I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 303 A super bitchy family

Nonsence! This is the feeling of relieving one's anger, and Jingshu feels relaxed.

The uncle pointed at Zhang Zhongyong's trembling mistress and rushed over: Are you people still human? How can you treat Su Meimei like this!

The woman took a few steps back in fright and shouted: Husband, come out quickly, that bitch's family is coming to cause trouble.

Under the dim light of the mobile phone, Su Meimei's body was covered with hideous scars, which should have been left after being stung by a bee last year. Some of them were still bleeding pus. There was an ugly and huge scar on one of her eyes, and the eyeballs could not be seen at all. Scary and empty.

Su Meimei was curled up in a corner of the toilet wrapped in a smelly blanket, twitching non-stop, foaming at the mouth, and completely unconscious.

The most important thing is that Su Meimei was tied to the toilet with a rope.

No matter who looked at her, she would see a frightening old man with skinny bones and wrinkled skin lying there. How could anyone recognize her appearance?

Zhang Zhongyong came out of the master bedroom, guarding her mistress behind him. Zhang Zhongyong was still the same, dressed like a beast, If you have anything to say, say it well, don't touch Irene.

Bah, you shameless mistress, Zhang Zhongyong, you shameless one. You are such a shameless person when you put your wife in the toilet and let the mistress take over. The eldest aunt is still very aggressive when she scolds people.

You are not allowed to scold my mother! At this moment, a fat little boy suddenly rushed out of the bedroom and punched and kicked the eldest aunt. The child was already eleven or twelve years old. Knocked out one of my aunt's teeth.

Jingshu, who was standing next to her, picked up the child with her backhand and threw it directly back to the bedroom. She ate it with a loud bang and burst into tears.

Ai Yong! Irene shouted in distress, and was about to rush over. When Jing's father saw that he was going to be harmful to Jing Shu, he subconsciously bumped into her. This time, Irene was instantly knocked into Zhang Zhongyong's arms. It looked good, but Irene's head hit Zhang Zhongyong's chin hard, and there was a click, and Zhang Zhongyong spit out two teeth.

Jing Shu wanted to laugh, but held it back. After all, it was not appropriate for such a serious occasion.

There was a lot of excitement, Eileen's mother also came out, Zhang Zhongyong's mother also came out, and they went to comfort the children. So many people came out of the two-bedroom house, but there were only so many people in the previous life.

Unfortunately, in their previous life, Su Meimei and Irene both lived in the master bedroom, their son lived in the second bedroom, Zhang Han lived in the kitchen, and the two mothers lived in the living room. Their fate has changed in this life.

However, Jing's mother stopped her and pointed at Su Meimei, who was still breathing, and said, People are like this, why don't you find a doctor? How did she commit suicide?

Zhang Zhongyong was so angry that he vomited two mouthfuls of bloody water and said: What a stupid doctor, this old woman is the one who wants to commit suicide. Huh, let Zhang Hanhan steal my sleeping pills and drink them all in one gulp. I spent a lot of money to get that!”

Zhang Hanhan cried mournfully at this time: My mother said it was so painful that she couldn't sleep, so she asked me to get her sleeping pills so that she would be more comfortable in the future. Who wants to, who wants to whine!

The uncle came forward and squatted down, trying to help the person up, but he stopped when he saw a lot of bugs crawling on the body and the pungent odor. He could only say: Then gastric lavage, gastric lavage can still help. Find a doctor!

Erin pointed at her uncle, You go, you go, just take these two people away.

Jing's mother frowned and said, Zhang Hanhan, why didn't you call your grandpa when something like this happened?

Zhang Hanhan cried and shook his head, He never called again after he left last year, and we couldn't find him. Otherwise, would this man dare to do this to us two?

Zhang Zhongyong sneered and said, Your grandpa can't even protect himself, so he might as well save his efforts.

The corners of Jingshu's lips curled up, she picked up the phone and played the call. There was a beeping sound. After a while, Su Guosheng's voice came over there, Hey, who's there?

Zhang Hanhan immediately choked with excitement and said: Grandpa? Grandpa is me. Your little Hanhan, my mother is dead. It was all killed by this piece of shit Zhang Zhongyong. He wants to kill me now, you Please save me. You have already lost a daughter. You can’t lose me as your grandson. Come and pick me up, okay? I will live with you from now on, grandpa, you will be the only one left for me from now on. We are relatives.

There was a long silence on the other end of the phone.

Grandpa, my mother died so tragically. She was forced to commit suicide by Zhang Zhongyong. She foamed at the mouth and convulsed after taking sleeping pills. In the six months since you were gone, you don't know what he and that vixen did to us. , what we eat is not as good as pigs or dogs, wuwu.”

Jing Shu frowned, she was not dead yet, so just saying this, Zhang Hanhan, was she too selfish?

Just when Jing Shu was hesitating to say a few words to Su Guosheng, an old female voice suddenly came from over there: Irene was sent there by me. Being able to force that bitch to death means that Irene did a good job. Let Su Meimei, a bitch, have a taste of being fucked. Yes, she did a great job. As for you, your name is Zhang Hanhan? I can pick you up, but do you dare to come over?

Zhang Hanhan paused and asked tremblingly: You, you are.

On the other end of the phone: I am your grandpa's legal wife. You should call grandma. Is there anything else you can do?

Everyone present was dumbfounded. Jingshu gradually opened her mouth. She didn't expect things to be so dramatic. It's a pity that she didn't know there were so many secret histories in her previous life.

But Zhang Zhongyong gradually let go of Irene's hand and asked in disbelief: Why? How many years has this happened? Why did you hide it from me? Irene, isn't it because you love me?

Then I heard a sneer coming from the phone, Love you? You were nothing more than ten years ago. You wanted money but no money, and you wanted power but no power. Why would you let such an excellent woman be your third wife and give you a child? Children? If I didn’t pay hundreds of thousands a year, who would?”

Irene also opened her mouth wide, holding Zhang Zhongyong's arm and shaking her head, Zhongyong, please listen to my explanation. At first, I was just doing it for this job, but after being with you, I really fell in love with you, our child. Called Ai Yong, love Yong, I love you, Yong, don’t you understand?”

Zhang Zhongyong always felt that something was different. He nodded gloomily, Maybe.

Irene gritted her teeth. After the apocalypse, she worked so hard to run the business. She hugged Zhang Zhongyong's thigh and didn't dare to let go. Who would have thought that an old witch would come to disrupt the situation? No, this family is not a good bird!

Old witch, you have someone outside for a long time. None of your children now belong to Su Guosheng. You have allowed Su Guosheng to be a cuckold for so many years. It's time to let him know! Irene yelled.

The other end of the phone suddenly hung up, and the atmosphere suddenly became terrifyingly cold.

Only Zhang Hanhan laughed: I, I am my grandfather's only bloodline, he will not ignore me.

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