The Fountain of Youth is extremely secretive.

It is the unknown place in this world.

If its existence can be traced back to the source, it is farther than Canggu.

According to legend, it was recorded in the ancient times.

It's just that even the Canggu vines are not sure about the age of the ancient times.

after all.

An era farther than Canggu is called Taikoo.

Immemorial is the most distant era known to the creatures of heaven and earth!

In the ancient times, the heaven and the earth were full of primitive creatures.

As the first batch of creatures between heaven and earth.

Their strength and origin are beyond imagination.

How can it be known about ancient spirits?

Regarding this, Nian Jin could only say: "I can't determine the exact location of the Fountain of Youth, but I am sure there is a place where I must know information about the Fountain of Youth."

"Sacred Profound Continent, soar the Sacred Land!"

"It is the center of the entire world, and it is also the largest Sect in the world, the highest Sacred Land in the minds of cultivators in the world. It originated from the end of ancient times and the beginning of ancient times, and it is quite impressive."

"And there are also the most ancient books in the world preserved there, and there are also unnamed heavenly books from the ancient times..."

"If you go there, you will gain something."



Li Yongjin's next destination is Fuyao Sacred Land.

That cultivator all over the world yearns for a place.

Anyway, his life has no end, and any place can be used as a temporary stop.

Think of it as a new journey and start again.

Walking on the road, this past year.

Time on the turtle's back always passed extremely slowly.

It seems that such a thing as time cannot be effective in the tortoise.

In the blink of an eye, another three years have passed.

Taoyao grew more luxuriantly, and Xiaobai became fatter and stronger.

Only the tortoise, seems to have never changed!

In the past three years, although the tortoise walked slowly, it never stopped.

This is also the reason why Li Yongjin has always been obsessed with riding a turtle.

Because the tortoise is brainy enough to go wherever it says.

As long as you don't reach your destination, you will never stop, and you won't be bad at all!

In this way, it will give him a feeling of persevering and accumulating steps to travel thousands of miles.

It seems that with such perseverance, anything can be accomplished.

In other words, it is to enhance the success rate of each action.

It's a mystery.

But in fact, metaphysics is not so unreliable.

After all, most of the Taoism he practiced is also related to metaphysics.

If I really want to say it, the so-called cultivating the Tao and seeking longevity...

It is the greatest metaphysics in the world!

But don’t all the cultivators in the world go after it?


They set off from Xuan Jiuzhou and came to the border.

The sky is in trouble.

Disha Town.

Here, the Killing intent is full.

The four ways of demons, demons, ghosts, and evils continue here and there.

At the same time, this is also the largest human border gate in Misty Continent.

Every moment, righteous cultivators from all over the world come to support us.

Around town, as long as you look up.

Everywhere you can see the Sword Ray soaring into the sky, and those exciting shouts.

"For the sake of the human race, go!"

"My cultivator, why bother fighting?"

"It's over, fight with them!"

"This sword of mine should be burned to own everything. May the human race have no worries after this sword passes."


They are a group of the most sincere people, but also a group of the most fanatical people.

In order to protect the hinterland of the human race from evil spirits, they fought one after another.

Their stories are full of songs and tears, sad and lamentable.

I can't finish talking in three days and three nights...

It can be said that there are too many books to write.

Then simply.

Stop talking?


This time the protagonist of our story is not in this group of people.



Thousands of diabolos played, forming the most chaotic movement in the world.

"Hey, I said have you knocked enough?"

Sitting on the back of the turtle, Li Yongjin helplessly looked down at a "beggar" dressed in dark, and cursed angrily, "Knock knock knock all day long, are you knocking your mother's head?"

The beggar he was talking about was carrying a group of dolls who were also down and out.

They followed Li Yongjin unhurriedly, holding a bamboo pole and knocking on it continuously along the way.

Dang Dang Dang Dang.

Let Li Yongjin upset.

At first, he felt that the other party was just passing by.

And I am also on my way, so I won't say much.

Save yourself trouble.

We are all on the road, why bother to embarrass each other?

As a result, this guy seemed to be staring at himself.

No matter how slowly Turtle walked, he just followed at such a leisurely pace.

From morning to night, very bold.

In fact, beggars don't dress in rags.

He's just a little offbeat and acts like a beggar.

This man was tall and burly, nearly two meters tall, wearing a black coat composed of countless night crow feathers.

Under the moonlight, it exudes oily brilliance.

The whole person is short of a crow mask, and he can slay the night bird man.

The group of children behind them followed silently along the way.

It's not noisy, just follow along.

No matter how far the journey is, I don't cry at all.

To be honest, if it weren't for these kids.

Li Yongjin had already started.

Tell me about you, are you okay?

"Hey, it's fine if you don't knock. Children, take it!"

He gave an order, and all the children were forbidden.

For a while, the world was quiet.

"I've said it before, meeting is fate, give me money!"

Afterwards, the other party also had a rather not wanting face, as if it was a matter of course.

Don't care about what you say, how annoying it is.

Yes, that's right.

Along the way, Li Yongjin heard these two words the most.

Make money!

Finally, Li Yongjin couldn't help asking: "Why do you have such a not wanting face, who did you learn from?"

"Hey, as an evil cultivator, do you need any principles?"

The other party was quite proud, smiling and showing a mouthful of yellowed teeth.

Now, Li Yongjin really couldn't hold back anymore.

Evil cultivator?

How dare you call yourself an evil cultivator?

I feel ashamed for you bro.

"I didn't expect that you evil cultivators still have this business, tsk tsk."

Li Yongjin clicked his tongue, and Taoyao and Xiaobai laughed along the way.

Taoyao's flower branches trembled wildly, and Xiaobai's belly danced wildly.

Ding Cangtian was a little more stable, and grinned.

At this pass, I met an evil cultivator.

It's actually very, very normal.

But it's really not easy to meet such a wonderful thing.

Sure enough, the forest is so big that there are all kinds of birds.

Seeing the other party despise him so much, Xie Xiu was finally annoyed.

He squeezed his facial features and made a hideous look.

Then, Jie Jie said with a sly smile: "That's right, daddy is the famous evil cultivator who ranks 10,086 on the evil cultivator list, Feng Ruyi Scepter!"

"Laugh, the happier you laugh, the more delicious it will be when I serve wine with your skulls."

"I still remember that night, my hands were covered with blood..."

"That's the Jingguan of a family of thousands of people. I like the way each of them stares angrily."

"Tsk tsk, so wonderful!"



Hear here.

Li Yongjin smiled and smiled, and suddenly stopped smiling.

The smile gradually froze.

Isn't this man a funny beggar?

He has read all over thaumaturgy and has a certain understanding of psychology.

And according to his observation...

What this person said seems to be true!

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