I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 365 Teammates who are holding back

Professional soldiers love to enjoy this feeling of suppressed fire! They were professionals and were lucky enough to assemble the gun within a minute. Except for Lingling, their teammates were not very professional in assembling guns, so the two sides entered a kind of separatist war. Jingshu was not like that. As luck would have it, killing two people in a row finally attracted attention.

Tu tu tu tu

Get down!

The big stone saved her life at the critical moment. Even though Jingshu was wearing a bulletproof vest, she would still be dead if she was hit on the head. She has never felt the sound of a pointed gunshot scratching her ears in her whole life. sound.

Fear! Scary! angry! anger!

Jing Shu, who originally wanted to be more low-key, wanted to find another way, but she gave up. Of course, compared to professional shooting, she was no match for two guns shooting at her. It was estimated that as long as her head was exposed, she would be shot in the head, so she took out her crotch shot. She wouldn't even dare to use a machine gun to shoot at them.

However, the two men's confrontation did not excite the audience. Instead, they made countless screams because the machine gun did not hit Jingshu, but hit the audience behind. Several spectators died on the spot, and some were shot. The audience screamed and wanted to flee the scene, but the audience in the safe area refused to give way.

The scene was chaotic for a while.

The nobles smiled and clinked glasses, as if watching a clown. The bulletproof glass was still well made.

The host had planned to lie down under the stage, shouting: Oh damn, can't you be more accurate? You almost accidentally hurt me, but these ugly foot-picking men are indeed professional special forces, and now they have to Walk over, the death of these two Asians is about to come! End the damn shooting soon.

At this chaotic moment, the two soldiers who were showing off suddenly jumped and screamed, and the direction of the machine guns in their hands also rotated 360 degrees. The two accidentally shot at each other, and randomly killed more than a dozen lucky spectators. , the scene became even more chaotic for a while.

The host shouted, and everyone didn't know what happened. The two people who were sure of winning died. Before they died, their faces were covered with black bugs. In less than a moment, the two people were dead. The man's head was chewed clean.

The nobles were surprised, and the audience gasped. The host kept expressing his shock and shouted: Oh my god, is this TVXQ's magic trick? This snake-scorpion woman must be an eighty-year-old witch. changing!

The black bugs receded like a tide, as if they had never been there, but everyone got goosebumps and unanimously agreed that they must stay away from this terrible woman.

Xiao Hei swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and subconsciously and unconsciously took a few steps away from Jingshu. Goosebumps appeared all over his body. As the person involved, he could see clearly how terrifying those bugs were.

quadra kill!

At this moment, the battle on the other side ended. Then Jingshu was curious. She was 1V4. Why did the 4V2 battle with her teammates end?

Here's what happened: The monkey was exposed at the beginning, and one person was tragically hit by a sniper, shot with a crossbow, and even hit by a 1V2 shot.

And what are the other three doing at this time?

Lingling was busy looking for supplies to assemble the gun. For her, the gun would have no lethality if it was not assembled. In fact, Jingshu could understand it. When Lingling finally assembled the gun, she faced off with the sniper on the opposite side, and finally ended up with Kill the sniper with superior spiritual skills.

After being shot, the monkey lost the sniper, and the soldier holding the crossbow was killed in front of him. This was a complete victory. Jing Shu also killed four people on his side.

So what are tanks and snake spirits doing? .Ah.

So Jingshu suppressed most of the firepower alone, Monkey 1V2, and Lingling assembled the gun, what about these two guys?

Snake Spirit is lost and suffers from dementia. Without his little Snake to guide him, he is just a road fool.

When the tank rushed forward at the beginning, it rushed into the large pit where the snake had been placed. The pit was four to five meters deep. By the time the tank climbed up, the battle was over.

Jingshu: emmmm

Tank won't complain. People are stupid and stupid. Let's talk about snake spirits. As a snake, will you get lost? Fortunately, the individual strength is beyond the limit, and the result is that they are useless as a group.

The game is over. Jingshu from the Asian team made a splash and was dubbed the Wizard and received an additional 2,000 black market coins. Jingshu's mercenary team also successfully advanced to A, only one step away from S!

Page is making a lot of money, and he is even more happy about the Asian team. It is foreseeable that the next few days will be full of news about this Asian team.

The killing contest was over, and all the spectators with gunshot wounds, dead or alive, were taken away. It was said that they were going to treat these people, but Jing Shu knew that they were probably feeding some kind of creature.

Anyway, for an underground black market with tens of thousands of people, no one would even care if there were dozens of people missing every day.

The black market did not disperse, but continued to start the next game, but after the scene just now, most of the people left.

Jingshu and his party obtained the other party's rich materials and inheritance. After settlement, they all were discounted and given to the black market. Each person received another 1,000 black market coins. This battle can be said to be fruitful. At least it gave Jingshu the capital to let the fat chicken go. Take a vote.

But the fat chicken didn't make people worry. He heard Ah Huang's heart-rending screams from afar. The monkey covered his wound with a gloomy face. He quickly walked up and found that the fat chicken was chasing Ah Huang all over the house.

When Ah Huang saw his master coming, he put his tail between his legs and sobbed. He had several bald patches on his body, which were vaguely pecked to pieces, as if he was saying: Ooooooo, the fat chicken bullied me and stripped me naked. hair.

Looking at the fat chicken again, there were a lot of Ah Huang's hairs in his mouth, as if he wanted to stick them to his body. When he saw Jingshu coming, he complained with his eyes: I didn't do it first, it was Ah Huang who called me a bald chicken.

Monkey couldn't figure it out. He was rated C as a vicious dog in the world. He usually liked to catch pheasants. How could he be bullied when he met this ugly and fat old hen?

Hey, it looks like he is really a fighting chicken. The snake spirit made a tut-tsk sound.

The monkey's face became even more gloomy.

Jing Shu coughed twice, Come on, I'll get you a stitch and bandage. I'll only charge you 100 contribution points.

The monkey was really miserable. He injured his shoulder on the first day and his arm on the second day.

Jingshu didn't bring any professional surgical tools, and she didn't have the awareness to be a doctor. The knife burned red with fire and cut into her arm. She picked out the bullet with chopsticks and used a stainless steel needle to sew about ten stitches. Of course, Jingshu also needed to be added. Apply the magical ointment to stop bleeding and scarring instantly, and within three days you will be a good man again.

Jingshu gave 5 contribution points to the tank. The tank caught the monkey that was rising, which saved a lot of effort for Jingshu's surgery.

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