I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 256 Elevator Shock

This was supposed to be a stuck mechanism floor tile, but Jingshu pried it off bit by bit! The person who created this mechanism probably didn't expect that in addition to using a switch to open it, it would also be opened by violence.

The bottom is indeed a normal push-open-close controller, with obvious gaps on it! Jingshu directly followed the drill bit and hammered it upwards, and the gap gradually became larger!

Jingshu suffered from hypoxia due to strenuous exercise, and her consciousness began to blur. However, she still persisted. The pores all over her body were opening with a strong desire for fresh air. Her body was breathing like a blower. Jingshu once again experienced death in her previous life. As time passed, she worked harder and harder! And at this moment, she felt that the Rubik's Cube space in her mind seemed a little strange!

But Jingshu didn't have time to care about the Rubik's Cube space.

Finally, under the strong blows of two bodyguards who joined in to help, with a bang, the mechanism panel was violently dismantled and fell down.

The secret passage to the bottom is open!

Jingshu breathed in the air hard, feeling that her body had never been so beautiful, and the pores all over her body were open. There was an ecstasy of comfort, but her head still felt like the world was spinning, and her whole body felt like she was going to heaven.

If I had to describe it, it would be like having a fever of 40 degrees. My whole feet are floating. I feel like my whole body is spinning when I walk. When others talk, it feels like they are in a dream.

Jingshu? Jingshu?

Let's go, let's go down. Wang Chuang and Da Mao have already gone down, Jingshu? Are you feeling uncomfortable? Don't scare me. Su Mary shook Jing Shu, and Su Mary didn't feel any discomfort after sleeping. , Hallucinations and auditory hallucinations will occur only when Jingshu vigorously exercises under hypoxia and causes extreme hypoxia.

Oh, okay. Jingshu felt that all this seemed to be in a dream, not very real. She even didn't know how she climbed down. She vaguely remembered that Su Mary told her to grab the rope, so she grabbed the rope.

Jingshu knew that she couldn't go on like this and had to save herself, so she drank half a drop of undiluted spiritual spring water.

The crazy hunger did not come, and her head was still dizzy. Jingshu knew that the role of the spiritual spring should be elsewhere. At this time, her life was the most important, so Jingshu made up her mind and drank another drop of the spiritual spring water.

We must find the exit as soon as possible. We should be walking in the passage without an elevator now. If the 'elevator' comes over and hits us directly, we may have to stay here. Wang Chuang said.

There are two steel ropes in the passage, which shows that the fat man probably went down by elevator. Jingshu is still unconscious at the moment. If she were awake, she might be very surprised that there are several passages underground. The mouth means that the underground is very big, and no one knows where it will lead.

Jing Shu's behavior today was like cutting open the closed elevator door, but there was no elevator in the elevator, so the few of them walked directly down the elevator rope, possibly to the third floor, or possibly to the third floor. Go to the second floor.

I'm afraid that if there is another exit with such a door, it will still need to be dug. No matter what, we have to find the exit. Damao, the first thing to do after finding the exit is to contact Mr. Su. If there is any problem later, I will come After the break. Wang Chuang said.

elder brother

You still have two and three children in your family. You are the hope of the family.

The passage was very long, and there were two or three forks and turns at the beginning, but without exception, there was a switch and closing device. The door was very heavy and could not be opened at all. Both of them tried many methods and could not open it at all. If it doesn't open, they have no choice but to continue walking forward.

Generally, the end is like the top of the elevator, or the end can be turned out, because they are all made of shelves.

Jingshu's consciousness has not recovered, and even Jingshu doesn't know if she is more serious or something is wrong. She feels more and more like she is dreaming! The feeling in the dream was also very unreal. She even discovered a terrifying thing. She seemed to be unable to feel pain?

She pinched herself hard, but she forgot whether she pinched herself or not. Did she pinch herself or not?

Jingshu drank another drop of the spiritual spring. What happened to her body? Why did the spiritual spring, which could cure all diseases, have no effect after she drank it? Jingshu had been thinking about what the thinking of a vegetative person was like. Now she probably knew it. Even though her mind seemed to be awake, she couldn't do anything when she was asked to do it.

Jingshu, who was so powerful a moment ago, now has to rely on Sumari to walk.

Jingshu, hold on a little longer. We'll go out and I'll find a doctor for you right away! Su Mary just thought that Jingshu was hypoxic and would be fine after a while. Even Wang Chuang said this. It was a symptom of hypoxia. I even gave Jingshu a bottle of mineral water, but it didn't seem to work. Jingshu got worse and worse!

Jing Shu Shu Shu Shu

Jing Shu seemed to hear someone calling her, but every word seemed to be delayed for a long time, and it was not very clear. Is she getting more and more serious?

We're almost there! We're almost there! Be careful, that's the propeller shelf! Climb down there and you'll reach the exit! came Wang Chuang's excited voice.

But at this moment, there was a creaking sound behind them, and then the two ropes around them began to move rapidly. Although they did not see the elevator, the movement of the ropes meant that an elevator was rushing towards them quickly. Hit over.



Wang Chuang's voice came, and Su Mary pulled Jing Shu and ran in the lowest direction, with Damao and Wang Chuang following closely behind.

Run another 100 meters! Jump over as soon as you reach it!

Jing Shu also started running. She just ran subconsciously. Her speed was very fast, even faster than Su Mary. She was simply running with Su Mary.

But the four people were squeezed into the narrow passage, and their speed was bound to not be much faster. Although the one hundred meters sounded very close, they felt like they had been running on the edge of life and death for a long time.

And are ordinary elevators that fast? It feels as scary as falling from a vertical elevator! It doesn’t feel like a uniform speed at all!

The most important thing is that the speed of these two hanging ropes is too fast. It is obvious that a god of death is chasing them!


The only bright spot in the entire passage is the exit!


Jing Shu jumped out first, followed by Su Mary, but at this time the propeller elevator from above had been smashed down.

How fast do objects fall from high altitudes?

It just fell down as soon as you felt it. In less than two seconds, from the moment you saw it to the moment it hit the ground, it really hit you with a bang.

Da Mao jumped out immediately behind him, and immediately heard a loud bang, so fast that people couldn't react even if they blinked.

I owe 1 extra update to Zihang, and I owe 10,000 updates to Hidden Elf from the Ticket King. I paid it back together on 19. I also have 1 monthly ticket to add extra updates. Oh my God, I owed so much without knowing it.

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