In the days that followed, it was peaceful and serene.

Spring has passed and autumn has come, and several years have passed.

Li Yongjin is thoroughly familiar with the operation of Sect, and has returned to the bad performance of the past.

How do you say that?

you don't work hard,

No one knows how comfortable be lazy is!

I'm lying down, how about you?

In the past few years, his life span has only increased by a thousand years.

It can be seen from this that the degree of saltiness and rottenness.

But now he is the leader of the new class of disciples, and he is the veritable newcomer king of Sect.

However, there were no Elders or elders who raised any objections to this.

Because when they were Li Yongjin's age, they were far inferior to him.

After Wang Mo sobered up, he would occasionally ask about his cultivation.

Whenever Wang Mo asks, Li Yongjin will always say that he is brewing and accumulating.

Foundation Establishment is a major event and should be done step by step.

In short, it's pendulum!

When Wang Mo heard this, he narrowed his eyes and said, "That's good."

It really makes sense, he was afraid that Li Yongjin would progress too fast and provoke Hearts Demon.

But sometimes, because it's too ostentatious.

Li Yongjin will spur himself.

"Yongjin, Yongjin, you should work hard."

"How can young heroism be slack? You should work hard!"

So, he worked hard.

A morning passed, and he returned to the bland Sage Realm.

"Hey, I'm so strong, and I still work so hard..."

"Isn't it too much to kill?"

So, he decided to stay where he was.

Wait a minute, the senior sister who is still chasing after.

"Senior Sister Ah Zhen, are there so many again today?"

Li Yongjin is lying on his side basking in the sun.

Looking at the basket in Zhou Suzhen's hand, she frowned.

No need to think about it, the basket is full of love letters from new female disciples.

Once every ten years, the Qingshan Sect will hold a grand disciple acceptance meeting.

Recruit disciples from various forces in Dayu.

Last year, they selected more than a hundred new disciples, of whom only thirty-seven were girls.

After getting started, the legend of Li Yongjin spread everywhere in Sect.

In addition to the Apprenticeship Conference, Li Yongjin presided over it as a representative of the new disciples.

His handsome and handsome image has captured the hearts of all the Great Master sisters and sisters.

Therefore, most of Li Yongjin's love letters are exactly thirty-seven.

It's just that sometimes, there will be an extra letter.

They euphemistically call it War Posts.

But the words are ambiguous, and the words are a little girl.

Where did Li Yongjin see these?

Seeing him blushing and heart beating, he simply stopped watching later.

Disturb my Dao heart, disturb my cultivation.

Just get together and wait until it's almost a fire.

Although it caused pollution, it gained cleanliness.

Do not know why.

A senior sister who is a vegetarian on weekdays and has always advocated environmental protection.

It didn't even stop Li Yongjin's behavior.

"Hey... that's right, junior brother, you are now the Ruyi Scepter in the hearts of thousands of girls."

She half-jokingly said, "Aren't you really going to take a look at how you plan to deal with this time?"

Hearing this, Li Yongjin stood up.

With a blank expression on his face, he walked straight towards Zhou Suzhen.

When they got close, the tip of their nose was almost to the tip of their nose.

At this moment, time seemed to stand still again.

At this time, Li Yongjin was eighteen years old.

A little immaturity faded from his face, and a little bit of determination was added.

As an adult, his height soared, surpassing Zhou Suzhen.

More than half a head more than her.


Li Yongjin grabbed the bamboo basket in her hand and threw it aside.

"dont see!"

It's easy to dream when you watch too much.

The Pink Skull is, after all, an imperfect dream.

Li Yongjin felt that he should not be contaminated.

Seeing his actions like this, Zhou Suzhen shook her head and turned around.

There was a sense of loss in his expression.

This batch of letters is another thirty-eight letters.


Just when the mountain wind blows across the fields, the world is late, and the mountains and rivers are already autumn.

Leisurely, Nanshan can be remembered,

Another five or six years passed.

Li Yongjin put on a red dress and tied the scarlet headband on his forehead.

This is the entry-level robe for ten years, sent by the Sect Leader.

It's a coincidence.

When the robes arrived, Li Yongjin completed the Foundation Establishment smoothly.

Ten years of accumulation made his Foundation Establishment as simple as drinking water.

Such a ceremonial robe can be regarded as a double happiness that is very suitable for the occasion.

"Little brother!"

Someone called him.

Turning around, Li Yongjin was in a daze.

In the blink of an eye, this is already the tenth year since I came to the Green Mountain Sect.

The person who came was Senior Sister Zhou Suzhen.

Zhou Suzhen, who is nearly 30 years old, seems to be young forever, and she is still the beauty in Li Yongjin's memory.

Ten years have not left any marks on her face.

Years, never defeated beauty!

Li Yongjin was moved with emotion in his heart.

He touched his nose, feeling strange.

Strange, why have I been so sad recently?

Could it be, are you getting old?

However, when Li Yongjin saw the bamboo basket, he frowned again.

here we go again?

It is said that the freshness of adolescent girls comes and goes quickly.

After continuing to send letters to no avail, most of them have long since given up.

But there are still one or two wolf warriors who have continued silently until now.

Stand out from a bunch of licking dogs.

Let Li Yongjin very helpless.

This should be the so-called habit.

Wait until Zhou Suzhen approaches.

Li Yongjin snatched the letter from it and threw it down the mountain.

With the Magic power of the Foundation Establishment period, the letter disappeared in an instant.

Go to your battle post!

"Hey, junior brother, don't!"

Zhou Suzhen exclaimed and sighed:

"That's the Master's letter, it's the Master's letter!"

Afterwards, Li Yongjin looked at the empty letter basket and asked doubtfully, "Ah, what about mine?"


Zhou Suzhen shook her head: "No, there is no one for you."

Hearing this, Li Yongjin looked up to the sky and laughed.

I almost burst into tears from laughter.

"The letter... is gone! That's great, my lord, I finally killed those licking dogs!"

"Go to your apprentice acceptance ceremony, I won't preside over anything in the future."


Zhou Suzhen smiled very reluctantly when she heard this.

She pressed the bottom compartment of the bamboo basket tightly with her hands, pursed her lips and didn't know what to think.

Junior brother, actually... I lied.


After a lot of effort, Li Yongjin finally found the letter.

The Master's letter is as light as a feather.

But Li Yongjin felt that holding it in Wang Mo's hand seemed heavy.

I don't know if it's an illusion.

After receiving the letter, Wang Mo closed Door Training for three days.

During the Closed Door Training, Li Yongjin's five senses were supernatural.

So he could always hear the occasional sobs and laughter coming from the Great Hall.

Three days later, Wang Mo went down the mountain.

The huge Deadwood Peak was handed over to Senior Sister Zhou Suzhen to take care of it.

Seeing that she was busy with affairs, Li Yongjin was deeply ashamed of her poor performance.

He also went to help her with some trivial matters.

The two of them worked together, and the time passed quickly.

March passed, and the spring breeze picked up.

The ancient well in Deadwood Peak, which was originally peaceful, has also seen many waves.

Wang Mo came back with a baby in his arms.

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