I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 229 Did you see it? Another family is here.

Their main responsibility is to prevent people from approaching, prohibiting people from urinating and defecating, etc. Nowadays, there are many people in the community talking about things, and there are many petty thieves.

Jingshu did this not to guard against others, but because it was not good to torture people to death during the Chinese New Year. She also thought about the safety of others.

The poisonous bees were not released, but some ordinary bees were released. After all, it was still just in case.

This time everyone is familiar with the road and has a lot of experience. It’s the end of the world now. What if we encounter a wanted robber while driving such a cart of supplies? So we can’t leave behind any equipment that we should bring, such as Jing Shu’s. I brought several pistols, all the crossbows that the whole family should bring, and even Jing Shu’s real mace.

Jingshu drove a shark submarine in front to explore the road. Jingshu and the others were hanging in the energy car and walked slowly behind. After the water broke out, they had not walked this road yet. If they were flooded, they would They had no choice but to find a way, which was why the family left so early.

It was pitch black in the morning in Wucheng, there was no moon, and the weather was still very cold. Jingshu would not turn on the air conditioner to save fuel. In the submarine, Jingshu was eating nuts and drinking mango and papaya milk, feeling very good.

It was raining heavily outside the Shark Submarine, and many roads in Wucheng were impassable. Jingshu didn't walk long before she found that the front was flooded. She had no choice but to say to Jing's dad who turned on WeChat location sharing: You can't walk on the national highway, take a small road, and follow Let me go.

Jingshu walked around and found that the path was even worse and was flooded. She originally wanted to branch off from the hillside of the path, but the energy vehicle couldn't go there. It was raining so heavily now, except for the highway, most of the other roads were covered with water. The car got stuck in the mud puddle when it drove into it.

Keep going around!

In this way, it was originally an hour's drive away, but it took three hours to arrive. Wuxian County was also mostly flooded. That is to say, my aunt's family grew apples on the mountain, so they settled on the edge of the mountain. Not flooded.

Most people in the county are now crowded at the foot of the mountain.

When Jing Shu drove the shark submarine, she found that it was really miserable here.

In the city, I sleep in basements and garages. The place is a bit small, but at least there is no wind or rain. It is not like Wuxian, where rows of simple board houses have been built with big houses. It has been raining for more than a month. Stop, not only water must be diverted every day to prevent secondary flooding.

The most important thing is to scoop water out of the prefab house every day, otherwise even the prefab house will be flooded.

The foot of the mountain is crowded with various simple prefabricated houses. It is very spectacular to look at them row by row. When the shark submarines and energy vehicles pass by, they attract a lot of people.

At 8:30 in the morning, the family finally arrived at the aunt's house after a long absence. The aunt's house was also simply renovated and a shed was built with cement to protect against the heavy rain.

The eldest uncle opened the door and saw Jingshu's family coming. He couldn't help but said in surprise: Mom and Dad, you are here! Come on, sit inside. It's raining so hard. Don't get wet.

My aunt's house has a big yard, and like last year, energy vehicles and shark submarines are driven into it.

Didn't you have breakfast? Come on, let's drink some hot paste.

The eldest uncle welcomed Jingshu's family in and saw that the living room was already crowded with people. Hey, dear, why are there so many people?

When Jingshu glanced at it, there were at least a dozen people, some around the dining table and some sitting on the sofa, all drinking hot paste from bowls.

At this time, so many people came to Jingshu, and they all looked at him curiously.

Dad, Mom, you are here! The eldest aunt Jingpan was quite pleasantly surprised. She looked at her parents up and down first and found that they were looking very good. Then she was relieved, Hey, third sister, younger brother, younger brother and sister-in-law, Jingshu, there are Love you all coming!”

The second aunt Jingzhao was actually there, sitting on the sofa with her family of three eating mush. When she saw her father and mother coming, she quickly got up and said, Mom, sit down.

Jing Nai frowned, Why are you here so early? When did you come?

The second aunt's plump body had lost a lot of weight. At this time, she said a little embarrassed: Isn't this because I was thinking about what I could do if I came to see you early? I came two days ago.

Jing Nai glared at Jing Zhao, fearing that he was here to eat and drink again.

Then I saw the aunt pointing to the people sitting at the main table and saying, Come on, let me introduce you to her. This is my daughter-in-law Qiaolian, who is now more than two months pregnant.

Then he pointed at Qiaolian's family and introduced them: This is my mother's family. My parents, my younger brother's family, and my third sister's family are here to celebrate the Chinese New Year together and attend your wedding by the way.

Hello grandma, hello grandpa. Qiaolian said sweetly.

Jing Nai happily held Qiaolian's hand and kept praising her. Then she saw that Qiaolian had her head wrapped in oilcloth. Her thin body was a bit frail. She had a decent appearance, but the big black mole under her mouth lowered her overall score.

The aunt pointed to the five people next to her and said, These are Qiaolian's parents and three younger brothers. She said they came here to take care of her because she was worried that Qiaolian would have an unstable pregnancy.

The eldest brother is in his twenties, and the youngest is only about ten years old. It is not certain who will take care of whom.

He didn't say when he came.

Everyone said hello kindly.

The aunt patted her head and said, Look at me, I've forgotten all about it. Come on, I'll get you some hot paste.

Qiaolian took a sip of the batter, and her mother whispered to the side: Did you see that there is another big family coming to share the meal? Anyway, if we don't come, others will come, so why don't you take advantage of your mother's family?

Qiaolian calmly kicked her mother in the face, I can't stop your mouth even if I eat.

Jingshu frowned slightly and took everything in her eyes. It seemed that there were a lot of moths in her aunt's house, but these days, if anyone's house had a little dough, it would be excellent food. It was like Jingshu in her previous life. The potatoes grown in the Rubik's Cube space are all good things that cannot be seen.

Seeing that there was not much paste in the basin, Jing Nai quickly said, You guys eat, we ate it in the morning.

That's okay, let's eat as much as we can. You came all the way from the city, and now many places are flooded. The eldest uncle was extremely enthusiastic:

Wei Zheng, go prepare some more food for your grandma's house, and take out all the frozen pears still in the cellar. Jingshu likes to eat them, so Jingshu can only like these things from our house. This is uncle I got it specially for you, and I love you. My uncle didn’t forget you and gave you the rice krispies that you loved to eat when you were a kid.”

Qiaolian Niang asked in a low voice: Who is Jingshu? Why is your father-in-law so enthusiastic about this person? He is better than his own son and mother. He is willing to give everything, but he has never taken anything from us.

Qiaolian shook her head, My brother-in-law's daughter, I heard that she gave her the pig, so our family can live a good life now. Qiaolian's eyes searched for Jingshu in the crowd.

Then I saw Qiaolian's youngest child clapping her hands in a fuss: There are pears to eat, there are pears to eat, I want to eat pears!

Qiaolian knocked it down with her chopsticks and instantly made two red marks, Shut up and eat, eat, eat, it's none of your business! Really, it's giving me a headache.

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