I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 380 Sweep it all away, take it all, and fill it up!

Jingshu walked around and was a little disappointed. They were all ordinary ingredients, but she did not give up. Instead, she found the large cold storage on the cruise ship. Today she watched many people coming in and out and bringing in a lot of ingredients.

There were two people guarding the cold storage, but this was not a problem for Jingshu at all. Using the illusion that had strengthened the relationship for several months, Jingshu hinted the guard to open the door for her. Jingshu finally walked into the more than 100 square meters room with swagger. cold storage.

It's so cold! Jingshu wrapped her cotton clothes tightly, and there were shelves more than two meters high inside, filled with a variety of items, filling the entire cold storage! Many, too many!

There are no lights in the dark cold storage, but Jingshu's eyes are glowing with greedy green light, illuminating the entire cold storage. Today, she can choose everything in the cold storage!

Jingshu gently caressed the bags of rice noodles and skipped over the rows of refrigerated milk. She didn't want any of these and couldn't waste precious space.

Olive oil with a mellow taste and a strong olive fragrance? Jingshu nodded and took out all the olive oil on the shelf.

Coconut oil? It feels very good. Take the peanut oil? It's very high-end. Take it! Avocado oil? I haven't tried it before. Take it and try it. Sesame oil? Damn it, it's my favorite. Take it all!

Butter, ghee, shredded cheese, all essential ingredients for cake baking, take them away. Jingshu has always wanted to make cream of mushroom soup, so she can try it when she goes back this time.

Foie gras? The world's top ingredient? Oh, wow! Jingshu couldn't wait to open the steamed bun dipped in space and take a bite. It was delicious!

This sauce is really versatile, bringing out the mellow and delicious taste of foie gras. Whether it is paired with low-end steamed buns or chive pancakes, it is a good ingredient for meals!

There is actually top-notch sturgeon caviar here? Jingshu found only one box in a safe and then discovered this caviar. What's the reason? Apart from being fresh, it feels like biting into a small water egg when you bite into it. The juice inside squirts out. If you savor it carefully, it seems to have an endless aftertaste, but it is not as delicious as the rumors on TV.

Maybe there should be another way to eat it. Just like the preserved eggs that are so popular abroad, dipping them in vinegar is simply a world-class delicacy.

When we arrived at the fresh food section, the shelves here were filled with boxes of frozen longan meat, pork belly, premium Kobe beef, ribs, a whole turkey, compressed beef patties, etc., Jing Shu thought for a while that she should take away all the meat that was no longer produced as top-quality ingredients, and not leave it as a souvenir to others, so she stuffed all kinds of meat into the space to make up 30 cubic meters, and the cold storage was also empty for more than ten meters. shelves.

This kind of processed meat is more convenient to eat, and it is very delicious after a little processing. Although it is not as good as home-made meat, it is good to give as gifts and sell for money. Of course, Jingshu mainly wants to make mature meat for herself as a midnight snack.

There is also Iberian ham hanging on the shelves, the most expensive ham in the world. You can cut it into a slice and eat it hot or cold for a whole day. It is no longer produced, so of course you have to go with it.

What was an unexpected surprise was that there was also bluefin tuna, the world's top ingredient. Nearly a ton of large fish was frozen on the shelf. Jingshu received it in the space without saying a word. She still likes to eat sashimi. I also like to eat three kinds of fish: freshly cut sashimi, crispy fried fish skin, fish head and tofu soup, all arranged!

Absolutely delicious cake desserts, layer cakes, puddings and all kinds of desserts are frozen on the shelves. After thawing, cut a piece after the meal and pair it with a cup of black tea. A pleasant afternoon tea cannot be too delicious! Jingshu swept away all the desserts on a shelf without restraint.

By the way, ice cream was not spared. Except for Haagen-Dazs, Jingshu had never heard of other brands, but it did not affect Jingshu at all. Jingshu was in a good mood, and Haagen-Dazs was already there. After I finished eating, I unexpectedly got a few more cabinets of ice cream.

Next are the various types of food according to the box theory. Jingshu chose food that is not available in China, or food that is no longer produced. It will survive for a long time in the apocalypse. These delicacies and snacks that can no longer be produced in Jingshu They look like babies.

There were even some things she had never seen before that made Jingshu even more curious and wanted to try them. For example, she was not used to eating avocados before the end of the world, and there was also a kind of fruit called the miracle fruit, which looked like a small tomato. Jingshu found out after checking the information. After eating this fruit, if you eat other sour fruits within two hours, you will feel that these fruits have become sweeter, so it is called the miracle fruit.

There are also argan nuts, which are called liquid gold. Jingshu always takes away as much as she can. Of course, these things are not much in the first place. After all, this is the third year of the apocalypse, and the luxury goods should be almost consumed. Jingshu looks at it. Some supplies are not very fresh anymore.

Just like going to the supermarket, Jingshu stuffed what she liked into the space. She also encountered a lot of fast food, such as frozen pizza, egg tarts, French fries, chicken nuggets, sandwiches, hot dogs, bacon, etc., all at once. Moved into the space.

Unknowingly, Jingshu moved half of the food out of the cruise ship's large cold storage, and Jingshu used up more than half of the space. Jingshu wrapped her big cotton-padded jacket tightly before leaving the cold storage reluctantly. The temperature of the cold storage was about It was more than ten degrees below zero. I had just stayed there for more than ten minutes with a lot of enthusiasm, but now I realized that I was numb from the cold.

After Jingshu swept away the food area, Jingshu set her sights on the live poultry!

The fact that the nobles can eat well every day is inseparable from self-production and self-marketing. It is impossible to just sit back and have nothing. After today's observation, she found that the nobles in the underground black market raised a lot of poultry, and she just wanted to see if there was any space. of.

Chickens, ducks, pigs, cattle, and sheep are not considered. Not only do they take up space, but they also waste food. She wants some unavailable species that can be reproduced. In the end of the world, it is enough to provide food and drink at every time of the year.

Jingshu covered her nose and followed the smell to the poultry area. There was a pungent and nauseating odor, pitch black, and the constant crow of chickens. There were cages up and down here, and Jingshu could see clearly in the dark that they were all turkeys, but these turkeys were not eating feed, but chopped meat.

Jing Shu clearly saw that some fingernails were still stuck on them. Needless to say, in order to save feed, hundreds of people died every day in the arena and slums, so they used these directly as feed.

Then walking inside, there were fat pigs and cows. Because they had just arrived on the cruise ship, these livestock had not been properly placed.

Suddenly, Jing Shu heard a shrill scream. Jing Shu didn't want to meddle in other people's business, but she was so stubborn. Maybe she heard the sound, and someone came from behind. Jing Shu had no choice but to continue forward. Walk.

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