I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 324 Corpse oil as new energy source

Jingshu's family resolutely obeyed the above rules and locked the RV door tightly when eating. Fortunately, in order to prevent the seventh-year super rotten egg gas, Jingshu installed a fresh air system in the RV, which eliminated the unpleasant smell from outside. Otherwise, she would smell The smell was unbearable.

For lunch, I had the potato pancakes that Jing Nai baked in the morning. I put them in the oven, put sausage, ham, spicy peppers and mushroom pieces on them, then covered them with a layer of cheese. I took a spoonful of the brushed cheese mashed potato pancakes and put them on top. Chewing in her mouth, Jingshu felt that the cheese seemed to be dancing in her mouth, and it was so fragrant and oily.

It seemed like we had to make some more cheese. Jingshu suddenly wanted to eat cheese and seafood hot pot, but the cows at home had to be milked every day. This arduous task could only be left to Wu Youai.

The complementary food was roasted chicken that Jingshu wanted to eat. The beggar's chicken was not finished in the end. The roasted chicken was also good. It was marinated for an hour and sprinkled with special secret sauce and honey. When the whole chicken was roasted in the oven, it was golden brown. It's so oily, it's so crispy when you tear off a piece of skin and put it in your mouth.

There are also grilled oysters, stir-fried with minced garlic, millet pepper, and some oyster sauce. The grilled oysters are roasted in the garlic sauce foam and make a sizzling sound. You can take a sip and put it into your mouth. The oysters are so delicious. Make people linger.

Jingshu's meal was full of happiness. After the meal, Jingnai put the bowls and plates in the dishwasher. Jingshu's father cleaned up the restaurant, while Jingshu's mother gathered the food she brought out today and returned the food. Food was left for Wu Youai who was leading the team outside.

As expected, Zijin stayed in Banana Community. People from the second detachment organized a group of people to patrol the community to prevent disasters and prevent others from causing trouble. They also prevented another group of people from going to the back mountain to dig up corpses and deal with the funeral. If you dig up a corpse, you will get virtual coins. , many were willing to do the work and strip the clothes off the dead.

Zijin was also very energetic. She thought it was just like before, racing against time to save people who were trapped underground. Otherwise, if everyone died, why would the government organize people to rescue people? Just to dig up corpses?

Yes, it was really to dig up corpses. The government recycled every corpse this year. In fact, due to drought and high temperatures in the first year, the government used the corpses to raise maggots in order to obtain more food.

Not many people died in the second year, but a lot of corpses were used here and there. Jingshu combined the events in her previous life with the fragmentary information she got from Su Marie in this life. The government was using the corpses this year. experiment.

The experiment was successful, so starting from the third year of this apocalypse, every dead body was ordered to be recovered, and those who dug up the corpses were given a reward. Only then did Jing Shu know that these corpses were used by the government to make new energy sources.

Jingshu didn't know the details, but she only knew roughly that all the dead people were recycled, and technology was used to create an artificial sun, and the new energy generated by the corpses was added by the way.

After experimental research, a part of the corpses were converted into part of the energy of the artificial sun, which reduced a small part of China's energy problems, and eventually produced a by-product, the oil refined from the corpses, commonly known as corpse oil.

Corpse oil will first be used to make emergency food reserves. The life-saving energy bar that appears later is crispy when you bite it, but I don’t know what it is made of. It should be made from corpse oil. The country may also be at a critical moment. Take it out, it can save lives. If you consider how to survive, don't think about how to do it.

When refining oil is fried too many times, thousands of refining oil is formed. The country will industrialize it to support the burning of fuel. Otherwise, it does not make sense. In the fifth year of extreme cold, when the government was at the end of its rope, in When all kinds of fuel are about to run out, how do they come up with new fuel batch by batch and provide it to the people who are about to freeze to death?

These are also made from corpse oil.

In this way, every corpse is still of great use. Of course, the body fat level of the human body is about 25%. If it is the end of the world, people who do not have enough to eat will produce even less oil. Lard has the most of all poultry. , up to about 70%, as well as other soybean oil, peanut oil, etc. The government in the previous life said that the oil was mixed with oil, but Jingshu later felt that the oil produced from the corpses harvested over the years was definitely indispensable.

After all, the number of deaths in China is around tens of millions every year. If these corpses are processed and provided to the artificial sun, and the oil extracted is used for food and industrialization, a lot of expenses can indeed be saved.

With the increasing development of science and technology, the tyrant who took office after the fifth year also did something that made people and gods angry. He advocated the concept of man-made cycle, which means that natural disasters have eliminated food, and food cannot be grown. Relationship, human beings can be self-sufficient.

It means that the feces produced can be recycled and used again to make food. The famous 'golden feces' food appeared in a certain island country before the end of the world. You can eat banana or chocolate flavor if you want. After a week of cultivation and Adjustment, professional mannequins defecate healthy, edible feces, and also retain the scientific basis for being healthy after eating.

Through science, healthy energy can be extracted from feces that humans can absorb again, and can be directly injected into the human body or eaten to achieve a lasting cycle.

Later, he really did it and saved many people. The tyrant had a weird brain circuit. He said he didn't care about life but he saved many people. He said he did care but he ruined many lives.

Jingshu shuddered. She was the least qualified person to judge whether this was right or wrong, because other than that, she couldn't think of a better way to survive in the apocalypse. In addition to taking care of herself, Jingshu shuddered. , and can't do anything else, but Jingshu is resolute and determined not to eat food from outside.

I haven't even had half a day's leisure. Not long after I finished my meal, the park started to become lively. First of all, there were people rushing in from the mountain behind Banana Community. Then, one after another, there were spectacular large groups, all from the same community. People in the park The staff began to make urgent arrangements. Many people were arranged to the dirty garbage dump. When they had to clean the garbage, they couldn't help but envy the parking lot. It was clean and empty. But when they learned that they had to pay high virtual currency, they gave up immediately. Got the idea.

In the afternoon, I finally arranged the people in Banana Community, and people from Lingshan District also came in. This arrangement was postponed until the evening. In addition to the rumbling sounds outside and a few earthquakes from time to time, there were extremely loud noises in the entire park. There were loud noises, cries, everything.

Wu Youai came back once to eat something and then went out, but the third aunt never came back.

Before this disaster, only Jingshu appeared to be experienced and leisurely playing with the Rubik's Cube and eating fried chicken legs.

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