"my story?"

Li Yongjin laughed in surprise when he heard the words, and asked half-jokingly, "Do you have a knife?"

Suddenly, he felt a little outrageous.

Could it be that he didn't know his story?

Could it be that Taoyao was telling a story about him?

That must be listened to.

It's about me after all.

"Knife, what do you mean?"

Tao Yao was very puzzled and tilted the branch.

"It's just for you to come here suddenly. It doesn't hurt at first, and you even want to laugh a little."

"But it's the time when the mountain wind blows across the wild; the world is getting late, and the mountains and rivers are already autumn."

"You'll find out..."

Li Yongjin grinned: "That's so fucking painful, it hurts like a dead horse!"

When Tao Yao heard the words, she also grinned at the roots.

It hurts like a dead horse, it really hurts.

I think when its roots broke, it cried for three days.

And if Grandmother died, then it would probably be heartbroken, right?

"It hurts, are you still listening?"

Tao Yao blinked her big eyes, and decided to seek the opinion of the person concerned.

"How painful is it, is it really that exaggerated?"

Li Yongjin didn't believe it.

When the senior sister left, he was very calm, even without waves.

He felt that his ability to resist pressure must have been developed.

And he has already experienced three lifetimes in the Minor World, just short of killing a pig for decades.

What outrageous story with twists and turns I haven't heard?

My heart is already as cold as the sea!

There should be nothing else that can touch my heart.


Pat, clack.

Bean-sized teardrops slipped down uncontrollably.

What Taoyao had hidden and forgotten was still found by Xiaobai.

Another basket full of old things.

Li Yongjin looked at the exquisitely packaged sheepskin picture scroll in his arms, and felt that today's wind... was extraordinarily salty.

Zhou Suzhen is good at fine brushwork, he really doesn't know this.

At this moment, he was suddenly startled.

No wonder when he went to see his senior sister in the past, he would always see his senior sister putting away some things in a hurry.

At first he didn't doubt it at all, but now the more he thinks about it, the weirder it becomes.

Now it seems that the senior sister was secretly painting at that time.

It's just because I'm afraid that I will be ruined with the salted fish.

So he hid his own hobbies very well and never let Li Yongjin find out.

In case of time, I have to learn from others, and it is too late to practice swords.

After going down the mountain, the senior sister probably gave up this hobby completely.

In the picture scroll.

Almost every moment of Li Yongjin in the Green Mountain Sect was recorded.

There was a scene where he beat Zhang Dongxi violently, and when he returned from victory, he deliberately smeared a lot of dust on his face, making him extremely embarrassed.

However, there was no scar on his body.

He was embarrassed, but with a smug smile on his face.

There is also the scene of him looking back and smiling while wearing an entry robe at the apprenticeship ceremony.

There is also a scene where Master Wang Mo is holding his arm, and the two of them are sitting on the top of the peak and drinking and having a good time.

There was even a junior brother who took his hand.

Pointing down the mountain, he said that he was going to be a hero and wander around Tianya.

And that day, they urgently assembled a team to slay demons and slay demons, and everyone remembered the scene of going out and swearing to death.


Scenes are extremely vivid.

Like a slide show, it circulates in front of Li Yongjin in a flash.

Every painting allows Li Yongjin to recall every detail of the original.

To this day, it is still vivid.

I have to say that Zhou Suzhen's skills are really good.

With just a few strokes, everyone's charm is outlined.

Add some dyes, spread a little cinnabar, and the gorgeous colors will appear on the paper.

It turns out that the senior sister also has her own specialties and hobbies in addition to the boring practice.

Everyone has their own life behind them.

Maybe it's because it's not enough knife.

Standing by the side, You Taoyao unfolded the envelope and began to read it emotionally:

"Junior brother, my love for your book is hard to overcome, so I drew it."

"I hope that if you think of me in the future, you will still have a thought..."

Every year the senior sister was at the foot of the mountain, she wrote a letter to Li Yongjin.

Sending it to Xiao Taojing was considered the most beautiful promise in the world.

Love rises with the wind, and the wind stops the meaning.

Zhou Suzhen's love for Li Yongjin is deep and vivid.

Finally, Li Yongjin couldn't hold back anymore.

He cried out.

This was the first time he burst into tears when he came here.

This time, he was teary-eyed, as if he had lost the most important thing.

Seeing this, Tao Yao panicked.

It is a crybaby itself, so naturally it is not very good at comforting people.

"Don't cry, don't cry, sister Zhou can't come back."

This is great, I can't stop it.


Li Yongjin cried out his tears and stood up.

The dead are dead, the living should work hard.

From the words left by his senior sister, he understood.

The person everyone cares about the most is actually the youngest junior brother of Deadwood Peak——Wang Xiaoyao.

Even in the letter to Li Yongjin, the senior sister mentioned Wang Xiaoyao more than once.

In the letter, the senior sister kept reassuring Li Yongjin to be more open.

What happened to the junior brother was not Li Yongjin's fault.

It's like the child's nickname, not bad!

Not bad, not bad for anyone.

Can't rely on anyone.

When Wang Mo got this nickname, he might have glimpsed the future.

In fact, the Master once told her that this child must not be allowed to know about own's background.

Even Li Yongjin didn't know about this.

However, no one knows exactly how Wang Xiaoyao learned the truth.

He wanted to go down the mountain so abruptly, looking for a relative who no longer existed.

Anyway, Wang Xiaoyao is no longer here.

Li Yongjin clearly saw it with his own eyes, and the Master went up the mountain with the body of his junior brother in his arms.

This is something that everyone can see, and half of it can't be faked.

So it's useless to think too much now.

Thinking of this, Li Yongjin took out a longevity lock from his bosom.

He studied this thing for a long time, but he didn't have a clue after all.

Perhaps, he was thinking too much.

This is an ordinary thing, Wang Mote went down the mountain to ask for it.

It doesn't have any deep meaning to bless the little junior brother to be free from illness and disaster in his life.

So, he sighed and said: "Now the master's body has entered the ancestral hall of Qingshan, and he has turned his back to everyone for people to look up to. I still, it is inconvenient to disturb his old man..."

"Forget it, let this thing be buried in the Valley of Hundred Flowers."

"It's good to have a thought about letting the senior sister bring the junior brother."

At this moment, Tao Yao raised her head.

It sucked the transformed nose, and suddenly said: "What are you, I can feel a...very familiar smell from it!"

Familiar taste?

Li Yongjin swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Are you sure it's not rust?

The next moment, it suddenly shouted: "Ah, yes, yes, I remembered. It is exactly the same long-lasting breath as my grandmother, whom I haven't seen for a long time."

"Your grandmother?"

Li Yongjin asked: "What kind of strange thing is that?"

"She, she is amazing."

Tao Yao immediately became proud: "She is from Canggu, has been stationed until now, and has the ability of Tongtian!"

The tone and attitude are extremely admirable.

It seems to be a believer in the world, promoting a god!

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