I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 314 A big earthquake is coming in the third year

Auntie also wanted to bring more pork belly to Mr. Jing. After all, Mr. Jing had bad teeth and could only eat fatty meat in the past. But since the teeth grew back in the second spring, it tasted delicious. Mr. Jing, who had never brushed his teeth before, also started to eat it. She cherished her teeth, so she didn’t bring any more pork belly. Jing Nai also felt sorry for her eldest daughter, who had finally gone through all the hardships. It was not easy to save some food.

Then you take good care of your second sister, your father and I will leave now.

Hey, Mom will come back after the Chinese New Year.

Jing Nai said, You guys will come to Wucheng to live during the Chinese New Year. Jing'an bought a retirement home for our old couple. It's time to come to your brother's house to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

Hey. Jingpan wiped her tears quietly, feeling reluctant to let go.

Before leaving, her uncle asked Jingshu if there was any way to sell the piglets. Jingshu raised her eyebrows and said, There is an auction house next door to me. I will auction it there for you when the time comes. I'm sure the price will be better than in the countryside.

It's time to go after all. The RV slowly crossed the bumpy water road, completely away from the houses in the countryside, and walked towards the main road. Jing Nai sighed, drank red dates and wolfberry tea and looked at the darkness outside, Jing Nai Ye was smoking a dry cigarette, and the two of them didn't know what they were thinking. Wu Youai, on the other hand, took a bunch of snacks that she had earned through her own skills and went to the space capsule to start her work.

Soothing music was playing in the RV. Fat Chicken stood on the glass platform and looked into the distance. From time to time, Fat Chicken made an uneasy rattling noise. Fat Chicken had not been out of the RV once in more than 20 days, as if something terrible was going to happen outside. Same.

Jingshu's heart was also beating wildly. It was said that poultry before the catastrophe were the most sensitive to these things. The fat chicken was also the most nourishing among all the poultry. It should have sensed something that made it so uneasy. Look. She has to speed up her preparations when she comes.

After more than 20 days, Jingshu finally returned to Wucheng Villa again. She had to lament that she was almost sick from living in the RV. Although the RV was good in everything, one drawback was that the space was too small to stretch out. It couldn't be opened, so when she returned to the huge villa, Jingshu felt that the villa was empty for a moment.

After the complete extinction of red worms, there will be mixed results. The disadvantage is that the vigorously developed animal husbandry industry will run out of feed. Of course, the country has already reserved enough red worm feed cakes, but this is not a long-term solution and cannot be maintained for much. , so the boss decisively started to slaughter half of the poultry, causing Jing’s father to be very busy recently.

The advantage is that vegetables can be grown in greenhouses, which makes Jingma's Agriculture Department busy every day to expand her industry. As a result, Jinglai's canteen is extremely busy.

In mid-December, the temperature in Wucheng dropped to several degrees Celsius above zero. Although the red worms were extinct and the heavy rain seemed to be less severe, the floods did not recede. Everyone's thinking was that this would continue, and the worst would be This is it.

But what no one expected was that a dozen days later, the earth's crustal plates began to move wildly, and then began frequent earthquakes throughout the year.

Jingshu still remembers clearly on which day the earthquake will suddenly start, because in her previous life, it was precisely because the heavy rain stopped and the world returned to peace and tranquility. When everyone thought that the nightmare was over, they all started making new plans. The earthquake is coming, the terrible earthquake is coming.

This year is a year of real panic. Everyone spends all the time in panic. At the beginning, some people still cried when they died. Later, most people became numb and helpless. Good luck, you survived. If you are unlucky, you will be shocked to death at any time.

Those who survive still have to face the problem of survival. In the increasingly cold weather, they have to take off the clothes of dead people to keep out the cold, collect new supplies, and even worry about whether the place under their feet will suddenly collapse while walking. Go in.

Jingshu looked at the increasingly lighter rain and thought: When the heavy rain stops, that's when the big earthquake comes. In the face of natural disasters, all living things are insignificant.

There are two main things I need to prepare for now. The first is to ensure that the whole family can spend the next year safely during the earthquake. While having enough food, I also need to ensure that I don't get too rich and avoid the following. One year I went to the location of a major earthquake. The second thing was to prepare things for the trip to the United States and ensure the safety of my family when I went out.

After returning to the villa, Jingshu first made a detailed plan, and then started to follow the plan one by one, and wrote down in detail the places where the big earthquake occurred in her memory. Of course, the places where the previous life took place were different from this life. There is a big difference, so it is inevitable that you will still encounter sudden collapses, and you may even encounter major earthquakes.

Jingshu also needs to take adequate precautions against this situation. She cannot rely on the memory of her previous life for everything, so Jingshu handed over the work to Master Jing early. This is one of the reasons why Master Jing came back early. one.

Jingshu has been thinking that if there is an earthquake, it would be the safest way to live in a RV with her family and then drive the RV to a flat place to avoid disaster, but sometimes God will still Just a joke to you.

Some people just walk away and disappear.

Some cars were still running but were gone.

Big earthquakes are scary, but some empty shells are even scarier.

Jingshu had purchased a lot of steel bars before, and this time she was inspired by the life-threatening power grid Qian Duoduo gave her, so she suddenly thought of making such a thing for her family.

The thing is very simple, but the difficulty lies in the craftsmanship. As an older generation of craftsmen, Master Jing is not even unfamiliar with this thing.

This thing has the same principle as a parachute or umbrella. In times of danger, it suddenly opens into a large net support, and launches two bundled steel darts, which are fixed on a nearby wall or in the ground.

In this case, when a person suddenly disappears while walking, there will be a big umbrella that suddenly opens to support the person, and there will also be two ropes flying out to intercept the person in mid-air.

This tool is just Jingshu's first step, a small tool to protect her family members. Of course, in order not to let Master Jing do this thing so suddenly, and to make Master Jing realize the importance of this thing, Jing Shu went out with Master Jing specially, and then she fell into a big pit, and then she had this an idea.

Then Jing Ye based on his own understanding, lightened the entire bone dragon and materials, and finally made it into a shape that is easy to carry and can be used as clothing and umbrellas to keep out the cold.

Jing Shu was very satisfied with such a gadget, but she thought that if there was a big earthquake, she would need some other defense, so she added something to it to increase the difficulty.

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