I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 351 Choose a mercenary mission (fourth update)

Here we are, here is the place for the mercenary assessment. Come on guys, my dear Sheep said, this time let me join the ranks of your mercenaries and enjoy the same treatment as you. In your ancient Chinese dialect, I will give you more advice from now on, after all, I am also a member of the team, oh, my dear teammates, don’t be dissatisfied, after all, the five of you don’t know English, and you need me as a loyal and reliable translator.”

Jing Shu couldn't help but think of how many points she had scored in the English test. She answered the teacher that she didn't learn English because she was patriotic. Facts show that mastering a foreign language is still very important.

The mercenary association must be a majestic setting. This has been true for a long time. The mercenary association in the underground black market is a fighting arena. In the center of the entire black market, there is a concave building built in a circle made of huge stones, covering The entire bottom floor.

Look at this shocking place. It is the only place in the underground black market that connects the top nobles. The nobles directly watch the mercenaries dueling in the arena every day from the top floor. Only the 'nobles' have the right to bet on who will win. Losing, I heard this is the fun of the upper class.

However, we poor people can bet on battle pets to win or lose. There are lizards, tigers, poisonous snakes, etc. The most powerful one now is a crocodile. If you want to earn some black market currency, this is definitely the only fastest shortcut. I think This Ah Huang is quite good. He can win five or six games and earn hundreds or even thousands of black market coins and become rich.

Xiao Hei looked at Ah Huang, who was grinning at him, and said with twinkling eyes, Guys, I don't think much of the parrot, the featherless chicken, and the toothpick snake that the rest of you brought, but I still behave well. Keep it on the truck, otherwise it will be easily caught and eaten.

The parrot and the fat chicken were left in the truck. The toothpick snake in Xiao Hei's mouth was coiled on the head of the snake spirit, which was used as a 'bulletproof cap', while Ah Huang followed the monkey.

Jing Shu squinted her eyes and thought about the battle pets in Xiao Hei's mouth. Perhaps without selling food or exchanging supplies, dueling pets is indeed the fastest way to get black market coins. Let the fat chicken win a few games. Ah, I can't say that it is the most ferocious chicken in cockfighting.

There were a lot of people in the hall, some holding signs, asking to form a team, asking for teammates with guns and bullets.

Hey guys, 80% of the 'trainee mercenaries' in the black market are softies, and only 20% are real 'mercenaries'. And more than half of these mercenaries are special retired soldiers from other countries, all of whom have Strong personal strength, there are even many vicious criminals, this is no joke, everyone must be careful.

Well, let's first register as a 'trainee mercenary'. A mercenary team can only have six people at most. The price to form and register a mercenary team is 100 black market coins. Damn vampires, a piece of black bread only costs 2 black market coins.

Xiao Hei sadly handed over the currency, collected the fingerprints of a group of people, and issued nameplates, 'Internship mercenary', which means trainee mercenary.

Hey guys, our goal now is to become a real 'D-level' mercenary team in the black market, then to C-level, B-level, A, S-level. Don't look at it, only real mercenaries are eligible to enter the gladiatorial game. In a duel, from trainee mercenaries to mercenaries, now they can only complete various tasks released by the black market. If more than half of the mercenary team dies, they will be forcibly disbanded.

Tank asked: Complete what defined tasks can you be promoted?

After all, everyone doesn't have much time. This time, their team's mission goal is clear, and they are promoted to S-class mercenaries within ten days.

Hey, it's very simple. The entire team, from trainee mercenaries to mercenaries, has to complete a task worth 1,000 black market coins before they can apply for promotion. The rest is much simpler.

From D level to C level, you only need to earn 3,000 black market coins in total. Of course, you can also get black market currency rewards if you win in the arena, which is also included in the tasks. From C level to B level, you need to accumulate 8,000 black market coins. B level To get to A, you need to accumulate 20,000, and to get to S, you need to accumulate 50,000. The higher the level of the mercenary team, the higher the rights it enjoys and the higher the rewards for the tasks it can receive. I heard that S-level people can also live on the top floor.

In other words, they need to earn a total of 50,000 black market coins to reach S and exert a value far exceeding 50,000. In ten days, can a few of them complete this task?

Wait, Jing Shu seems to understand why Yang Yang calls him Xiao Hei. It's not because of Hei, but because he always says 'Hey'.

What kind of tasks are there? Jingshu asked curiously. She had read many mercenary novels in her previous life. In her experience, junior mercenaries were just doing odd jobs, such as looking for some rare objects and finding merchants to find them. things, or work as bodyguards, etc.

Xiaohei began to translate: Explore the Sacramento mines and avoid patrols. If you persist for five days, the entire team will be rewarded with 1,000 black market coins.

Assassination of government remnants, 50 black market coins for a corpse with identification.

Follow the mercenary group to Mexico to snatch special products (you know), and each team will receive 1,000 black market coins.

Destroy the armed forces in a small diamond mine in Sacramento and seize back the mining rights, 1,000 black market coins.

To guard the safety of the fish pond, one person will receive 10 black market coins per day, which will be paid on a daily basis and will be invalid upon death.

There are many missions, and they are miscellaneous, but they all have one characteristic, which is that they are closely related to killing, assassination or being killed, and insisting on guarding. Most of them require life to fight. No wonder the black market does not mind outsiders at all because of the danger of these missions. It was simply sending everyone to death.

The problem is that trainee mercenaries are completely different from mercenaries. If you want to become a mercenary, you must complete a mission of 1,000 black market coins, otherwise you will only be a salted fish accepting sporadic tasks throughout your life.

Even retired special forces cannot guarantee 100% completion, not to mention that many people are still ordinary people, they just have guns and weapons, but their combat power is still scum.

Jing Shu understands what Xiao Hei said about why there are so many mercenaries, but only 20% can complete the mission and become real mercenaries.

Tank pointed at the mission and said: Let's just destroy the armed forces of the small diamond mine. This should be the fastest.

Xiao Hei conveyed his intention and then turned around and said helplessly: Hey guys, someone has taken over this mission today. If no one comes back at three o'clock in the afternoon, it will be regarded as a failure. Only then can we take over, but there is still a mercenary team. We have already made an appointment, can we cooperate with them and get half the reward, or directly challenge this mercenary team, and the winning team can get the right to go on the next mission.

The snake spirit rolled his eyes: How can I be promoted to a mercenary if the reward is half and half, and challenge them directly?

Jing Shu was actually quite curious as to how the two sides could compete in such a situation to show their strength, but she never expected it.

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