I Will Never Die, You Can Do Whatever You Want!

Chapter 99 World Collapse, Samsara Node

All eyes are full of Samsara.

Seeing through the truth of Samsara, Li Yongjin suddenly felt that sometimes knowing too much is not a good thing.

As it is now, he is almost completely hopeless.

For the struggle of own, I just find it extremely ridiculous.

But it's all here, if you don't try first hand.

Li Yongjin also felt something was wrong.

"Then try your luck..."

"Maybe at the end of the world, they're still waiting for me to come home."

With this in mind.

Li Yongjin re-enters Samsara.

This time, he didn't go back to the past far away.

Instead, try again and again to enter the time and space of the real world.

Trying to find the one he is most familiar with.

However, wanting to find a predetermined result among nine thousand billion possibilities.

Easier said than done?

The final result can only be a mess.

Time jumps, time passes.

In trying again and again, Li Yongjin experienced what it means to fail.

At this time, the incomparable frustration made his face covered with dust.

He gradually lost himself.

I don't even know why I insist on it.

What's the point of such persistence?

And during these attempts again and again, Wang Xiaoyao has been by his side, almost inseparable.

After repeated failures, Wang Xiaoyao's situation continued to deteriorate.

This has led to Wang Xiaoyao's current mental state, which is very bad.

He would have seizures from time to time, like convulsions.

Mental age also varies from time to time, which is unpredictable.

At this time, Li Yongjin also understood.

It turned out that the process of Samsara was a kind of consumption and torture for Wang Xiaoyao's spirit.

Finally, he stopped this senseless act of self-mutilation.

Because if this continues, the little junior brother may also disappear in his life.

At that time, everything between heaven and earth loses its meaning.

Li Yongjin felt that he would also become a walking dead.

I can't count how many times.

Every time the world is the same.

But it was not the world Li Yongjin was familiar with.

By the time they came out from Samsara, Li Yongjin was already graying.

His face is full of stories and vicissitudes.

Between the hair, there are also a few strands of white strands.

He changed his previous appearance and became a middle-aged man with an unshaven beard.

In the process, Li Yongjin gradually understood.

Immortality does not mean immortality.

It turns out that his appearance will undergo some natural changes as his mood changes.

If he always maintains a youthful mentality, he will naturally be radiant.

But he is lifeless all day long, and his physical appearance will gradually be reflected.

But this does not affect his strength.

And Wang Xiaoyao was tortured until he lost himself.

In his current day, he is in a daze all day long, and the time for sobriety is running out.

But still alive, not dead yet.

Seeing this scene, Li Yongjin couldn't help but patted him on the shoulder: "Little brother, you have suffered after following me all these years."

what a pity.

As a senior brother, I really tried my best.

He really couldn't get back the world and environment that made the younger brother feel familiar.

It can't do any good for the condition of the little junior.

"I can't go back, maybe there are no two identical world lines in this world!"

"We can only regret that once we miss it, it will be forever..."

Thinking of this, Li Yongjin sat down cross-legged with a wry smile.

Unless it is the God of Creation, then all wishes can come true.

Go back to where he wants to go.


God of Creation?

Suddenly, Li Yongjin thought of own Samsara Minor World.

His Samsara world is currently between fantasy and reality.

But all in all, it's fake.

However, how many people can be brought in.

If he is in his own world, he will completely reproduce the original world.

Could it be that it can also wake up the little junior brother.

Let the real Wang Xiaoyao come back?

Yes, this is so far.

The only way Li Yongjin thought of!

If this doesn't work, then he really has nothing to do.

No matter how strong he is, he can only watch the people around him disappear into nothingness.

However, it could also be yourself...

Not strong enough!

It is impossible to say a word, and the Tao and the law follow.

You can't do whatever you want, and you can't make everything change according to your own meaning.

Even, even the life and death of the people around me.

Can't control it!

At this moment, he felt very frustrated.

But what can I do?

Perhaps, this is life, and it is something that people must experience when they are born.

But the matter has come to this point, he is not reconciled to letting Li Yongjin soar.

I have made it here, maybe I am one step away from success, so how can I give up so easily?

"Okay, let's create another world."

"Create a real world where only Wang Xiaoyao is alone!"


Once such a crazy idea is born, it is as unstoppable as a raging fire.

For him who owns Samsara Minor World, perhaps this is not a difficult task.

Thinking this way, he started the first construction.

Samsara Minor World.

Looking at the nothingness around him, Li Yongjin folded his arms and began to think.

"Well, let's start with the Green Mountain Sect first."

"It should be quite simple..."

With a wave of his sleeve, the nothingness in front of him suddenly changed.

Like the boundless chaos, it was split open by someone.

Gradually, a touch of mountain blue appeared in the distance.

The sky is blue and hazy, but it gives people endless hope.

From scratch, this is a huge leap and progress.

Seeing this, Li Yongjin was overjoyed.

This is his first step in creating the world, and it really isn't as difficult as he imagined.

Next, just like playing minecraft.

Just keep going inside and fill in some details.

Immediately afterwards, a gray and misty green hill appeared.

At the foot of the green hill, a frontier town appeared.

Among the green hills, the small Sect is rapidly expanding and gradually condensing into a large scale.

It seems that all of these are developing in the direction Li Yongjin imagined.

In the process, his Heavenly Dao power is constantly being consumed.

This is nothing, the power of Heavenly Dao can come from Heavenly Dao after all, and it can be recovered every moment.

The most uncomfortable thing has to be the consumption of mind.

Such consumption is unbearable pain for the soul.

So every once in a while, Li Yongjin has to meditate and take a break.

I do not know how long it has been,

Xuan Jiuzhou has a basic prototype in his world.

Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar terrain, Li Yongjin was secretly satisfied.

"As expected of me, my hands-on ability is strong."

Not to mention, in the process.

Li Yongjin inexplicably found an illusion of playing "Minecraft" in his previous life.

And in his Samsara time, there is no concept of time.

In other words, Li Yongjin can stay as long as he wants.

Unless, he's bored.

But the good times didn't last long, and soon he encountered difficulties.

It is also the first bottleneck in creation.

That is, people!

That is to say, vitality.

"It's over, I overlooked one of the most critical things."

"To create man."

In Minor World, Li Yongjin overlooks the entire Qingshan Sect.

There are wry smiles on his face.

In ancient myths and legends, it is Nuwa who created man.

That is the existence of the ancestor god level.

"Forget it, let's try."

Li Yongjin closed his eyes, casually thinking about the appearance of the elder sister.

The next moment, an extremely ugly woman appeared in the Green Mountain Sect.

[Warning, warning. 】

[The host's current mental experience and experience are insufficient, and the small world of Samsara is collapsing. 】

There was a click.

The entire Samsara Minor World began to crumble.

It was as if the whole world had turned into a complete bug!

The Green Mountain Sect began to twist before his eyes.

It was originally a generous mountain, which represented the virtue of virtue.

The green mountains and green waters on the mountain also suddenly turned blue.

The water is off-white, and the fish are floating in the sky.

The whole world is stuck with bugs.

In this world, Li Yongjin took a sip and spurted out blood.

His eyes were full of horror.

"how come?"

"Just creating a person, let the original hard-won Minor World collapse?"

At this moment, he really didn't understand.

I don't know why.

All he knows is that creating a human being is such a heavenly good fortune.

It's not the current him that can be touched.

But what is missing?

Li Yongjin started Meditation.

He decides to find the answer...in Samsara.

Since Samsara's wind and frost have dyed his hair white.

Then he will use this white hair to ask the heaven.

Anyway, daddy is immortal, what can you do to me, Samsara?

Thinking of this, Li Yongjin's stubbornness came up.

Once again he tried his best to create another new Samsara Minor World.

He who has Samsara Dao fruit, as long as the power of Heavenly Dao is inexhaustible, his energy is almost endless.

Although distressing, the pain was bearable.

Going in again this time, Li Yongjin was surprised to find out.

In Samsara Minor World, there is an extra short entrance.

That place, Li Yongjin has not explored yet.

With a slight movement in his mind, he immediately entered the own world.

The next moment, the world is spinning.

He unexpectedly came to a familiar place.

An indomitable vine, entangled together.

Seeing this Tongtian vine, Li Yongjin was instantly excited.

He admits that Own's mood has really fluctuated.

"Nian Jin?"

"How will you be here?"

Who would have thought that this place is actually connected to the Tianshou secret realm, leading directly to where the old vines are located.

What is surprise, what is overjoyed?

That's it.

When Nian Jin heard this, the branches all over his body began to twitch.

A familiar face appeared on him and said with a smile, "Yes, you are finally here. I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"So, is this what you expected?"

Li Yongjin was even more surprised.

Could it be that he knew early on that he would come here?

It sounds really amazing.

"Yes, this is a stable space specially opened for you by the Lord. As a node of Samsara, you can determine the coordinates for you in Samsara."

"Through the node, no matter how you enter and exit in Samsara, you can directly reach my secret realm through some means."

"Perhaps in your terms, I am a... guide?"

Hearing this, Li Yongjin became interested.


It's really vivid.

But he understood the Samsara node.

The owner of Nian Jin opened up a passage to the Tongtian Shou secret realm in own Samsara Minor World.

It seemed that he wanted to leave some information, and it seemed that he wanted to tell him something.

Thinking of this, Li Yongjin immediately asked: "So, do you know what I want?"


The other party nodded without hesitation.

"Then last time, why didn't you tell me directly?"

Nian Jin laughed and said: "You still forgot, Samsara is uncertain. A small behavior may trigger endless variables in the future."

"The possibilities in this world are far more than nine trillion."

"The past has very few possibilities, and the past cannot be changed. So finding the past is very simple."

"In order not to affect the present world, I cannot tell anyone about his future."

"This is the ability and limitation that the Lord has given me."


Through his words, Li Yongjin heard another meaning.

Find the past, very easy?

But the past cannot be changed, so is there no use going back?

But what happened to the little junior brother is indeed because he involved Samsara and changed the result of the past.

Perhaps, the situation of the younger brother is quite special, so it can't be counted in it.

Thinking of this, Li Yongjin nodded: "Understood, can you tell me now?"

"Of course, you're already in charge of Samsara."

He continued: "To create a relatively real illusory world, the key lies in the inheritance incense and belief of the three religions. If you don't have the three religions in your heart, you will naturally have no way to get the hearts of the people under the rule of the three religions!"

"Three religions, Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism?"

Li Yongjin narrowed his eyes.

It felt like a wider world was unfolding before his eyes.

"That's right, only by understanding true Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism can we reproduce a completely real world."

As he spoke, a map appeared in the void.

On the map, there are densely packed dots.

Buddhist temples, Taoist temples, and Confucian temples.

The positions of the three religions are all in sight.

Li Yongjin remembered everything.

"The origin of the patriarchs of the Three Religions is extremely deep, and can be traced back to God."

"They have a lot of disciples, and they spread their branches and leaves and involve a lot of people."

"The beliefs of the Three Religions connect and communicate with all worlds. To create a human being, you must thoroughly understand what the Three Religions are!"

"The next road, you have to walk slowly."

"By the way, the lord also gave you a piece of advice: in the process of enlightenment and cultivation, you'd better not get too involved with them. Look at it from the perspective of a bystander, and it's easier to comprehend everything!"


Nian Jin's words echoed in the small world of Samsara, and then the screen gradually faded out.

What a three teachings!

Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism!

Can they find the meaning of existence for themselves?

At this moment, Li Yongjin was full of fighting spirit again.

It seems to have found a new direction of struggle.

Then continue to practice.

I have to give it a try, the depth of the so-called three teachings.

He returned to the present world and began to think about the first stop of own.

He closed his eyes and thought about the previous map carefully.

With a little finger, I found the nearest place at random.

Take a closer look:

Suquan Mountain, Arhat Temple!

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