I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 359: This is a circle to be tested

A reward of more than 2,000 black market coins is considered medium in the black market. After all, if a team gives so much, it will be relatively small for each person. If it is a life and death battle, the reward is usually more than 6,000, and they are very confident in killing people in their own team. Yes, I dare to accept it.

Otherwise, who would make fun of their own lives? They can still live well by doing small tasks.

Compared with the mercenary team battle, what is more interesting is the single-player arena match, where you compete in marksmanship, killing skills, poisoning, and there are endless levels of mechanisms. A battle is basically completed in a few minutes, and the benefits vary from 100 to 2000. , but if you win one game, you can spend half a month in the black market. What's more important is that as long as you don't ask for death, you can stop after meeting the requirements of the nobles. The loser can at least save his life.

It is almost impossible to fake a match in the arena, because you have to leave some body organs. The reason why Jingshu feels that life is insignificant is because there are rows of things in glass containers hanging above the arena. The prize left behind in the post-apocalyptic arena.

Just like in The Deer and the Cauldron, when Wei Xiaobao went to Eunuch Hai, his father-in-law showed him the entire collection of organs in the exhibition hall, which was eerie with a dark and decaying atmosphere. The arena was also filled with different hands, feet, ears, Eyes, even hearts, heads, etc., the designer must be a pervert, and he put these together into human body diagrams. It looks like these people have been cut into pieces, but the number of numbers is uncoordinated.

Jingshu smelled the smell of real blood, felt the corruption here and the luxurious life of the nobles. For the first time, she truly felt what life was like in other countries in the apocalypse. And they Chinese people seemed to be protected even in the apocalypse. Same as the flowers in the greenhouse.

Hey, if you want to improve your mercenary level, come to group competitions, but you can only register for two games a day. For single-player arena games, each person can register for three games. After all, you have to control the number of deaths. Just kill them all. There’s no one to play with them.”

As for combat pets, there are no restrictions. After all, these damn vampires work as dealers every day and suck some blood from us poor people. Xiao Hei took over the weird bounty tasks from the nobles and chose tasks for everyone. ’

Hey, let's be more cautious. Have you seen these observers in the corner? They all have information about the major mercenary teams. If a mercenary team signs up for a certain team, they will quickly send out the information. , and then a powerful team will finish off this small team, so the current arena is basically full of teams, they are all teams of about the same level, but this way the game will be more exciting.

By the way, should we also buy a copy of real-time information? One copy only costs 20 black market coins, and it will be updated every day. Xiao Hei asked, After all, as the first team to sign up, we have the right to refuse every mission. , but to come up with a regret fee of 10% of the reward, it is also important to understand the opponent’s information.”

When did the Waiguo people learn to be so smart? Relying on the middlemen of second-hand dealers, the wealth accumulated is probably not low.

The most important thing is that this is a lucrative, non-dangerous job, while others work hard for me to sell newspapers.

Jingshu looked at some people in the corner, and they looked more and more familiar. Aren't they all Chinese?

Hey, each of these hateful Chinese people are shrewd vampires. Oh, you know, I'm not talking about you, but these observers. Now anyone who doesn't buy their information will feel like they are at a disadvantage. Xiao Hei Explained incoherently.

Chinese people are always so um, peaceful. Facts have proved that when war breaks out all over the world, China must be the one who sells goods in the middle. Anyway, if you are either doing business or farming to make a fortune, you will definitely find a comfortable position to live a nourishing and nourishing life. When you get rich, wherever there are people, there will be rivers and lakes, and wherever there are rivers and lakes, there will be goods sold by Chinese people.

But since they came, the nobles have become less worried. Otherwise, they will always encounter teams with disparity in strength, which is very lack of passion and interest, so they have acquiesced in this approach. Sometimes the nobles will fight when they are happy. Reward with black market coins.”

The nobles would reward them with black market coins when they were happy. This was circled and required to be tested.

Jing Shu and Snake Jing glanced at each other, and both saw some operability in each other's eyes.

Tank said: I won't buy the information. Just sign up. The first round will be stable and let us see the strength of the real mercenaries in the black market.

Hey, this one with a reward of 1,500 is tailor-made for us. The two sides are engaged in a tug-of-war competition, which is what you Chinese call a strength competition. But, hey, did you see it? There is a huge pit in the middle, and the pit is raised by the noble Peggy. The loser will be fed to the giant python. Of course, she also said that if anyone can escape from the python's mouth, she will pay 500 black market coins to each person. This is really an exciting and fun game. .”

Tank counted it on his fingers. If it was 1,500 per game and 3,000 per day, it would not be enough to reach S. It would take 20,000 to reach A, and 50,000 to reach S. It seemed that we still had to improve the quality of the mission and try our best to fight to the death. There are 6,000+ people in one game.

Okay, let's have a feel-out first.

Xiao Hei signed up, and finally said bitterly that it was done, waiting for the next team to challenge them, and muttered, why does the mercenary team want everyone to enter the competition? Hey, it's too dangerous. I don't want to feed the snake. I have to stand at the back for a while.

After Jing Shu signed up, there was a broadcast immediately at the registration office telling everyone that someone had accepted the reward for such a tug-of-war competition. If anyone needs a challenge, they can come and challenge it.

The mercenary team on Jing Shu's side is level B, and it was just yesterday that the mysterious creature was brought back, causing the other three teams to be wiped out. It jumped from informal mercenaries to a B-level mercenary team. The information was quickly disclosed by second-hand dealers. They sorted it out and sold each copy for 20 black market coins.

What Guang Jingshu saw was that in just a short period of time, these people had earned one or two hundred black market coins. Isn't this even more profitable than them playing games? It made her want to change her career.

However, seeing that the competition event is a tug-of-war contest of strength, the big guys are always confident, especially Jingshu's team. Except for Tank and Xiao Hei, who are very strong, the injured and bandaged monkeys are skinny. The two women are really easy to bully.

Soon there were three teams challenging them. As mercenaries, people like Jing Shu could not choose their opponents. The information of the three teams was sent to the noble Peggy.

At this moment, Paige was trying on her cute pink dress. When she heard that so many people were interested in this bounty, she immediately happily selected opponents for Jingshu and her group.

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