I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 385 Armed Helicopter VS Rocket Launcher

Hey, this ship is interest, and we also want the other goods!

The oil on cargo ship No. 30 is good, and we have made a reservation!

Fa Ge changed his voice, using different timbres to annoy the other party and told the other party that this time they had hundreds of people coming! It was indeed a scene where one person played multiple roles. Jingshu and the others were stunned and felt that this was indeed the case.

Nonsence! It's a full plan, plus Xiao Hei, there are only six people, okay! Look at Xiao Hei, he was so scared that he almost wet his pants!

For the underground black market and the slave king, it was really raining all night, and there was another storm. Pirates came here, and there was no news from the other side when twenty people searched the ship. Now when they think about it, they can open it. After checking the positioning system, it was found that the more than 20 cargo ships were already approaching Williams!

Chase! Turn around and chase!

Don't even think about escaping, damn it! the angry slave king issued an order, divided his troops into two groups, and tore apart anyone who dared to challenge him! Groups of terrifying armed forces were chasing Williams directly, and he had several armed helicopters!

At the same time, let the nobles and bodyguards pick up their guns and be responsible for killing the pirates who are robbing here. Although they don't know how to walk well at this time, where did the pirates come from when the canal is so narrow?

Chaos, chaos turned into a pot of porridge. The slaves on the ship noticed the change in the situation. Some jumped into the river and escaped, while some who had been enslaved for a long time hid in the warehouse at a loss. After all, there was no food outside. If they escaped, they would starve to death. Some Those who were unwilling to be slaves gathered many black people and ransacked the canteen together, preparing to flee with the food.

Cargo ship No. 24 is such a mess, let alone the outside.

Soon, several small speedboats caught up with them. No matter how fast the cargo ship drove, they could not outrun these speedboats. The speedboats carried machine guns without saying a word and began to shoot at everyone on the deck, whether they were slaves or whoever they were. Blood splattered everywhere and screams continued.

Lingling stood at the commanding heights and started sniping at these people. After all, the tank was wearing Jingshu's skeleton mecha. The monkey and the snake spirit showed their powerful strength in the dark. The little snake bit many people to death in the dark.

Tank went to ship No. 25 wearing a skeletal mecha. He was as invulnerable as a humanoid Tyrannosaurus. He hijacked the ship when he saw people killing people, and even staged a scene of pirates robbing supplies, which made the nobles behind He and the boss jumped over the wall in a hurry and diverted more firepower.

We can't leave empty-handed. At least if this ship can be driven away, it will be ours. We will contribute the value and transport it back directly. This ship is a metal mine, and we can make a lot of money by taking it back.

Now Ship No. 24 and Ship No. 25 are speeding ahead. According to the slave king's thinking, these people cannot escape. After all, the speed of the cargo ship is not fast. Where can they go with the cargo? But the more than twenty ships that disappeared were damn missing, so he sent out all his firepower.

As a person who is positioned as an auxiliary wet nurse, Jing Shu only needs to be responsible for guarding the operation room. No matter how those black people loot the supplies on the cargo ship, and what they loot is low-grade feed and other worthless food, they can create chaos in the chaos. , making the situation more chaotic will help them escape.

The glass was all broken in a short while, and the war was raging outside. The fat chicken inside was lying in its nest and squinting its eyes comfortably. Jingshu was a little worried. The armed forces of the nobles had arrived, but they couldn't carry it with just a few of them. Come on, it was just a machine gun just now, but now it's even used a howitzer, and it's about to sink the cargo ship!

The boat can't hold it any longer. Jingshu said as she took a gun and shot a black man who wanted to break in.

Fa Ge held his cigarette in his mouth, took a deep breath and said: The exit of the canal will be there in a moment, and the road will become wider. You can run as far as you can with the No. 25 boat. If you can't run, go down to the river. Your mission will be completed. As long as the old sheep can get to Williams, everything will be over.

What about you? Won't you run with us? Jing Shu felt a little melancholy because her luggage was taller than several people. Others came here to fight, but what about her? I have to carry so much burden wherever I go.

Me? I still have a mission. After I let you out, I have to block the No. 24 cargo ship across the mouth of the canal so that all other ships can't get through. If they can't turn around, their speed will be at least twice as slow. Otherwise, How do you escape?

Jing Shu frowned, are we going to die together? Come here after you have sailed the boat. We will wait for you on the 25th boat.

Fa Ge smiled and said, Don't worry, no one wants to die as long as they are alive. I have to make sure to block them and prevent them from turning around to buy time for Lao Yang, and also buy time for you to escape. I will disguise myself, and I will disguise myself later. Get in here as a black man. By the way, what's your name?

Mirror, what about you?

My name is Zhang Facai. Although they all like to call me Xiao Zhang, I still want them all to call me Fa Ge.

Jingshu didn't know whether Fa Ge survived in the end. When they arrived at the canal mouth, Fa Ge took the lead to get out of the canal, then turned around and released cargo ship No. 25. After it came out, the entire cargo ship was blocked at the canal mouth. Not only that, it also broke anchor. Fixed at the mouth of the canal.

A 10,000-ton cargo ship moved across the opening, and other ships really couldn't get through.

The tanks were manipulating cargo ship No. 25 indiscriminately. The group of people escaping could not help but feel as if they were in another world. This time, Jing Shu really felt what it was like to be under heavy artillery fire. Among them, the snake spirit was slightly injured, but the others were still intact. Lossless.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and sped up in one direction. As long as they were given half an hour, they could completely avoid the pursuit behind them.

But at this moment, there was a roar in the sky, and an armed helicopter came quickly toward them. What was even more surprising was that the helicopter dropped bombs, which directly blew up the cargo ship lying across the mouth of the canal into a mushroom cloud. A huge The explosion directly opened a big hole in the mouth of Yunhe River!


In the dark night, the entire cargo ship turned into a sea of ​​fire, and some black people screamed and jumped from the ship into the sea.

Fa Ge didn't escape. Lingling said with night vision goggles.

Tank patted Lingling, We can't live up to his kindness. If you need me to cut off the queen, you must not hesitate.

There was no time to be sad, because the armed helicopter flew towards cargo ship No. 25, and it turned on its strong light to illuminate the cargo ship in the darkness.

There is no time to be sad. Lingling took out the RPG rocket launcher from the tank's luggage. The opposite side is an armed helicopter, which is very fast. The RPG's speed may not be able to keep up. If three shots miss, we will Just jump into the sea.”

Of course Jing Shu couldn't hide her secrets at this time, so she also took out the RPG she brought. The Wu Zhi opposite was so awesome, what if she was going to be blown up to death?

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