In front of Li Yongjin, the situation of the Wang family...

not good!

Originally, the Wang family should be in full swing.

Above the Qi number Golden Dragon, it was continuously eroded by more than a dozen different odd numbers.

Seeing it, the aura that was so prosperous to the extreme is constantly declining.

But the Wang family knew nothing about all this.

It can be seen from this that the opponent's methods are clever and vicious.

Seeing this, Li Yongjin knew he had come to the right place.

Wang Xiaoyao's abnormal behavior is inseparable from these anomalies.

If you want to save the life of the junior brother, you must first solve these anomalies.

After that, he didn't hesitate any more.

He directly broke into the Wang family compound and came to the hall of the main courtyard.

It's a coincidence that Tathagata came early.

At this time, the powerful and status elders of the royal family gathered together.

They got together and were having a family meeting.

Everyone was stunned by Li Yongjin's intrusion.

No, who is this?

Just ignore all the formations of their Wang family and walk in swaggeringly?

Everyone felt dazed for a while, and some even rubbed their eyes.

Well, it's true.

"Who are you and why did you come to my Wang family's residence?"

There was a strong man who made a loud noise.

After he finished speaking, he stood up, and the scene was suddenly tense.

You know, this is a secret meeting of the family, and every decision is a family secret.

A stranger broke in suddenly, no matter how you look at it, you feel something is wrong, right?

Facing the tense Wang family,

Li Yongjin smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and pressed down to signal them to relax:

"You don't need to know who I am, you won't know me anyway."

"You just need to know that I am from the future."

"In general, I should be here to help you!"

These words were originally intended to adjust the atmosphere.

However, Li Yongjin didn't expect that after he explained what he said.

Everyone stood up, and streaks of golden light began to flicker all over their bodies.

The golden light flickered one after another, just like walking into a Buddhist temple.

Of course, there are also a few people who don't shine.

Phantoms of different weapons appeared above their heads, and complex and mysterious runes of soul imprints were flying around.

It seemed that he planned to do it in the next second.

Seeing this, Li Yongjin could only sigh briefly.

Found it, the reason for the fall of the Canggu royal family was found!

Just such a group of stunned youths who don't distinguish between enemies and friends, it makes sense for you to disappear.


the other side.

The flowers of the other shore in the netherworld are blooming beautifully.

From time to time, there was a strange cry, faintly coming from the bud.

Just like a seductive devil plant, it can absorb people's soul just by looking at it, and it can break people's soul just by listening to it.

Make it fall into the River Styx and never enter Samsara.


In the distance, a strange vortex fluctuated.

Ripples came from the vortex light curtain,

In the endless river of Styx, unexpectedly there was a strange woman walking upstream by stepping on the water.

The woman was wearing a purple dress, holding a beautifully decorated scroll in her hand.

And the Karma, Fate and Samsara breath in the River Styx are completely repelled by her, and she cannot get close to her at all.

If the Lord of the Styx is still there at this time, he will definitely cry out in surprise, frightened to the point of splitting his soul.

He is here!

Why did that existence suddenly come over without saying hello?

It was extremely negligent and blasphemous, and I don't know if it would make Him angry.

However, all of this happened quietly.

No existence can know of His coming.

He didn't seem to want to disturb anyone, but just walked through this section of the Styx leisurely.

After a while, it disappeared into the endless yellow river.

Do not take a single cloud with you.



The turbid world suddenly became turbulent.

The extremely powerful breath condensed, and a purple figure descended!


Above the sky, Jinglei was born.

Then he raised his head slightly, just a look.

Above the sky, the continuously condensed thundercloud unexpectedly shattered in an instant.

Dissipates into the tiniest particles, and finally dissolves into nothingness.


He seemed bored and lowered his head.

The surroundings began to collapse inch by inch.

Crash, then condense.

And so on and on.

His arrival unexpectedly made this world unable to bear its majesty.

Fortunately, he didn't want this world to be destroyed. Wherever the purple clothes went, there would be trails of purple air.

Where there is purple air, endless vitality is growing.

Constantly repair the broken world.

In this peculiar process, amid endless fragmentation, more mysterious and mysterious substances were born.

As he walked, he came to a valley.

Coming here, He finally stood still.

With his hands raised high, an endless curtain of purple light enveloped the entire valley.

A seed slipped from his cuff and fell into a sun-filled crevice.

In that gap, the seed begins to germinate.

A light blue vine spit out new shoots in a blink of an eye, and continued to extend upwards.

Not long after, a third eye lit up between His brows.

Yoyo's voice came from the third eye.

"Is it really worth doing this?"

is asking questions.

"Value? No, we can't use this word to describe each other."

He finally opened his mouth and replied disdainfully: "This is a critical moment, Karma, fate and odd numbers that he can't resist, Lonely will solve it for him!"

"But if you do this, aren't you afraid...?"

"Afraid? Hahaha, have I ever been afraid in my life? Let them come anyway, block alone, back half step and I will lose!"

"Domineering enough, arrogant enough! Who in the world wears purple clothes? It's you, Emperor!"

Three Eyes seemed to be convinced, and sighed leisurely: "Don't be afraid of everything, and be unknown, I hope he can understand your dedication as soon as possible."

He laughed again: "Since I made a move, I never cared whether he would understand or not. Looking back on my lonely life, isn't it just chasing after me all the time?"

As he said that, his smile dimmed: "It's just that he never caught up with him. Gu has been following him all the time, solving some small troubles for him, isn't it okay?"

"But Gu won't give up,"

"Definitely not!"

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