I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 1002 Return to Nanhai, happy to see Jing Nai again

Hey, old lady, what are you looking at? This place has been requisitioned and temporarily blocked. You can stand on the outside and watch, but you can't go over the railing!

The security guard in charge of the border area held a baton and threw down the corpse insects that jumped onto the shore, while telling the people to stay away.

This is usually a civilian dock, and people come and go. Ever since the people from Wucheng moved here, the carrion bugs that had devoured the Nanhai dock for several kilometers have now become scarce.

There was no way, the people of Wucheng wanted to survive. Back then, they only collected carrion insect fuel every day, and they had 1 virtual coin per 100 kilograms.

Hundreds of thousands of people came, and in just one month they dug up all the carrion insects that had plagued the South China Sea and spread all over the South China Sea.

Originally, they just wanted to use the carrion insects as fuel, but now it's better. The Wucheng people have produced so much fuel, so they took out a batch by the way.

Thousands of tons of fuel were sold for hundreds of thousands of virtual coins. The shipping tycoons felt that it was a waste of money, so they wiped out all the carrion insects in the South China Sea.

I have to say that whatever you came to China, as long as it has the slightest use, it can be turned into a rare protected animal for you.

Without the carrion bugs, the town government has built many new buildings, so the dock can be so lively.

Jingnai looked at the huge ships in the distance with a look of envy in her eyes. She had lived for most of her life and had very few opportunities to take a ship. The last time she took one was from Zhanjiang Pier in Wucheng to Nanhai half a year ago. The dock, but only half an hour.

It's quite fun.

Jing Nai said: My granddaughter may also be on the boat, so we won't go there. We'll just wait for her here.

As he spoke, he straightened his back unconsciously.

The security guard made a sound and was a little surprised: How about you give me a call? The fleet may leave soon and won't stay here for a long time. Either you are mistaken, the people above are all organized by the above. The people here are all on secret missions, and most of them are not from us.

Jing Nai sighed: It's not like no one has answered. I'm probably busy and it's not in the way. Just wait.

Wu Youai looked at the time and thought, there is no need to eat dinner today.

The people watching the melon eating wore masks, but this did not affect their whispers.

Is it true? This old lady really has a granddaughter on the boat?

I'm bragging. Haven't you heard that the people on the ship are all important people, who are on missions abroad, and the ship is just passing by.

If it were true, they would have come down to pick her up a long time ago. How could she be left waiting here?

Jing Nai ignored these people. She was not sure. She just felt that this was the only fleet coming back from the Middle East, right?

Just as he was talking, the other ships blew their horns, and Sosou continued to leave, leaving behind a giant aircraft carrier.

In the past, there were many ships, but they didn’t show up yet.

Now that there are fewer ships, this giant one appears. The ferocious huge muzzle is glowing with cold light. Even at such a distance, you can still see it clearly. There is also a layer above it that flashes like a laser, everywhere around it. According to it, the people around him not only feel the pressure coming from behind.

Wucao, is that an aircraft carrier? It's too domineering.

It's even better than the five-star ferry we took before. It's so handsome. I'll take some more photos and post them online.

Click, click, click!

At this moment, the little Hulk next to Jing Nai started to tremble, as if he was going crazy.

Hey, old lady, what's going on with your vehicle? Is it dangerous? If it's dangerous, stay away from the crowd first.

By the way, the Hulk buses we see here are all buses with more than a dozen passengers. Why is this one a mini one? It looks much more upscale.

Just as he was talking, a bigger green giant ran down from the aircraft carrier in the distance. When everyone reacted, the mountain-like green giant appeared in front of them.

The crowd rioted.

The Hulk door opened, and a girl came out, wearing a neat white sportswear, with a graceful figure and full of vitality. Her steps are vigorous and powerful, and her sportswear is fresh and white, not something someone should wear in the apocalypse.

It's hard to imagine how she keeps her white sportswear so clean in a place where carrion bugs splash mud everywhere and every two steps are filled with muddy puddles.

The key is that in this air where the smell of rotten eggs can kill you, after the girl opened the door, a faint aroma was emitted. The aroma along the way, purified the stench in the air.

Jingshu first said to the security guard: Sorry, I'm here to pick up my family.

The security guard opened his mouth and turned his head mechanically. He didn't expect that this plain-looking old lady was really the grandma of a big shot?

Jingshu threw herself on Jing Nai, feeling the old man's strong body, and then she felt completely relieved. She smelled the smell of parsley on Jing Nai's body, and she knew it was because Jing Nai fed pigs, ducks, and chopped vegetables every day. Some flavor of mixed pig food feed.

Not only did she not dislike it, she also felt a deep sense of nostalgia. It was a familiar smell, so good.

Nai, you missed me so much. Why did you come to the pier? I just said I would go down to pick you up! Jing Shu pulled Jing Nai and asked excitedly. She also felt the presence of the Hulk, and then she knew Jing Nai is also there.

Jingnai also pulled Jingshu around twice, smiling so hard: Aren't we going to Lao Zhang's house for a dinner? I heard that a boat was coming, so I thought about taking a look, but I didn't expect it to be true. You're back?

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