years, that Junior Brother Li would grow to such a level.

From a new cultivator to a powerful Power in the mainland.

Such a terrifying progress makes people wonder whether he is the reincarnation of Power?

How do you go out for a trip?

Did you find the tuba?

"Sure enough, Uncle Mo won't be fooled."

"Junior brother Li Yongjin has the appearance of a fairy, there is no doubt about it!"

When Wang Moran thought of Wang Mo's boasting before, he wanted to laugh a little.

Smiling and laughing, he was squinted by the sand.

I saw outside the mountain gate,

A young man carried a golden Buddha on his back and stepped up the stone steps of the mountain gate step by step.

Behind the boy is a huge black turtle.

Xuangui squinted his eyes, exuding a terrifying aura that could destroy continents.

They are back!

"Young Sect Leader, the leader of Deadwood Peak, Wang Mo, is back, requesting to climb the mountain!"

"Li Yongjin, the current chief disciple of Deadwood Peak, is back, asking to climb the mountain!"

"Young Sect Leader, the leader of Deadwood Peak, Wang Mo, is back, requesting to climb the mountain!"

"Li Yongjin, the current chief disciple of Deadwood Peak, is back, asking to climb the mountain!"


Li Yongjin shouted when he saw Wang Moran.

Called several times in a row.

Let everyone know.

At first, there were only a few Elders waiting at the mountain gate.

Later, Sect was crowded with people, so lively.

"Okay... ok ok, ok."

The old Sect Leader Hu Qingshan turned around and secretly wiped his tears with his big sleeve.

Young Sect Leader Wang Moran smiled, nodded and responded loudly: "The 172nd generation Sect Leader of the Qingshan Sect, Wang Moran, is allowed to climb the mountain!"

In the eyes of countless boys and girls, this scene seemed so romantic and touching.

They all had tears in their eyes.

He kept yelling: Welcome Brother Li and Uncle Wang, come home.

At the scene, a little girl took out a photo stone and secretly took pictures of this scene.

in the screen,

The three generations above and below the mountain gate represent the inheritance and teachings of the Qingshan sect.

Castle Peak does not change,

Green water flows.


Master Wang Mo's body is engraved with runes and strange words.

Li Yongjin didn't know what it was, and no one in Qingshan Sect knew.

But everyone believed that Wang Mo would not do meaningless things.

The above symbol must have its extraordinary meaning.

So, the young Sect Leader and the old Sect Leader went into the ancestral land hand in hand to check the ancient books to see if they could find any clues.

Li Yongjin took the Longevity Lock and spent all day researching on Deadwood Peak.

It seems that this is just an ordinary lock.

But Wang Mo held it in the palm of his hand, but he refused to let go.

"Squeak, stunned!"

Daxueping, Li Yongjin suddenly heard a faint cry.

He turned around immediately and saw a snow-white figure.

It's Xiaobai!

But how is it possible?

Xiaobai, aren't you in Minor World?

In an instant, that snow-white figure threw himself into his arms.

Li Yongjin was shocked all over, and it took a long time before he smiled leisurely: "Xiaobai, don't come here without any problems!"


After half a year, the two Sect Leaders finally deciphered the secret of Wang Mo.

That was the ancient Xuanwen of the Qingshan Sect, which was recorded in the ancient books of the Qingshan Sect's Daozong.

The content recorded in it is the real Green Mountain Longevity Technique.

That is to say, the orthodox inheritance that was lost in the Devil's Cave, Wang Mo finally got it back by owning it.

On his deathbed, Wang Mo endured inhuman pain and forcibly branded it on himself.

Hu Qingshan sighed, suppressed his excitement and said:

"He finally left you a piece of land. It's right in the heart, and the words he left for Qingshanzong and you are all engraved on his heart..."

"last of the last."

"On the tip of his heart he carved..."

"not bad!"

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