I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 289 Jingshu’s RV is ready

Hearing Su Mary's words, Butler Cai's originally fair and tender face instantly turned green, and he showed an embarrassed look: Miss, the ammunition here is 80 rounds of 84 mm super-large caliber for you. This is money. It’s the amount stipulated by sir.”

It means no more.

80 rounds is actually a lot. In today's apocalyptic world, we can't even produce food, let alone all kinds of firearms and bullets. They are probably just eating their laurels.

It has to be said that the surprise given by Qian Duoduo is indeed big enough, which makes up for the RV's defense system and counterattack capabilities.

Butler Cai gestured, This kind of ammunition is very large and has a wide range of damage. A few shots can solve the problem. Besides, the fort is more of a deterrent, unless something irreversible is encountered. Besides, The current situation is that bullets are really more expensive than equipment.”

Xiaocai, that's it. I'm quite satisfied. Jing Shu looked at this guy with a barrel of about 1.5 meters. He looked very violent. The recoil was different from other turrets. There was no recoil. Look. It is very thin and can be directly fixed on the front of the RV because there is no recoil.

As the butler said, the turret is more of a deterrent. With this kind of turret, anyone who wants to come up and do something to the RV has to think twice.

If something really happened, then she would control this fort and have a good time. With this fort, it can be said that Jingshu's sense of security has been increased. Whatever happens during the migration, she can also be better. solved.

Butler Cai, you are here. Today, you have to tell us about this fort. How come Mr. Qian is willing to give away his secret weapon? At this time, someone who had been listening to the side for a long time, wearing something like a space suit, The old man who wrapped himself tightly asked.

In fact, who among the people present didn’t wrap themselves up tightly? The richer people are, the more they cherish their lives, but everyone is relatively low-key, unlike Su Marie, who wore a colorful black outfit and shined brightly in the exhibition hall, attracting a lot of attention as soon as she entered.

Yeah, tell me about it.

People around were talking a lot.

Although she couldn't see her face, Jingshu really didn't know anyone. Everyone was wearing closed raincoats and didn't dare to take them off.

Hey, Mr. Liu, Mr. Wang, you are all here. In fact, this fort is not a big deal. Even though it is less powerful among all the forts, it is still a cannon.

It uses a conical warhead, each weighing 6 pounds (2.54KG). Driven by standard propellant charges, the muzzle velocity is 439 meters/second, and it is accurately projected to a distance of 1180m at a shooting angle of 10°, up to the farthest distance. Up to 1500m.

Jing Shu nodded. It turns out that if this kind of shell is fired from a distance, it will take 2 or 3 seconds to hit the target.

As for its power. Haha, if the grenade can't grow any grass within 15 meters, then all the houses within 15 meters of the impact point of the artillery shell will collapse. If everyone in the area of ​​less than half a football field is not in the shell hole, they will all be killed. It will not explode. Those who died were shocked to death. To put it bluntly, when this shell went down, half of the mountain would be blasted away. It was the same as the TNT explosives some time ago, except that their principles were different, but the effect It’s all the same, it has extremely destructive power.”

After listening to Cai Guanjia’s popular science, Jing Shu understood that grenades use the destructive power of the countless blades inside, but compared to artillery shells, their power is relatively small and cannot be compared. At least a grenade cannot kill a Will the house be blown up?

Thinking of this, Jingshu really felt that the functions that a RV should have, including the defensive and counterattack functions, were finally complete. When the time comes, what would their family do in such a RV? How happy she is, she will no longer have to worry about the harsh environment and some alien invading creatures.

Mr. Qian also considered sending some cannons and grenades, but they are not as practical as these artillery shells. Therefore, a weapon with such high destructive power will definitely be used in the future if it is left open. Cai Guanjia felt very strongly. He said gloriously, as if he was the one who was given the gift by Mr. Qian.

Butler Cai, you haven't told me yet, why is Mr. Qian so generous all of a sudden?

Isn't that right? This Miss Jingshu is the talented person who defused a 4-ton bomb with bare hands some time ago. If it weren't for Miss Jingshu, the only remaining castle in Xishan would have been blown up. Mr. Qian has also considered it. Other things, but I found that what Miss Jingshu needs most at the moment is armed force. Butler Cai said it without hiding anything, which made Jingshu cough twice before slipping away.

I see, this fort should be the most valuable thing here today, right?

The butler Lanhua smiled and said: Mr. Wang, please stop joking. That helicopter is the most precious gift here. It's a pity that no one has come yet, otherwise we would all have a look.

Yes, I heard that Mr. Qian was paid for building the Xishan one-stop base. No matter how expensive the helicopter is, I feel that it is still worth it to build such a large base in three months.

Xiaocai, we have finished looking at the things in this exhibition hall. Su Mary blinked her eyes. For someone like Su Mary, it would be meaningless after seeing all the things she was curious about. Although the things in the exhibition hall are valuable, she She didn’t really want it, she didn’t need it, so there was no new idea.

The housekeeper immediately realized that this young lady had always wanted to see what was going on underground.

Then, let's go underground to see where the employees live before the event starts?

Okay, let's go. I've wanted to take a look for a long time, but I thought Mr. Qian wanted to give you a surprise, so I didn't. Su Mary said embarrassedly, took Jingshu's hand, and walked happily towards the underground passage.

After being bombed so badly last time, Su Marie didn't have any shadow, and her heart was strong enough.

By the way, Miss Jingshu, do you need to lift these now and install them in your RV, or after the event is over?

Jingshu thought for a moment and said, Let's put it here after the event is over. We can't run away anyway.

Haha, that's right. You are honored to be given so many valuable things by Mr. Qian.

Haha. Jing Shu smiled and followed Su Mary and Cai GuanJian to the underground passage where the employees lived.

This place really surprised Jing Shu. It completely subverted Jing Shu's imagination of employees. She didn't expect Qian Duoduo to build this place so well. It is much more luxurious than the place in Banana Community, and at least it is better than people sleeping in garages. That’s a lot.

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