I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 362 Live-action version of PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds

Although the first man was cut into several pieces, with only a pair of handcuffed hands left in the end, he died quickly. The second man was miserable. Wearing a body armor completely had the opposite effect, and he was bitten several times by snakes. Before biting it off, he took it out from the lower waist and tore it off piece by piece. The scream made the entire arena more excited. It was in response to the sentence, the louder you scream, the more excited I become.

There are six people strung on one side of the rope, all of whom are stuck in fixed positions at a certain distance.

When the third person was dragged in, half of the second person's body was left behind, and half of his arm was bitten off. The big man who lost his legs and hands was hung in the pit and dragged to the ground again. Moving forward, blood was flowing everywhere, and he would not be able to die for a while. What was even worse was that he would be dragged and rubbed back and forth on the ground.

Kill me, kill me quickly!

The third howled and resisted, but was still dragged into the pit. He cried and screamed miserably. Although he was wearing heavy armor, his head was bitten off by the snake guarding him. He died. The fastest one, although his head was gone, his body was still moving subconsciously. No one knew whether he was dead or not, and no one asked.

The fifth person and the sixth person all committed suicide directly. As American soldiers, they knew that they could not survive in such a situation. They shouted despicable Asians. They were not capable at all.

The audience felt that they could not afford to lose, but the audience did not know that what the American soldiers meant was that the Asians were deliberately acting, but in fact they were too strong.

Only the fourth person miraculously survived, because when he was dragged to the middle, there were two people behind him dragging him desperately to prevent him from going down, which just made the rope become a tight straight line. He has been exercising for more than ten years. His experience was that he stood upside down on the rope and then curled up on the rope. Moreover, he wore the least clothes and had the least gravity. Therefore, with his excellent skills and abilities, the snake flew into the air several times without biting him, and was pulled away by the tank. .

The audience and nobles are used to seeing blood and gore, and they are also very interested in watching this kind of extreme escape occasionally, and even applaud the lucky guy.

The fifth and sixth people also wanted to do this, but firstly they didn’t have the strength, and secondly when they were dragged in, they fell directly into the pit. If the first few scenes were to be torn apart on the rope, , these two were simply chased by snakes in the pit and eaten alive as food.

Everyone dies in a different way, which gives the audience and the nobles great visual satisfaction.

The gladiators started a new feast, and it seemed that they were no longer surprised by this cruel way of death, and were even very excited, forming a deformed world view.

Jingshu and her team won a great victory! Xiao Hei was so moved that he cried. He almost thought he was going to confess here. Now looking at the cruel scene in the venue, he couldn't help but tremble and almost peed. The only remaining hands of the first person were taken away. When the second man was on display, he finally died of excessive bleeding. The staff took off his body armor and threw the poisoned purple body into the snake pit.

Page raised his glass to all the nobles: I didn't expect that this time, I actually won them all. It seems that these Asians are not bad. I declare that this team of Asians won and received an additional three thousand Black market currency, and inherit all the property of this team of mercenaries!

Get 4,500 black market coins in the first game! A big step closer to the goal. Not only that, the most valuable items on these mercenaries were their firearms and body armor. They all sold them to the black market and earned another 2,000 black market coins. The materials they exchanged were personal and not required to be turned in during the mission.

So, Asian people, will you complete the second challenge I posted? Page was in a very good mood. She earned tens of thousands of black market coins from Asian people this time, and she could finally get rid of her... He has a reputation for losing every bet.

After Xiao Hei translated, Tank nodded and said, Ask her what the mission is. He struck while the iron was hot and rushed to the S-class mercenaries early to complete the mission so that he could proceed to the next step. He hated this underground black market.

When Page spoke, Xiaohei translated: A very popular game before the end of the world, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, is a game known as chicken-eating in China. So let's play a real PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds in the second game.

The rules are very simple. Participants are not allowed to bring any weapons including toothpicks. They put on the clothes prepared for you by the arena and put them on their backs. After being wrapped up, they are randomly found in various corners and start looking for assembled bullets and scattered gun accessories. Or Axes, machetes, crossbows, even body armor, shields, etc. For the sake of fairness, fists and martial arts boxing cannot be used, and only weapons picked up in the arena can be used to kill people.

In the end, only one side of the mercenaries left wins.

It is worth mentioning that most of the gun parts inside are not matching. In addition to a complete gun, there are three guns that can be successfully assembled, and a hundred rounds of ammunition. The rest are cold weapons.

In other words, whoever is lucky enough to see the gun at the beginning will basically determine the basis for winning.

Actually, this competition system is not perfect yet. I want to have a big brawl with a hundred people. It will be great. But today I will start with two teams of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. Killing one person to get 500 black market coins does not count towards mercenary upgrades. The team that wins the mission but only one team remains will receive 8,000 black market coins.

At the end, Page sipped the red wine and added: A team alive is worth 8,000, and only one person alive is worth 8,000.

This is naked and let everyone kill each other. It is best to leave only one person! This temptation is okay for Jingshu's team, after all, they are dealing with abundant supplies in the entire underground black market, but for these people who live on the tip of a knife every day, it is a fatal temptation.

Tank counted on his fingers, If we win this mission, we will be promoted to A, but it's a bit dangerous. Jingshu didn't understand why Tank counted these simple math problems honestly on his fingers.

Xiao Hei knelt down tremblingly, I quit, I won't participate, oh no, damn it, I will be killed as soon as I enter. I don't know how to assemble a gun! Don't look at me so strong, I can't even Even chickens are afraid of people, woohoo. This refers to the fat chicken, and I won't describe what happened, lest the fat chicken get complacent.

Although I lose my advantage by not being able to use bare hands, everyone's research on guns is also good. What do you think? The sooner you get to S, the sooner you can complete the mission. Tank thinks he can go.

Me too. Monkey said gloomily. As an assassin in this dark environment, he has a natural advantage. If he doesn't find a way to get some contribution points, he will lose a lot.

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