I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 26 Leave you with nothing

Just like that, Jingshu became popular inexplicably, and Jingnai and Jingye also became popular. Jingshu's name is Xiao Jingjing on the Internet. Fans call her my sister Jing. I don't talk much, but I wash vegetables. Jingshu’s position is that she is the best because she does nothing else but wash vegetables.

Jingshu's popularity has reached two million, and it goes without saying that many of them are trouble-making robots bought by Zhu Zhengqi and some pregnant women who are repeat customers.

what? ?

Ever since pregnant mothers suffered from morning sickness and had a great appetite after eating Jingshu's pickles, they attracted expectant fathers and expectant mothers who came here admiringly. The words good luck with pregnancy even made the mothers who were preparing for pregnancy come here to feel happy. Stock up on pickles and eat less Yiqing.

I don’t know from which day the exchange of insults with the robot that Zhu Zhengqi bought turned into get pregnant. Even if the other party has hundreds of thousands of robots, they are instantly overwhelmed by these three words. I can only say that the general public is too awesome. .

Zhu Zhengqi not only failed to achieve his goal, but also made Jing Shu angry for no reason. I wonder what he felt? Oh, Jingshu guessed that he might not have time to express his feelings recently.

After all the vegetables were pickled, it was the end of the month. Things at Jingshu's family were piled up. As expected, Jingshu's father was summoned to the board of directors to deal with the tempered glass incident, and was given two options: 1. Make up for the price he was planning to sell to the superiors. The profit is expected to be 190,000 yuan, which is more expensive than the cost. 2. Quit the shares, take the money and leave.

The company has stockpiled goods for more than a year and can dispose of them at a cost. Wang Zhong is asking me to withdraw my shares. He has long wanted to drive me away. I have seen through these people. Wang Zhong, Chen Yong, Xie Wumao, very good!

Dad Jing quit his stock and took 700,000 yuan to leave the company he had worked for for more than 20 years. In the evening, he was in a dull mood and had a farewell meal with Captain Chen and a few close friends before saying goodbye. The next day, he and the moving company moved downtown. All the sundries and clothes from the second bedroom were moved to the villa.

From December 1st, that house belongs to Yu Caini.

And Jing Shu was also invited to go to that harmonious place to deal with Sun Yinrui's matter. His wife Yang Yunyun, Sun Zijian, and Sun Zijian's girlfriend Xiaocao were all there.

As the grandson uncle who had caused Jingshu such misfortune in her previous life, Jingshu must of course start her performance properly.

Sun Yinrui, who had a haggard face and a white beard, opened his mouth wide and listened to the facts Jing Shu recounted. One thing in his mind seemed to finally connect together. He shouted hoarsely: It's you, it's you! Everything is you. If so, then it all makes sense!”

Sun Yinrui pointed at Jing Shu with excitement and said viciously: Why! Why do you want to harm me!

Jing Shu looked at Sun Yinrui with a smile, it was great, she liked this feeling. You see, how shocked and hated Sun Yinrui was when he found out that it was her. That's right, the more hateful the better.

Although Sun Yinrui looks as haggard as ten years old and has suffered mental and physical torture these days, it is not enough, far from it! Your whole family will get retribution, and this retribution will come from me.


Two staff members stopped Sun Yinrui, whose eyes were red and bloodshot.

the other side.

When did I say these words to Jingshu? Ah, my brain is getting harder and harder. Sun Tzu Jian looked at his father who was about to kill someone with a guilty look in his eyes. Could it be that he had remembered it wrong, and wasn't he right for the little one? Is it blowing the grass but to Jingshu? It's over, he's dead, God better catch his father, otherwise he will be beaten to death!

With Jingshu as a foreshadowing, Hengqin was more prepared. One by one, he revealed all the things that had happened to Sun Yinrui over the years. The last one proved that Sun Yinrui had been involved with other women during their marriage. Attachment All the evidence about Su Meimei was revealed.

Although strictly speaking, there is nothing good about marriage, Sun Yinrui's wife rushed up to Sun Yinrui and gave him a hammer on the spot, demanding a divorce from Sun Yinrui. Considering that Yang Yunyun was too emotional and the scene was too chaotic, it was temporarily over.

Sun Yinrui was immediately arrested, and his life was basically over. As for today's results, Hengqin will also be posted on the Internet. Who knows what kind of turmoil it will cause.

The second step: Not only will Sun Yinrui be ruined, but he will also be left with nothing. After the end of the world, it will be like a nightmare for such people who have been labeled.

Sun Yinrui's wife Yang Yunyun pulled Sun Jian into the car and went straight to find Su Meimei, Jing Shu guessed. Judging from her vicious look, she must be looking for someone.

Su Meimei is unlucky and may be beaten badly.

Although she was looking forward to it just thinking about it, Jingshu still didn't follow her. What if she was beaten by some excited people?

Happy cooperation! It seems that their family has really offended you. The person he raised outside is still a relative of yours, right? Chichi must not offend a woman. Hengqian said in a good mood.

It's a pleasure to cooperate. Jing Shu was in a good mood and rarely refuted. For the first time, she took a serious look at this young man who was not considered a young man. Although he was average-looking, he was still good-looking. Compared with his ordinary appearance, his forbearance and patience were remarkable. It's so great.

I just don’t know how such people will live in the last days.

As for mindless things like reminding people to collect supplies, haha.

Returning to the villa to start today's live broadcast, Zhu Zhengqi couldn't even care about the robot anymore. The people who were fighting against the robot were gone. There were only a few viewers who really liked watching Jingshu Jingnai making food. Fortunately, there were only a few hundred thousand. People, there are also anchors with millions of popularity in live broadcasts.

Today I made braised eggs, quail eggs, and pickled salted duck eggs.

There are too many eggs laid by space chickens and ducks and they need to be dealt with. When Jingshu went back, Jingnai and Jingye had already started the live broadcast to wash the eggs and marinate the duck eggs. It didn’t matter whether Jingshu, the anchor, was there or not. .

Hey, Sister Jing is here. The eggs have been washed. What else can you do?

All that's left is to boil the eggs and quail eggs, and Jing Ye and Jing Nai mix the marinade on the two-burner stove in the boiler room to educate everyone.

So Jingshu was responsible for peeling the eggs

Jingshu secretly changed a batch of boiled eggs at the bottom and moved them into the space. She peeled the eggs instantly in the space. On the surface, Jingshu took one from the bottom and knocked it a few times and peeled it gently. Throw the good eggs into the pot and marinate them, which is very fast.

It took a whole day to marinate and let cool. Jingshu vacuum-packed one egg and three quail eggs. Not only can it be stored for a long time, but it is also convenient to eat in the apocalypse. You can just take it apart and eat it in individual small packages, without even peeling off the eggshells.

A set meal of 998 yuan comes in a package of 15. The braised eggs were loved by the public and dozens of copies were sold. Jingshu asked Jing’s father to mail these things every day to find more things for him to do, otherwise he would be at home every day. Quarrel with Master Jing.

Thank you smile again for the cute reward~Thank you for the little thief, Confucius does not read, Xiaopa Tickets.

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