I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 205 The vacant assignment director position (first update)

Do you want a banquet for the old man’s eighty-eighth birthday? Being able to do this in the apocalypse shows that Yang Yang's family is definitely not simple.

Wait, Jingshu suddenly thought of making some wine. Whether it was red wine or white wine, it was very good to give as a gift or as a favor, or to drink it yourself. Especially when it was extremely cold, drinking some wine every day would keep your whole body warm.

When Jingshu was wondering whether to replant a batch of red grapes or use roses, Yang Yang said again:

Wang Dazhao, don't worry. His performance is very good. This time he will apply for first-class merit and be officially included in the second lieutenant of our armed police force. I will also be promoted from major to lieutenant colonel.

Yang Yang is only in his twenties, has connections at home, and has the ability to get promoted very quickly, almost catching up with Li Yuetian!

Okay, then I won't send you off. Jing Shu was happy to see Lie Xin, and accidentally exposed her strength. She threw the mecha on her shoulder with one hand and returned to the villa.

The rough guys behind him swallowed a mouthful of saliva. The mecha carried out by two people could be lifted up by such a little man with one hand?

Wang Dazhao looked at Jingshu's back with a complicated expression: Why do you have to hide from her that the machine guns and heavy weapons were not taken away? I think it would be good to leave it to her. Only Jingshu can exert the full capabilities of the mecha. .”

Yang Yang turned around and got into the car: Wait until she can use it before giving it to her, otherwise it will be too conspicuous and cause her trouble. Hey, our biggest oversight this time was to let Ling escape back to China and let him smell this What do you think will happen if the weapons are approved?

After returning home, Jingshu wiped the mecha with a towel until it was shiny, while talking about joining the Medicinal Materials Association today.

Master Jing smacked his lips and shook his head. Although it looked very cool, it seemed useless.

In ancient times, battle uniforms were hung on trusses. I will make one for you to hang your mecha on!

Okay, thank you. I'll put it in my bedroom then.

It feels so good to have a carpenter grandpa who can do everything, especially in the apocalypse, when there is no productivity and you have to do everything yourself.

Although the whole family didn't understand the use of something that looked like something from a movie, it didn't hinder everyone's curiosity at all. After Jingshu put it on, she really felt great.

Her strength has been increased. She is like a single tank, with explosive combat power and good protective capabilities, which can give Jingshu a great sense of security.

The more Jingshu is satisfied with the mecha, the more melancholy she becomes about what to give to Yang Yang. The gift is too cheap and Yang Yang can't even afford it. The gift is too expensive and it is a bit overwhelming.

While Jingshu was still thinking about what to give as a gift, Jing's mother came back sighing today. Without asking Jingshu, she knew it was because of the red thread worm eggs.

On the second day after the insect egg incident broke out, everyone finally paid attention, because no matter what method was used, the inability to get rid of the insects meant that no food could be grown.

The superiors urgently ordered us to stop all farming projects and not allow any more planting until the insect egg incident is resolved.

Then other agricultural management departments have changed to cultivating mushrooms, so they are not afraid even if there are red worm eggs. Now it is estimated that the worms will hatch out in three or four days.

But the management department of our development zone is responsible for the government's vegetables. The vegetables that have been cultivated now are basically dead. Jing's mother ate her little white apricots, which were no longer fragrant.

Cutting off vegetables for leaders will have serious consequences.

The government announced a reward at noon. Anyone who can find a way to be directly promoted to a regular employee will be promoted to a full level.

Daughter, you have a lot of clever ideas, but you should help mom think of a way. If this batch of vegetables cannot be supplied, even Minister Niu will be implicated.

Jingshu thought for a moment and said, Mom, I'll go with you tomorrow. A friend has a method. I tried it at the Medicinal Materials Association today and it worked.

Hey, my daughter still has a way.

As expected, News Network also mentioned this incident. People all over the country are now thinking of solutions. This is a major matter related to people's livelihood. Even ordinary people are very concerned about this issue. After all, if they can grow food, they don't have to eat it every day. I have red thread worms. I have been eating this for more than a week and I am almost tired of it.

The Wucheng government finally arranged all the people, and every place in Banana Community was filled with people. The originally quiet community was now noisy.

Through surveillance, Jingshu could see people walking past the villa from time to time, some curious, appraising, and even people defecating under the shed. After all, compared to defecating in the rain, it was still more comfortable in a place without rain, and Who can know the dark weather?

After Jing Shu said this, the angry father Jing went out with a stick and beat the person away. On the same day, Master Jing raised the fence.

Since the distribution director was fired by Jing Shu the day before yesterday, this position has been vacant because people from the three government districts wanted to place their own people in it, but the other two district governments were not happy.

In the end, everyone compromised and decided to use the election method. Whoever gets more votes will be the distribution director of Banana Community.

For the sake of 'fairness', all people can sign up, but the condition is: at least 3 civil servants recommend it. Isn't this nonsense? It's another gimmick.

The old trick is to operate behind the scenes. It depends on which of the three district governments has more energy. It is estimated that the Banana Community will be very lively in the next few days. In order to attract people, they may tempt them with various foods.

History has changed again at this moment. Jingshu in the previous life had no energy, so naturally nothing like this happened. Naturally, the distribution director was also good. This time, it was Jingshu who secured benefits for the people.

It doesn't matter who takes this position, as long as they don't offend Jing Shu, otherwise the photo will be taken.

But I didn't expect that Wang Qiqi was eyeing this position. He came over at night, carrying a cutter he got from nowhere and various professional tools from the scrap factory.

Jingshu was really dumbfounded.

I know your family is not short of food, but these things will no longer be produced in the future. Craftsmen like your grandfather can also use them on a daily basis, so I got them for you.

You have to think carefully. Even with our family's recommendation, you can only sign up. People from the three district governments are rushing to get it. Jing Shu said.

Wang Qiqi said seriously:

Now I can fish in troubled waters while they beat me to death. If I seize the opportunity, it will be like a carp leaping over the dragon's gate. Life is too hard now. I have to fight for it, otherwise I won't even be able to eat food every day.

And for you, your small investment in me may be a big harvest. At least you will have a stronger say in the Banana community in the future.

Okay, I can invest.

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