I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 382 Inheriting Page’s legacy

As for how to deal with the two giant pythons, Jingshu thought for a while and put them in the space. To be honest, the giant pythons were relatively useless to her. They were basically useless in fighting. A few small snakes protruding from the secret could still be explained. It used to be wild, but a few big snakes dropped from the sky so suddenly that even if it didn't surprise the enemy, it would make teammates surprised and suspicious.

Besides, when it comes to making wine, she can just have a five-step snake, and the five-step snake that makes snake soup is also perfectly qualified for this task. They have a better reproduction system.

In addition to being big in size, these two animals take up space. The most important thing is that they waste space. Or else they can be killed and eaten as snake meat when they are free? Snake gallbladder and some other things can be used as medicine.

She came to the United States just to pack all kinds of supplies, but there was no way to bring two burdens with her, but Jingshu couldn't bear to pack them into the space anyway.

Just install it first, maybe there will be unexpected functions and times when you need to use them.

Jing Shu didn't expect that these two items would actually come in handy.

Jingshu roughly dealt with the scene, and then left from another exit. These places were filled with livestock that Jingshu did not need. There were not as many types as in Huaxia. However, as she walked, Jingshu seemed to come to the seafood area. The fish tanks here There are many species that she currently doesn't have.

For example: Pipi shrimp, king crab, sea cucumber, sea urchin, salmon, Boston lobster, etc. They are all high-end seafood. Not to mention, Jingshu replenished her own seafood types and fished them all into the space.

I heard that the bigger the lobster, the more delicious it is. When I returned home, I raised it and it was just right for my family to have a meal together. Before the apocalypse, only large lobsters of several dozen centimeters could be seen on TV. After the apocalypse, Jingshu is now able to survive when supplies are scarce. Jingshu felt full of satisfaction from obtaining so much rare food through space, not to mention that she had never eaten sea urchins before, and she heard they were delicious.

It wasn't until Jingshu finished walking around the entire live poultry area that there was nothing that satisfied Jingshu. Then Jingshu took out her room card, found the place and went to the fourth floor of the cruise ship.

The troublesome thing is that going up to the fourth floor not only requires key card verification, but also bodyguards guarding every intersection and almost every suite. Not to mention that there must be a personal bodyguard she knows at the door of Paige's room. , servants, etc.

The guards are not strict, but everyone is carrying a gun. If they are broken through, it will be very troublesome.

How to enter Paige's room without anyone noticing is what Jingshu is thinking about now.

But just when Jingshu was wandering at the entrance to the fourth floor, a group of patrol soldiers with guns came over expressionlessly. Jingshu's heart skipped a beat. It's over. She didn't know foreign languages. At this time, it proved that she could. It's good to explain in a foreign language. What should she do? camouflage? Escape? Or should we go up and do it directly, kill all these people and then rip off all their wealth one by one?

Just when Jing Shu was struggling, this group of patrolling soldiers passed by her expressionlessly, as if she didn't exist.

Jing Shu: ... Do you think she is just a decoration?


Jingshu suddenly felt a new ability in her body that had just broken through and was not familiar with it. From now on, her illusion ability would no longer exist, but would unlock a more advanced new ability, ethereal.

Jingshu opened her hands and stared, gradually becoming suspicious. When she looked carefully, she seemed to not be able to see her hands clearly. At first glance, she seemed not to see her hands.

Her new abilities don't need to be deliberate, but are completely integrated with her. Her walking in this world is ethereal.

Jing Shu seemed to understand the effect of her ability upgrade. Instead of it being ethereal and complicated, according to Jing Shu's understanding, she was now more like a transparent person who had obtained the special effects of invisibility skills.

This is the sublimation of illusion. It is further integrated with the surrounding environment through reflection, suggestion, etc., and has evolved to what it is now. Although Jingshu is still the same as before, in the eyes of others, the world unconsciously ignores her and cannot feel it. This person, it can be said that Jing Shu's current sense of presence is very low, so low that people can completely ignore it.

There is a famous stealth fighter in the United States. By changing the color and reflection of the fuselage, it can blend with the surrounding environment and achieve the effect of stealth. Jingshu's effect is similar to this principle.

After thinking about it, Jingshu became bolder. She swaggered past the fourth floor of the cruise ship. At the door of these private rooms, the bodyguards were talking quietly, and some were holding sandwiches in their hands and refilling their meals. As expected, they all ignored her. Jingshu.

Jingshu successfully found Page's private room and opened the door. The bodyguards at the door also completely ignored Jingshu. One of the bodyguards even glanced at Jingshu. At this time, Jingshu was really frightened. Jump.

But she didn't expect that the bodyguard not only didn't ask, but also made way for her, making Jingshu realize the awesomeness of her new ability. Does this mean that she can do whatever she wants in some way?

Page's room was very large, it was a suite, and it was filled with luggage that had been transported from the underground black market and had not yet been sorted out. There were all kinds of clothing and cosmetics, daily necessities, jewelry, etc.

Peppa Pig is fond of drinking, and famous wines such as red wine and whiskey were filled half of the room. Jingshu selected more than a dozen boxes of various drinks and put them in the space, bringing them back to Master Jing and Dad Jing to drink. Oh, I heard that Niu Mu and some Li Yuetian also likes to drink.

Jingshu skipped the things that were not valuable to her and chose some things that she was interested in. She also discovered that Paige had three large boxes full of processed diamonds, which should have been accumulated by Paige during this time. Put down the capital.

Diamonds are one of the indispensable currencies for new energy sources such as artificial suns. They will only play an important role in a few years. Jingshu took it all in, plus the unprocessed diamonds collected in the diamond mine. Diamonds, Jingshu collected several cubic meters of diamonds this time, and at least had some capital when the new energy source was completely developed.

In the ranking of luxury goods in the United States, weapons are at the top of the list in the apocalypse, and Page's collection of weapons is also diverse, and they occupy most of Page's study.

The Navy SEALs' high-precision sniper rifle, four-eye panoramic night vision device, and anti-tank individual missiles. Jing Shu was somewhat familiar with and somewhat unfamiliar with these weapons and equipment. Jing Shu put all of them into the space without saving a single bullet. The space is about to be filled in an instant. In the next few years, at least she won't have to worry about weapons anymore, right?

After wandering around for a few times, she put everything she could use into the space. After confirming that there was nothing valuable, Jingshu walked out of the house and went to other places to see if there was anything worth grabbing. Supplies, when she returned to the room on the first floor, she found that her teammates were no longer there!

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