I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 394 Weird Bleeding Dead Tree

Hey, is it dangerous? Boss, there's not even a shadow of a bug in this place, so where's the danger? Xiao Hei gained some strength after eating the meat.

Something is watching us. Jing Shu said.

Besides a few lonely dead trees, what else is there on this mountain? Xiao Hei asked puzzledly.

Dead tree! Yes, it’s a dead tree!

Every day, she looked at the trees on the mountain and there seemed to be a few dead trees. It seemed that the position and direction of the dead trees were always there, and she felt that something was not right!

And these dead trees also bleed red blood.

Cut it down. We must chop down all these dead trees. Jing Shu quickly went up the mountain and cut down all the dead trees that could be seen. Every time one was cut down, these trees seemed to be bleeding out of blood. How do these dead trees survive in this place where there is no living thing? On the other hand, is there not even a single insect on the ground related to these dead trees?

And how did the bees Jingshu released disappear? Does it have anything to do with these dead trees?

If dead trees are very powerful, people like Jing Shu also cut down these dead trees very easily. It seems that there is nothing special about it!

Jingshu carefully collected all the red liquid. Although she didn't understand what it was, she wanted to take it back and study it. For the sake of safety and her own life, Jingshu put them separately in 1 cubic meter. In the Rubik's Cube space of 1.3 meters, in an absolutely independent and isolated space, Jingshu believed that they had figured something out.

Not only did they cut down the tree, but they also dug out the roots. Tank dug down with shovel after shovel, digging two or three meters, but the tree roots were still not dug to the bottom. Tank waved his hands tiredly, The roots of this kind of tree are too long, and it is impossible to dig them to the bottom. of.

Jingshu held her chin and crushed the root of the tree. There were still a few drops of red liquid inside. This liquid was colorless and odorless. When she put it on her hand, it flowed to the ground like water and disappeared after a while.

It didn't seem to be a fatal liquid or toxin. People in the team didn't dare to try it on their pets. After trying it on a few sulfuric acid ants, they didn't seem to have any special reaction.

Jingshu quickened her pace, feeling increasingly uneasy. She finally finished cutting down the dead trees on this mountain, but when she got to the next mountain, there were still the same position and the same number of dead trees.

At this time, everyone realized that something was wrong, and a kind of panic spread. Everyone didn't know whether they were trapped in a ghost beating a wall-like environment, or whether they were trapped in a really big mountain.

Jing Shu knew that they were not encountering a ghost, but that this forest was really big!

The United States has a Mediterranean climate at this latitude. Even though the temperature in Wucheng in China is as low as nearly zero degrees, the United States is still not too cold. However, this mountain obviously does not have a Mediterranean climate. The soil is rather like stone, more like a tropical or subtropical zone. area.

Another important point is that sulfate ants are insects that live in the tropics. There are various signs that the mountains have crossed over and spanned a very long distance.

Perhaps this is not a part of the earth. Otherwise, it would not be able to explain the invasion of so many species, and the reason why the earth loses sunlight needs to be studied.

So, this dead tree is most likely not a product of the earth, or it is also an invasive species! But why have we never heard of this kind of tree in the past ten years? We have not even encountered it during migration.

Jingshu seriously considered this series of questions. In order to understand whether this kind of dead wood was harmful or not, or whether she was overthinking it, she deliberately left some man-eating insects behind every time she cut down a tree to continue eating the roots, and then Digging down towards the roots of the trees, didn't she believe that these roots could still grow several hundred meters?

Jingshu couldn't remember how many trees were cut down and how much red liquid was collected. The food in the luggage was getting less and less, and even the water they could find was very little. However, they still had not left this mountain. There is no black water monster in the gap, there are no insects in the ground, there is really not even a living thing.

This continuous mountain seemed to be hundreds of kilometers long. No matter which direction they walked, it was of no use.

A few days passed. The man-eating insects ate the roots of the trees. Most of them died while eating. Judging from the messages passed on, they died suddenly. Some of them met Jingshu while eating and were distributed in other places. man-eating insect, it seems that the dead tree underground is actually connected?

Just when Jing Shu was thinking about whether to find out, her teammates couldn't bear it any longer.

It was as if they had not slept for ten and a half months. The dark circles under their eyes were worse than those of national treasures. Their faces were all pale, as if something had sucked their blood and energy away.

Don't talk about people, Ah Huang seems to have aged several years, and he will be out of breath after walking for a long time.

I feel that my vitality is rapidly draining from my physical strength, just like the water on the sand under the flames, evaporating. The snake spirit spit out the letter and looked at his wrinkled hands.

Even her supple complexion became extremely sallow, and she suddenly looked several years older.

Jing Shu and Fei Ji had no effect, but the sulfate ants died one by one, and the queen sulfate ants had no problem. Jing Shu vaguely had the answer, and she excreted sulfuric acid from the dead sulfate ants during dinner.

Dead ants must not be wasted. Although her teammates were a little skeptical about whether sulfuric acid ants could be eaten, Jingshu told them with practical actions.

Soak them and pickle them with salt. Jingshu adds some diluted Lingquan water and stirs the minced pork, onion and garlic together. Adds soy sauce, salt and various seasonings and stirs them into minced ant meat. Heat oil in a pan and squeeze the meat into minced ants. Fry the meatballs until golden brown and cooked, take them out and serve.

Don’t waste the remaining ants. Mix them evenly with the chicken’s eggs, add batter, and bake golden ant egg pancakes on the pot. The fragrant smell permeates the valley.

Eat this tonight.

Jingshu tasted a few pieces and they were delicious. Ants have more than 70 kinds of nutrients and are definitely nutritious to eat. This damn place is probably sucking their vitality, and only the spiritual spring can compete with it.

Xiao Hei said sincerely: Hey, I found that the boss can turn stinky shoe soles into delicious ones.

Jingshu: Thank you for your compliment.

Jingshu couldn't think of a way to deal with the death of large swaths of sulfuric acid ants. This ace in dealing with undead animals was about to die before they could take action, and the bodies of her teammates had also reached the extreme. It seemed that if they stayed in this mountain for one more day, their vitality would be lost. One minute faster, faster and faster, until death, and Lingquan seems to only be able to alleviate the current situation.

The vitality of Jingshu and Feiji is too strong, so they haven't felt the loss yet.

Jingshu decided to take a chance. Now it was certain that all of this was related to the dead trees. In that case, she wanted to see what terminal these dead trees led to!

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