I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 265 I’m going to find explosives (second update)

Qian Duoduo, who was wearing a Tang suit, was also a little embarrassed at the moment. His face was dusted by the dirt from the villa, but he still made urgent arrangements: Blessed, do we count where was bombed, what is the situation now, and are there any casualties! Let's go again Ask someone to look after the situation at the castle!

It's a bit disadvantageous to own the entire mountain's property. It's too big. If something goes wrong, someone has to count it. Then I saw the notebook in the hand of a young man named Bafu constantly sending out records and feedback information. The entire Xishan Six Hundred Many people began to move at high speed.

Su Xiangnan frowned. He realized something was wrong. He never asked anyone to blow up the gas tank from beginning to end!

Just when he was about to say something, the phone rang. It was Jingshu's mobile phone number!

Then a choked voice came from the other end of the phone: Dad, it's me. Jingshu and I are together. We are safe now. Where are you?

Everyone exhaled in unison, it's good that this little ancestor is fine!

Su Xiangnan, an old man, felt his heart soften. It's okay. Where are you? Where are Agou and the other bodyguards? I'll send someone to pick you up immediately. I'm at Lao Gui Qian's guest villa now.

A Gou is probably a traitor!

Uncle Gou and the bodyguard are both dead. Wuwu Jingshu said that the person who kidnapped me probably wanted to cause you to kill each other, so you must not believe the bad guys! You have been fooled by the bad guys! Me, where am I? I I don’t know where this is, but after coming up from the passage, I arrived at this building that feels like a castle.”

Okay, keep your phone open and I will let you locate your location. Don't worry, I won't conflict with my ex. You stay where you are and don't move. I will take someone to pick you up right away.

Although Su Xiangnan felt suspicious, nothing was more important than her daughter's safety now, Quickly, locate Jingshu's cell phone location.

Qian Duoduo had a lot of questions. Why did Su Xiangnan's daughter appear in the castle? ? Didn't you say you escaped to the underground passage? How did you get to the castle after coming up the passage? Qian Duoduo always feels that there is something missing.

Is this a fairy dance?

Since your daughter is fine, let's stop the bombing outside for a while. Energy is so tight now. In order to support the artificial sun, you and I have to provide a lot of energy. Qian Duoduo's voice was a little impatient.

Su Xiangnan hurriedly explained, I really didn't order the bombing outside, including the first explosion. You heard it too. Someone deliberately kidnapped my daughter just to frame you. Now my daughter has escaped. God, there is no need for us to bomb you again, I’m afraid someone is deliberately asking us to kill each other in order to reap the benefits.

At this moment, it was Qian Duoduo's turn to sneer. He waved his hand and said, Blessed, tell Brother Su the news you got.

Mr. Su, I just got the news that more than 20 people you brought came up from the underground passage, lit the gas tanks in a certain place and ran away. Now they have blown up a breeding ground, a farm, and three houses. , we have deployed security to arrest these people.”

This is a frame-up. Someone must have framed it. Old ghost, I have to rush to pick up my daughter first. Everything will be easy to explain when I pick up my daughter. Now that Su Xiangnan knows that this is a frame-up, he will naturally not get into trouble with Qian Duoduo again. Conflict, the tone was also much lower.

Okay, let's go and have a look together to see what tricks you can play. The reason why Qian Duoduo followed him was because he felt that the incident happened in the castle, and it would be fine if the entire Xishan Mountain was blown up, but only the castle would not be able to do it. !

He was also afraid of what Su Xiangnan was up to. In their circle, Su Xiangnan had the most conspiracies.

Then look, for safety's sake, I'll leave these gas cans here.

No, you have to take these things with you. I can rest assured after watching them. Qian Duoduo didn't dare to let Su Xiangnan leave so many gas tanks here, just in case they blew it up.

A group of people rushed towards the place where Jingshu's mobile phone was located. Good news came from the road. A team sent by the government finally bypassed the blocked road and rushed over.

Qian Duoduo secretly sweated, Quickly, arrange for them to go to the castle with us. After all, he had a backbone. With these people, Su Xiangnan had to think twice even if he wanted to blow up his west mountain.

And with this army, who would dare to take action against him?

The place Jing Shu located was indeed Qian Duoduo's castle.

When did my castle have an underground passage? Is it real or fake? Qian Duoduo's face was uncertain. He asked Wufu and his people to protect the young master and the young lady, while he also asked people to check the castle.

You stay here and wait for your dad. Jingshu left the new phone with the SIM card to Su Mary, and gave her a compressed biscuit for her to nibble slowly.

Then, where are you going? This is indeed Qian Duoduo's home. What on earth do those people want to do? Sumary held on to Jingshu's clothes. If she was left alone, she would not feel safe. Wow, it's so scary. .

I'm going to take another look. There should be more than one passage here. Jing Shu didn't know what she thought of.

But, when we came up, we were obviously alone. Let the adults handle these matters. What can we do?

Maybe this passage was also Lin Yi's plan. Jing Shu felt more and more that she and Sumary were being used as pawns.

And if Qian Duoduo and the others were left to handle it themselves, the day lilies would probably be cold by the time they arrived. A suspicion emerged in Jing Shu's mind out of control.

Just as the two were approaching, there was a rumbling outside that could be heard clearly even in the underground passage. Jingshu knew that there might be something bombing outside. Su Mary also said at the time that it was probably her father who was mad. , to blow up Xishan, Su Mary, who couldn't walk at first, suddenly started to run. After all, the distance of more than ten kilometers was not easy to walk.

Of course, Jingshu also added some spiritual spring to Su Mary's compressed biscuits, otherwise Su Mary would not be able to escape.

I'll come back as soon as I go, otherwise, we may all die. I suspect Lin Yi is going to blow up Xishan. After Jingshu said that, she turned around and continued down the underground passage. Sumary had to wait for her father to come with tears in her eyes.

Jingshu originally didn't want to wade into this muddy water, but the bombing just now reminded her of what Zhe Tian said that made a big fuss a year ago: blow up Xishan, blow up Qian Duoduo's old house, and rob the richest man Qian Duoduo. .

At that time, Jing Shu thought it was such a ridiculous sentence. Who is Qian Duoduo? There are more than 600 people in Xishan, and they serve their family of four.

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