I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 322 You are a good chicken, you can save people

The conditions of the park are far worse than those in the back mountains. This was the place that was flooded in the second year. In the past few days, the floods have receded, revealing its original monster appearance.

Under the river, in addition to mire and silt, there are all kinds of smelly garbage, poisonous insects, and moldy things. There are also miscellaneous things that have settled to the bottom, blocking the road.

You can smell various pungent sour odors from a distance. It is a feeling of matter that has been rotting for a long time. It is really disgusting. It is the same as before the end of the world because there is no room for people in the back mountain, so some people are arranged here. side.

Jing Shu never thought that she would come here again. It seemed that the pusher of fate was always by her side.

Dad, why don't we just stay around? Don't drive the RV into the park? The floods in this park have just receded. Look at the quagmire around you. It's hard for a car to get in. Jing Shu has good eyes. The green and beautiful park before the apocalypse is now a garbage dump.

The flood shelters are better than this place. Unfortunately, there are mountains over there and I heard that it is not safe in the event of an earthquake, so we moved people to the wetland park here.

Dad Jing frowned, You guys pack your things in the car first and be careful. I'll go ask about the situation and see where we park the car.

After all, he is a man of the family, and he still takes responsibility at critical moments.

Jingshu and Jingma were left to pick up all the things that were lying in the RV. Some of them were broken and they were reluctant to throw them away. Master Jing said that he would find a way to paste them up.

Fortunately, Jing Nai and Fei Ji were together just now, so Jing Nai should have fallen down and landed on her head, but Fei Ji fell down first, so Jing Nai's head fell on Fei Ji.

The fat chicken squealed twice, its body as strong as a cow's and it didn't matter, Jing Nai was too frightened to make a sound, and it took a while to recover.

Jing Nai now rewarded the fat chicken with all the soybean meat sauce that had been spilled on the floor, Eat, eat, you saved Nai's life, you are a good chicken, Nai will give you extra food today.

This made the chicken happy and flattered. With the chicken's intelligence, he realized that if he saved his family, he would get the food he likes to eat! From now on, it needs to be more discerning.

Orcs will never be slaves! Unless food and accommodation are included!

The RV still felt vibrations from time to time. Jingshu went upstairs to check on the condition of the poultry. She expected that the pond was broken into pieces but it didn't happen. It was just that some water was spilled and some were jumping on the ground. Jingshu picked up the fish and threw them in again.

Also, the house where the poultry was kept was much more miserable. This was the first real use of the RV. As a result, the sheep's horn was smashed into the partition, poking a big hole and making a bleating sound on the side. It was very innocent, and there were other chicken-and-dog situations. The pig crushed the whole chicken and killed one of the chickens. Jingshu picked up the dead chicken and decided to be a beggar chicken for a while.

There was also a rabbit that jumped onto the roof. It looked very pitiful because it was anxious and unable to get off. Jingshu also caught it.

In short, the entire poultry room was in a smoky mess, with chicken droppings all over the floor and even the walls.

Jing Shu let out a long sigh and used the Rubik's Cube space to start cleaning quickly. Then she gave the broken partition to Master Jing and asked Master Jing to see how to modify the poultry room. It would be best if each poultry should live in a cage. Otherwise, the poultry would fly around every time there was an earthquake. Huo Huo didn't go out this time. If Huo Huo came to her room next time, she would have nowhere to cry.

At that time, my brain was really kicked by a donkey. I thought about taking the poultry in the RV. This was great. I was afraid that I would not be able to survive the earthquake in the third year, let alone the great migration in the fifth year. The long journey would definitely be more difficult. Unexpected and unexpected things will happen.

Not long after, Jing’s father came back and roughly explained the situation. The earthquake in the back mountain was so severe that no one could be treated, so he arranged for all the people there to come over. Now, nowhere is safe outside. This Xuanwu Lake Park is The only place where there are no seismic sources or earthquakes at present, no matter how dirty or dilapidated it is, you have to go in and take shelter.

Moreover, Jing’s dad also said that the people below were very enthusiastic and told him that those who drive or drive in RVs would have exclusive VIP seats, which had just been cleared. There are still earthquakes outside here from time to time. For safety reasons, it is better to drive the RV inside.

Okay, as long as you don't live in that garbage place over there, it doesn't matter. Jingshu sighed, what was supposed to come had come. In the previous life, because they were in too much of a hurry, some of them ran away without any clothes on. When I came out, I naturally didn’t bring anything with me.

After all, it’s not too urgent to have a flood. Earthquakes can kill people. Who would think so much when everyone ran away? In her previous life, she was bitten badly by carrion bugs in the stiff and wet mire. This kind of thing is like The mosquitoes by the water in summer are the same, always sucking your blood. The difference is that the mosquito bites are itchy, while the carrion bug bites are swollen and painful.

Before the people from the back mountain came over, the German MAN drove the car to Xuanwu Lake Park. There was already a guard at the gate, and the headlights shone on the tall RV and stopped the car.

Jingshu and Jing’s dad got out of the RV together. There were two inspection people standing at the door. Jing’s dad pointed at the car and said with a smile: Comrade, this is the car. You can pass by paying 100 virtual coins, right?

The leader of the inspection frowned and said, Uncle, the RV you just mentioned is not that big. Now entry is free. Small cars are 30, large cars are 50, RVs are 100, and a car as big as yours gets 200. We also occupy the position according to the order. It depends on the size. Otherwise, if everyone comes in with someone who has a seat, how can there be room for the next people? Besides, we have cleared the place for you, otherwise you can leave it in the slum area and take a look.

Dad Jing pondered for a while, As long as it's a formal fee for the country, we can accept it.

Don't worry, just scan the Wucheng government's unified charging code and it can be checked on big data.

As long as big data can be checked, it is not a private charge, and Dad Jing can accept it.

After Dad Jing paid the fee, he was still a little unsatisfied. The pocket money he had worked so hard to save for ten months was just gone.

Jing Shu's eyes were opened. In her previous life, she walked in with two feet, but in this life she had to pay 200 tolls. However, whether the toll was reasonable or not, she always felt a little strange. And why was this person so enthusiastic? Either adultery or theft!

Hey, Xiao Wang, take this uncle to park at VIP 3, and then explain our rules.

Okay, then, come with me.

The location is really good. It is the parking lot of Xuanwu Lake Park before the end of the world. It is empty and has no buildings. It is not afraid of earthquakes. The garbage has indeed been cleared away, but there is still a thick layer of mire on the ground. It squeaks when you walk up. ring.

The parking lot is a square parking lot. The parking space lines are no longer visible. The parking lot is about the size of a football field.

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