
The entire Tianya Mountain was in turmoil.

The next moment, Tianya cut off.

Tianzhu toppled.

At the same time, dozens of life cards in the ancestral lands of the twelve families all shattered.

Seeing this, everyone from the twelve families turned pale instantly.

"It's over, the ancestors have failed!"

"Hahaha, let's start the last plan."

"Since you can't stay, then take everything away!"

"Yeah, destroy them all hahaha!"


At this moment, the Canggu Twelve Giant Clans went crazy collectively.

Among them, the first to bear the brunt is the Wang family who they hate penetrates the bone.

It's a pity that the current Wang family knew about their plot in advance.

The madness of the twelve families had been expected.

The masters of their clan gathered together, and the indestructible golden body formed a high wall that was as strong as gold.

For the survival of the family, everyone did their best.

However, the Twelve Families who fell into madness swarmed like locusts fearless of death.

Along the way, even more violent aura raged, directly crushing all the weak creatures around.

Wherever he went, it could be said that there was no grass growing.

The Wang family was also very shocked by this.

"The twelve giants are all crazy!"

"Crazy, what the hell is a bunch of lunatics!"

"Damn it, this dying counterattack is even more violent than we imagined."

"Ahem, I can't hold it anymore, everyone, let's take a step first."


Even if they were prepared, they still underestimated the giants who had the will to die.

In this regard, the Wang family complained endlessly.

This fierce battle lasted for thirty-six years.

During these thirty-six years, members of the Twelve Giant Clans suffered heavy casualties.

After all, they were exhausted and lost the protection of the most powerful ancestors in the clan.

But looking back at the Wang family, it's not much better.

In the beginning, everyone in the Wang family had their eyes above the top.

Even if they knew about the conspiracy of the Twelve Giant Clans, they didn't take them to heart.

I think it's just their dying struggle, and I also feel that this battle will end soon.

After all, no matter what, they are protected by that extremely powerful mysterious person.

Once in an impasse, they all think that mysterious people will help.

However, no.

That mysterious person has completely disappeared since the Tianya Mountain battle.

Since then, there has never been a legend about him on Rivers and Lakes.

Everyone agreed that that person should be on Mount Tianya.

With the Twelve Giant Clans, they all died together.

As a result, this battle has been fought for more than thirty years,

It's not completely over yet.

The mountains and rivers are broken, the wind blows catkins, the sky and the earth are ups and downs, and the world is flat.

this battle,

The Shengxuan Continent and the Misty Continent were getting farther and farther away, and the Wang family was almost wiped out!

From this moment on, the Wang family also fell into a critical moment of life and death.

In order to preserve the kindling of the tribe.

The patriarch of the Wang family consumed most of his origin and forcibly divided the mainstay of the Wang family into several parts.

Hidden in the souls of future generations, so as to inherit it.

In this way, as long as the blood of the Wang family is not extinct.

Then the orthodox inheritance of the Wang family will eventually recover.

In later generations, there will definitely be a moment when they will see the light of day again.

For this result, the patriarch of the Wang family firmly believed in it.

Because, he has already seen...


Driven by this behavior, the origin of the ancestor who was already seriously injured was exhausted.

In the end, he sat on the royal tower and left with a smile on his face.

Before leaving, he looked up to the sky and laughed three times.

Pointing to a piece of magic fog ahead, he laughed wildly and said:

"Old Immortals, you have lost!"

"Daddy's royal family outlives all of you."

"Now, if you know something under the spring, you might as well open your eyes and see!"

"Look at the one who has the last laugh, is it my Wang family's son?"


Misty Continent.

Xuan Jiuzhou.

A few extremely desolate teenagers and girls, with mournful expressions, walked in the wilderness in an extremely weak manner.

After walking a few steps, they couldn't help turning their heads and looking in the direction behind them.

When the nobles decline, they are not even as good as commoners.

But at any rate, the backers behind them gave everything they had.

Finally, they saved their lives.

"Come on, now is not the time to be nostalgic."

"Yes, Wang Qing, don't cry!"

"Save your energy, we will go back sooner or later."

"Yeah, go back sooner or later!"

They cheer each other on.

As soon as he looked up, he saw a green mountain so high that the top could not be seen.

Above the green hills, clouds and smoke linger around.

There are also high-rise Great Hall and Xiaoqiao people.

"Look, there is a foothold there."

The girl pointed forward in surprise.

Along the way, they kept a low profile and did not dare to reveal their identities at all.

So along the way, I didn't see any Sect forces, and I never stopped.

It should be safe now, and I feel relieved when I see the Sect in front of me.

Before sending them away, the ancestor of the family asked earnestly:

"This trip is high and the road is long, you must be careful, everything is to save your life."

"No matter what, as long as there is life, there is hope."


Survival is now their only hope.

For this goal, the whole family blocked Canggu's catastrophe for them.

So no matter what, they must live well.

In order to live up to the expectations of the ancestors.

"Forget it, it's not clear what's going on."

A steady-looking teenager said, "Let's take a detour and find a safe place to settle down."

Right now, the family revival plan is imminent.

The most urgent task is to find a place where you can slowly map it.

It's just that the world is so big that there is nowhere to call home.

So everyone reached a consensus and prepared to bypass this strange Sect and continue on their way.

They walked along the small town next to them, passing through the path.

But at the end of the road, an old man in green clothes stood with his hands behind his back.

He turned his back to everyone, standing there like an eternal Cangshan.

It seems, has been waiting for a long time.

Seeing the old man, everyone in the Wang family became vigilant.

An ominous premonition welled up in everyone's heart, and they couldn't figure out this mysterious old man.

Could it be that their enemies are catching up?

However, this is impossible.

The ancestors of their family have already paved the way for them, so it stands to reason that it is unlikely that anyone will find their whereabouts.

As a result, the old man in front turned around and opened his arms to them:

"My juniors, I see that each of you is extraordinary and possesses extraordinary resources."

"Currently, my Qingshan Sect is recruiting more disciples. Are you interested in joining our Qingshan Sect and carrying out our Qingshan Sect's revival plan together?"

Hearing this, they breathed a sigh of relief.

On the old man, they did not feel that hostility.

So, did you come to block the way to accept disciples?

Hearing the words, the stable young man in the lead murmured, "What's the benefit of joining your Green Mountain Sect?"

"The good thing..."

The old man struggled and began to fold his arms and think.

After a while, he figured it out.

Then, he laughed loudly: "The advantage is that we can live a long time, to the end of the world."

"After all, the end of Tianya is the green hills."

Tianya's end,

It's Qingshan.

The children of the Wang family were all touched, and they looked at the leader Dage one by one.

Only then did Wang Dage make up his mind: "What a Tianya end, can you really take us to the end?"

"of course."

"The green hills remain unchanged, and the green waters flow forever."

The old man smiled very proudly: "Trust me, this will be the most correct decision for you."

After all, the Green Mountain Sect.

Don't dare to say anything else.

In terms of longevity, it has always been the best in the contemporary era.

"Okay, we agreed."

The boys and girls looked at each other and nodded.

Under the setting sun, the old man led a group of young people up the mountain.

The sunlight stretches their backs very long,

Fly away with the lens.

At the end of Tianya, stands a verdant Cangshan Mountain.

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