I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 301 Jingshu, when will the cakes in our factory be sold?

Yes, yes. Now we only need to spend a small amount of money to prevent us from zombie diseases. Why do we have to let us get zombie diseases before we can be cured? Sumari, that requires a lot of medicine. With so many medicines, can you Donate it to those suffering from zombie disease? Wang Chao said with a cold sweat.

Jing Shu burst out laughing. Su Mary really didn't know whether to help them or let them live and continue to suffer in the apocalypse. People who have zombie diseases want to understand themselves quickly, but Su Mary is better off and spends a lot of money to find someone to treat her.

Su Mary said seriously: I am willing to treat you because we are all classmates, but you must be punished for the wrong things you have done. Accepting punishment and escaping are two different natures. That's how it is. I hope you can change your ways. If you get sick later, please contact me at any time.

Several classmates were dumbfounded and looked at the incomprehensible Su Mary in disbelief. Is there something wrong with this person's head?

Li Bailong was happy. There were many people who came here to fish for people, but this person's fishing method was unprecedented. He waved his hand, Since you have agreed, when will you start eating? How many canteens? We have prepared a place for you, so you can go home when you finish eating.

Xia Liu smiled on the side and said: This is the best method. Whoever commits a crime again in the future will have to reap the consequences. Okay, don't cry and look sad. Someone is going to promise to save you, so you can rest assured.

Faced with someone who wants to eat poison cake, who can eat it with confidence!

I have to say that Jingshu likes this kind of tit-for-tat method. I heard that this is the case in a certain country. If a man rapes a woman, the punishment is to throw the man into prison and be raped again. As for men Why was he raped? Ahem.

Amidst the desperate cries, Su Mary withdrew with Jing Shu. Everyone thought that this would be a good moment to show Su Mary's strong capital and show off her coolness. At least she would say with a big wave of her hand: These people, I Saved. Unexpectedly, the thunder was heavy and the rain was light, but it ended like this.

The next day, Jingshu brought Gastrodia elata and wolfberry, and finally ate Gastrodia pigeon soup, which was reportedly made by a three-star Michelin chef, and crispy roasted squab;

The pigeon roasted until golden brown is about the size of a fist. When you bite into it, the skin is crispy and the meat is tender and delicate. Pull it gently and pass it around in your mouth, and a complete bone will come out. Some places are fried to a brown color, and the bones are directly attached. Chew it together and swallow it.

The browned bones were chewed in the mouth, and the aroma of bone marrow and barbecue spread in the taste buds. It was so delicious that Jingshu almost swallowed her tongue.

Suck! Very fragrant.

Jingshu wanted to get some live ones to keep, but unfortunately, they don’t sell them. Now these are commercially available. A slaughtered pigeon costs 1888 virtual coins, let alone a female pigeon that can breed. After one bite, It was an apartment in the Banana Community. Since she couldn't get it, Jingshu could only live with it, or trade it for something else in the future.

In fact, selling quails is definitely a good way to make a fortune. Unfortunately, in the apocalypse, Jingshu dare not not do this, as long as it is enough to feed her family.

However, people who sell pigeons are also worried about the feed problem now, right? After all, the red worms were gone, Jingshu suddenly had a plan in mind.

The high school group exploded, did you know? Sumary gnawed on the pigeon leg. Even the young lady who drank yogurt without licking the bottle cap now had to lick the bones clean.

Jing Shu shook her head, Zhang Lingling's deeds?

Su Mary held the phone in her oily hand and showed the picture to Jing Shu, They ate red worm cakes at the entrance of the cafeteria wearing handcuffs and anklets. They also wrote a sign and were watched by many people. Some people threw rocks and even splashed dirt on them. I just happened to take a picture of them eating insect cakes, so I blew them up.

Jingshu saw a row of people squatting at the door under the flashing lights, crying and eating stinky red worm cakes. Some people couldn't eat anymore, and kind-hearted citizens would help stuff them in and fill them with water. As for some people who accidentally vomited them out , I’m sorry, kind people will pick it up and stuff it in again until it’s completely eaten without any waste.

The above deliberately did this to let the people vent their anger. After all, many people are still worried about whether they will get zombie disease after eating so many cakes. Countless people are living in panic.

Jing Shu saw four or five people holding down Zhang Lingling and stuffing cakes into her mouth. It was a pity that she had no hair in the last days, otherwise there would be another hair-pulling show.

Such Zhang Lingling was reported to the class. Many people said that she deserved it. Some people were glad that they did not follow Zhang Lingling, otherwise they would have been tricked by her again. I wonder what Zhang Lingling would do if she was lucky enough to come out and see this scene. Thoughts.

The zombie disease incident passed quickly. Those who have not been sick for half a month after eating will not get sick again. The impact of this incident has gradually diminished. The 300 people also spent several days eating all the pancakes. , I couldn’t hold on every day, and the incident was as minor as Wang Chao’s and he left in three days.

Zhang Lingling insisted on eating it for half a month. At the end of the meal, she reflexively vomited when she saw the red worm pancake. However, she was still forced into it by the people suffering from the zombie disease. This group of people became a special group of people in the country. They begin to rot slowly to varying degrees, and they don’t know when their life will end. They are desperate and angry every moment.

Jing Shu didn't know what happened to these classmates later. She only heard from Mary Su that Zhang Lingling seemed to have anorexia and vomited whenever she ate. What was surprising was that Zhang Lingling, who ate the most, did not suffer from zombie disease. Nima, who had eaten the least, begged Sumali a month later. She seemed to have a zombie disease!

However, the fever of zombie disease has finally subsided. Now the whole of China, and even the whole world, is facing problems. Red threadworms are now basically extinct. China has no source of staple food. In addition, the weather during the day in October dropped to 5 or 6 degrees Celsius, and at night When it reaches subzero temperatures, people are faced with survival problems.

Jingshu, when will our red worm pancakes be sold? The price of pancakes in the canteen has increased to 0.7 per piece. We are going to distribute them. We are going to distribute them! You still have the vision. You opened this factory when the red worms were rampant. ! My aunt finally couldn't bear it anymore and called her. She really had to work hard for more than half a year, and now the good days are coming!

Jingshu rolled her eyes, Auntie, the food in the canteen is finely processed for human consumption, while ours is roughly processed for poultry. Unless there is a more serious famine, otherwise the feed is best sold to poultry breeders, and now It’s not time yet, just wait.”

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