I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 252 Qian Duoduo wants to collect blood mushrooms?

The woman feeding the baby leaned back in horror and shouted: It's so scary! It's you, why are you dressed like this? You're rich!

If you don't do anything bad, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on your door, Aunt Zhang. Don't call me a hairy monster again from now on. Zi Jin said calmly.

Aunt Zhang squeezed her withered breasts hard to get more milk and laughed, I just like to give people nicknames. I don't get angry when I call them Wang Erpazizi every day. I still have to be more generous as a person.

Jingshu also saw that only Zijin's bed was in the middle, and there were no other beds within three meters around it. It seemed that her lethality was quite large. After all, the red worms that occasionally fell out could be eaten as snacks, but if they were thrown away, No one would be happy if a bunch of red worms jumped like a python and beat you out of your sleep.

You finally cut your hair? That's great. I don't have to bring you food anymore. In the dim room, only human figures could be seen, and Xiaomei only saw that the python was gone.

It is now five o'clock in the afternoon, and the temperature is about to get cold. Whether you go out to work or salvage, you must return to your residence before it gets cold, otherwise you will catch a cold and fall ill every minute, so most of the family members living on the 31st floor went back. Some of them have already gone to the cafeteria and returned with ready meals.

I didn't cut it. I washed it and put it in a plate and stuffed it in a waterproof rain cap. The situation will not happen again in the future. I caused trouble to everyone in the past. I will compensate the people around me when I have virtual coins.

Aunt Zhang fed the milk and shook the baby in her arms, staring at Zijin, Hey, do you have salt water to wash your hair? And this equipment is very advanced, you know you are causing trouble to everyone, since You said you want to compensate, so at least give everyone a bowl of white rice.

I have the final say on what compensation to use and who to compensate for it. How could Zijin lose money just because of 4 virtual coins a day in his small days of careful calculation.

When the people around heard that there was compensation, they gathered around and were extremely enthusiastic.

Oh Zijin, your red worms fell all over me that day, and I didn't even have time to tell you.

Zijin, I'm only ten meters away from you. Your red worms keep jumping around me at night. You have to make up for it.

I don't care anyway, my baby and I will get double portions. Aunt Zhang said shamelessly.

Zijin still smiled calmly, There are only so many things. I will give them to the people around me. I will not participate. If everyone is still not satisfied, I will recycle them.

The surrounding voices gradually died down. Let alone what kind of compensation Zijin could come up with. If you want several people to be satisfied at the same time, why don't they all get the same thing?

This good show was ended by Zijin before it even started, which made Jingshu a little regretful. She almost forgot what she was here for, which was to help Zijin upgrade his residence!

But Jingshu felt that this place was hopeless. There were too many red threadworms, and one would jump out of nowhere every now and then, just like fleas. Jingshu also saw people who were fine looking for red threadworms for each other on the bed!

There were simply more than her family had in her previous life.

The coming and going of people would bring in a lot of people, so Jingshu had no choice but to ask Zijin to clean the bunk beds first. After washing them with salt water, Jingshu covered them with an integrated PVC plastic cover, making the residence completely independent. Separate her, don't take off her closed raincoat when sleeping at night, and wipe it every day. This can only be done temporarily, and we can upgrade her to another place later.

The people around were watching the fun while eating the mushrooms, boiled insect eggs, and rice with welfare batter that the cafeteria had today. Jingshu couldn't bear to eat the vomited mushrooms, so she hurriedly ran away.

Xiaomei asked curiously: Zijin, who was that person just now?

My boss.

Aunt Zhang couldn't help but ask, Then why is she so nice to you? She gives you so many things.

I will go to work tomorrow, and no red worms are allowed in the workplace. As you know, rich people nowadays don't want to see these things, so I have to keep them away.

The uncle next to me was extremely envious, What kind of job is this? Can I do it?

Making handmade clothes for others is very demanding, and you know that's all I have. Zijin didn't mention silkworm raising.

Aunt Zhang coaxed the baby to sleep, and then said: Zijin, you are about to become rich, but don't forget us.

She was answered by purring in the small room.

The residents on the 31st floor, who had the worst life in the family area, were all better off than the people in the basement of the Banana Community at the moment. Jingshu was very pleased. Regardless of their character, they had relatives who contributed to the country and the people. Being at the front in times of danger is the treatment they deserve. Although the mortality rate of troops in the apocalypse is low, there are still many who die in the line of duty.

Welfare in the family area is also good. There is a pot of boiling water every day, batter can be added to the meal, a bed in the residence, houses and furniture are divided according to the position, etc.

Perhaps you can visit Li Yuetian's home. I heard that he has a dominatrix wife in her forties. Li Yuetian, who is in his thirties, has a sibling relationship. It's really curious.

Early the next morning, Zijin came wearing the same clothes as yesterday. He carefully soaked all the red worms in the salt water pool at the door, and then discovered that a small four-square-meter house had been built under the shed of the villa. There are also various tools she needs to use, which is really thoughtful.

Unfortunately, it was Jing Nai who came out to arrange it, and Zi Jin knew that Jing Shu had left home early in the morning.

I feel a little disappointed.

You must be the one who blessed me to find such a good job, right? Don't worry, I will work hard and survive the end of the world until the day I see you again.

At the end of March, Jingshu's second batch of blood mushrooms grew. Jingshu originally wanted to wait. Now that blood mushrooms are a good thing, she doesn't have to worry about selling them, but she can't take out too many, but Su Mali said there is one The big patron will buy all the blood mushrooms at the auction.

What the other party wants to use is not virtual currency, but oil. Sumary said with some pride, How about I wear this yellow open skirt?

They all look good. You look good no matter what you wear. Jing Shu yawned and ate the spring rolls and egg pancakes that Jing Nai had fried in the morning, stuffed with sausages and various vegetables. So that's why you called me over at four in the morning. Just to watch you try on clothes? Isn't it just a matter of business? Is it necessary to dress so formally and so early?

Yesterday, Jingshu was making cigarettes and didn’t go to bed until two o’clock.

It’s four o’clock in the morning, when will this story be broken? The Rubik's Cube space feels more and more unusual. This thing is weird.

The other party has a lot of money. Our group's number one competitor naturally needs to be more aggressive. The road to Xishan is blocked, so we have to take a detour.

How much money? No way? I have cooperated with him several times. He knows that he approached me directly at the sales meeting. How could he make the difference through a middleman? Moreover, he is afraid that he will not participate in such a small order. Jing Shu raised her eyebrows, feeling something was wrong.

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