I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 246: The position of Vice President cannot be lost.

Jingshu was invited to the ring by Zhou Papi, Actually, it is a mutated virus of red thread worm that has been infected on Astragalus. As long as this disease can be removed, Astragalus will naturally be cured.

Although Jing Shu said it was simple, it was not something that these people could solve. Every insecticide had gone through countless calculations and tests.

So that's what happened. I was wondering why this red thread worm egg is different from others. This worm egg actually looks like corruption.

Yeah, you won't die even if you do this. The insect eggs are too tenacious.

And Jingshu finally heard what was going on in the noisy environment.

It turned out that the people in Tacheng were just waiting boredly for the results in the past two days. As expected, there was no movement on the first day. They felt that they had a chance to win. However, they never expected that when they came back to see it in the morning, the dying Sanqi was not only alive. , and it’s still alive and getting stronger.

The Chonglou that was casually grafted unexpectedly sprouted like that, and the drama that was so casual at the time was unexpectedly successful.

Can this be done on a horse? Are you kidding me?

When Cheng Qingzi arrived after receiving the news, his small soybean eyes were as big as copper bells. After checking the surveillance camera, he became silent. He was sure of one thing, that is, from that day on, he would never speak again. No one has touched these medicinal materials, which means that Jingshu, who is known as the genius of Wucheng, has indeed managed these medicinal materials!

No matter what methods others use, they can't hide the facts.

Quick, find a way to get rid of that astragalus! Cheng Qingzi's voice trembled.

Immediately afterwards, the melon-eaters in Wucheng were holding bowls and eating breakfast while watching the people from Tacheng rushing around like ants on a hot pot.

The people in Tacheng thought it was a simple red worm problem, but they didn't expect that after trying all the methods, nothing worked.

Just like this, a group of people tried various methods, and by the afternoon.

This day is also a special day for Zhou Papi. Before Zhou Papi, who had just returned to Wucheng after a long journey, had a drink of water, President Tie came to gloat and said: You are finished, you are in trouble, you have caused trouble. The newcomer will take the blame this time, and it is her who is responsible for our Wucheng's supply being reduced by half.

Only then did Zhou Papi know what had happened. Just as he was gritting his teeth and preparing to quarrel with Lao Tie, the people below actually told him that Jingshu scored 3 points for Wucheng, making Wucheng and Tacheng tied!

Surprises come one after another.

Now, the people in Tacheng can't solve Jingshu's astragalus plant.

Lao Cheng, you have been studying for a day, and the stipulated time has exceeded the two hours. If you no longer have medicinal materials that need to be treated to give us questions, you can give up. Zhou Papi showed his big yellow teeth. He said.

Cheng Qingzi gritted his teeth, This time it is true that our skills are inferior to others. Wucheng's geniuses are indeed worthy of their reputation. We are defeated! I just have a request. Can you give us this Astragalus plant to study carefully and how to manage it? We can work together then. Let’s talk.”

Jing Shu is naturally happy to hear it. If they can really come up with something, they can be prepared for the virus in half a year.


The Wucheng representative side won. Jingshu not only scored three points to save Wucheng's face and tied with Tacheng, but also presented a tricky problem that ultimately made Tacheng fail to kick the gym, and finally saved the medicinal materials. Resource provision of the association.

Chairman Tie's face was extremely beautiful, and his fat body was sweating constantly. Because of his commitment, Jingshu solved three problems at once, allowing Jingshu to instantly meet the conditions for promotion to vice president.

He has to bear the blame himself.

This is just like the manager's promise to sell 1,000 yuan worth of goods for 10 yuan. Naturally, the boss will not let the manager break his promise, so the loss will have to be borne by the manager.

The game was over, and the Wucheng representative had won. The entire Medicinal Materials Association was in a state of excitement, except President Tie who was sweating coldly.

Zhou Papi looked at the medicinal herbs that were growing well in Jingshu's experimental field, and said with a smile: You did a great job this time. Once you have gathered five medicinal herbs that can be used as medicine, I will report to you and apply for you to be the doctor. Vice president.

I raised a batch of leeches. If they are dried, do they count as medicinal materials?

Forget it, of course. Zhou Bapi was in a happy mood, But you have to register quickly before others have registered.

I heard from Wang Danai that the vice-president of Wucheng was actually reserved for the Herbaceous Family, Jingshu raised her eyebrows. Zhou Papi had given her someone else's pie, and this bad old man was really bad. Very.

Zhou Papi coughed a few times and said, Don't worry about these details. As long as you can become the vice-president, it will be fine. Don't worry, your position as vice-president will not be lost this time. It is very likely that I will have to give in. Bit, who made him promise that way?

Speaking of this, Zhou Papi felt a little better, Jingshu, you are really my lucky general.

Jingshu, who is always lucky but not always lucky, doesn't know that as long as she can get the position of vice president of the Medicinal Materials Association as soon as possible, then Wucheng won't let anyone bully her.

Wucheng's Medicinal Materials Association has begun to continue its unprecedented integration and changes. It has newly integrated personnel from Tacheng, Lanshi and others to form the new Wucheng Medicinal Materials Cultivation Center, one of the 23 provincial capitals, which will supply medicinal materials to the entire province in the future.

Jingshu has never been to the Medicinal Materials Association since she won the competition. Instead, she concentrates on raising silkworms, leeches, and snakes at home, and pays attention to the two red worm feed factories from time to time.

The silkworm babies in Jingshu Space grow very fast. As long as there are vegetable leaves to eat, they can keep eating, stretching, and growing.

Silkworm babies will grow to about 7 cm in about one month from the first to fifth instars, then enter the silkworm pupa stage for about fifteen days, and finally the moth stage for three to five days.

With the support of Lingquan, Jingshu can basically breed a batch of silkworms in a month. After four breedings, she can basically meet all the needs. Of course, she plans to reserve more silk in her space. It is 70 degrees below zero and she can build ten beds. There are too few quilts. Although she has prepared more than a dozen quilts before the end of the world, quilts are also consumables. I don’t know if they can last ten years.

Raising silkworms is easy, but stripping silk is difficult. The silk spun by silkworms must be boiled in boiling water before stripping. After stripping, the production process begins. Jingshu has space, which should be more convenient. In order to survive better in the future, she is not afraid of hardship. .

By the way, after more than two months of preparation, Jingshu finally gathered all the materials and brewed the legendary turtle and snake wine, which can replenish qi and activate blood circulation, relax muscles and unblock meridians, and dispel wind and dampness!

In the weather that has been raining for several months, Jing Shu can feel the increasingly serious humidity, let alone Li Yuetian, who has rheumatism.

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