I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 348 Underground (first update)

At the same time, she was full of expectations for this trip. The United States was indeed the United States. No matter what the harvest was from this trip, at least she had never been abroad in her life. She did not expect to be able to travel abroad in the apocalypse after rebirth.

The United States has a large land area but a sparse population. There are 120 million people in Mexico next door, and Sacramento covers an area of ​​99.2 square miles, which is equivalent to a quarter of Hong Kong or ten Macaus. Even if there is an influx of thirty There are tens of thousands of foreign residents, but the population is only 600,000, which is equivalent to one-fifth of the population of Wucheng.

Due to the Mediterranean climate, the first feeling I felt when I landed in Sacramento was that it was not as cold as Wucheng. The second feeling was that it was large, empty, and sparsely populated. At least here, in addition to the bustling lights in the city center, the rest of the surrounding area was quiet, and occasionally There was a rumble, and then an earthquake began.

Natural disasters are affecting the entire world, and no one can escape. Because of the earthquake, the place has become more chaotic. Countless Mexicans are pouring into the city every day, but Jingshu finally feels the foreign land and construction under her feet. The flavorful architecture is no longer China, it has really traveled across the ocean to the United States!

It's 11 o'clock at noon in the United States. I believe everyone has rested on the plane. Let's split up now. Look, my friend Xiaohei is here to pick you up. Yang Yang said to the approaching car. The big truck waved his hand, and the truck made a beautiful U-turn, and out came a dark American man.

Oh, my dear Mr. Sheep, I'm so happy to see you. My dear mercenary friends, I'm glad to meet you. Just call me Xiao Hei from now on. Xiao Hei and Yang, who are as strong as cattle Yang came with a hug and said hello to everyone. Xiaohei spoke fluent Chinese, which solved the embarrassing situation of Jingshu, a poor student who couldn't understand foreign languages.

So the two teams parted ways. The violent firepower crushing team consisting of Tank, Snake Spirit, Lingling, Monkey and Jingshu got into Xiaohei's big truck. The man could only squat in the truck. Jingshu and Lingshu The two ladies sat in the passenger seat and followed Xiao Hei to the underground black market in his mouth.

Xiao Hei stepped on the accelerator and cursed: Oh this damn black market, oil is getting harder and harder to get now. I have to drive faster. The less time I have, the less oil I will use. You two. Madam, please sit down.

Jingshu: ?? I heard that Waiguo people are not good at math. They can eat pizza cut into six pieces, but they can't finish the same pizza cut into eight pieces. But isn't it because driving at a constant speed consumes fuel that saves fuel? Has it been decided?

Jingshu and Lingling looked at each other and saw helplessness in each other's eyes. Lingling was a timid and shy girl, but they didn't know why such a girl dressed so openly and cutely.

Jingshu looked outside and listened to Xiao Hei explaining local interesting things. The truck was speeding and the scenery on both sides was retreating rapidly. This area was more like a large rural area. In some places, the water was obviously receding. There is mud left behind, and the houses are very sparse and dilapidated, covered with green moss like China. It is as scary as walking through a century-old ghost town at four or five in the morning.

There was no sign of anyone around.

Oh, this damn earthquake! Xiao Hei quickly turned the steering wheel to go around the big hole, and the whole car swayed from side to side. Xiao Hei still said to himself: Last year, more than half of Sacramento was flooded. Fortunately, the city center and a small part of it were flooded. The suburbs were flooded, so some citizens went to the city center, but since the government was kicked out, the black-hearted businessmen and arms dealers who monopolize food have formulated new apocalyptic rules. Those of us who cannot afford to pay taxes can only go to the suburban slums. , but fortunately there is an underground black market where we can get involved.

What exactly does the underground black market exist? Jing Shu asked.

Xiao Hei took a bite of a cigarette and started smoking. Jingshu had to sigh that something that was extinct in China could still be smoked by poor people in the United States. It seemed that it was true as the rumors said. The United States was in civil war every day. Don't worry about food and clothing.

In fact, Jingshu still thought wrong, because although the United States is a developed capitalist country, the gap between rich and poor is too big. 15% of the people in the United States live in slums and cannot afford to eat a day. They have no medical protection and welfare. They are not even as good as the poor people in China. Poverty alleviation policies such as teaching farming, providing seeds, and recruiting workers in factories have enabled many poor people to have enough to eat. As long as they work hard, they will have jobs and money.

Even if the end of the world is over, there will still be relief food from the government. As long as you work hard, you can at least eat one meal a day and not starve to death.

It's different here in the slums, where the living conditions are even worse.

Oh, dear Miss Jing, I heard that China canceled your currency and reset a new currency. Other countries have changed their currencies due to economic expansion and other things, but our country in the United States still uses rice gold, and the government's bullshit still... It is stipulated that grain and oil can be purchased at the original price, but the problem is that Mijin can’t buy anything now, and it’s just like stinking dog shit and can’t do anything. Now all places in the United States use grain and materials as hard currency.

The underground black market is the place that controls half of Sacramento's oil and food. This is an 'aristocratic circle' composed of hundreds of middle-class families. They monopolize, produce for themselves, and employ a large number of mercenaries and locals, forming a an interest group.

Jingshu pointed to the distant city center and said, Are they those places with lights? It looked very luxurious, and it was also the place that Jingshu longed for in her heart. She felt that that was where the United States was reported on TV every day. If the United States This trip would be great if we were there.

Xiao Hei showed an exaggerated expression, It was originally a place in the government state of Sacramento, but it was later occupied by gangster arms dealers and their men. They had strong firepower. They attracted many people in the first year of the apocalypse, and even fought with them. The famous big grain merchants formed an alliance, and they modified a new living system. The people living there were divided into three, six, and nine classes. Most of the low-class slaves fled from Mexico, as well as some people of various origins; the middle-class freedom Most of the people are local wealthy citizens, and the best ones are arms dealers and grain dealers and their teams. There have been many people from Mexico during the earthquake in the past few days, and half of them have been trapped.

Of course, there are still many people who have sneaked into the slums. Without the government, there will be no food sources and laws. These people spend their whole day thinking about robbing food from others. Mexico has also formed a gang that often specializes in robberies. Food and even women are in danger here. It has been very chaotic in the past few days, so the black market has to recruit more capable mercenaries. However, I heard that the higher ups are preparing for a big event, and they also need to recruit mercenaries to complete the task. . Xiao Hei blew out smoke rings.

Updated 5 chapters for Hidden Elf King.

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