I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 397 The one who speaks the truth

Jingshu never thought that transitioning from a 7th-level Rubik's Cube to an 8th-level Rubik's Cube would be such a dangerous upgrade, but in terms of space, 8*8*8, 512 cubic meters of space instantly gave Jingshu 169 cubic meters more. Space will indeed allow Jingshu to load more precious, rare, and extinct materials, allowing Jingshu to live more comfortably in the coming apocalypse.

At this critical juncture, it’s time to upgrade the Rubik’s Cube Space!

When the Rubik's Cube space was reshaped in Jingshu's head this time, Jingshu actually had a real feeling. It was like an anesthetized patient lying on the bed, listening to the scalpel moving in his body. The sound of the knife is the same. You can really hear that the brain was cut open, new space particles were placed, the spirit field was repositioned, and then the password was entered to completely unlock the ability of the 8th-level Rubik's Cube. Finally, the head was stitched, and the Rubik's Cube upgrade was completed.

Every time you upgrade to a level, the Rubik's Cube space will be unsealed and become more and more powerful. At the same time, Jingshu will be more closely integrated with the Rubik's Cube space. Through this upgrade, Jingshu has the ability to master the 8th-level Rubik's Cube. He has gained a deeper level of control and understanding, which is simply not comparable to the new abilities of the past few days.

Not only that, Jingshu could also feel that the Rubik's Cube space was inputting special energy into her body. Jingshu felt that the blood vessels that had burst before were slowly being repaired one by one. This repair was not the self-repair of cells, but time. The reversal is as magical as returning the body to the state it was in five hours ago!

Maybe this should be the product of four-dimensional space?

However, this time reversal treatment is not omnipotent. For example, it cannot reverse things such as memory, senses, and touch, so her senses will continue to reflect the pain when her body was exploded.

Are you awake? Lingling looked over.

The injuries on her body are much better. It must be because she listened to my words and applied ointment. Snake Spirit said proudly.

It may also be that he has a high self-healing ability. Lingling retorted.

Jingshu slowly opened her eyes, and instantly felt the heartbreaking pain that her blood vessels were about to explode. She frowned and endured it. She moved her fingers slightly, but she felt uncoordinated all over her body. She was stiff. It was as if he had lost control of his body.

How's it going? Are you feeling better? Tank asked worriedly, and his teammates also cast concerned looks.

However, Jingshu felt that something heavy was weighing down her legs and she was suffocating. When she squinted her eyes, she saw that she was placed on a cart and was pulled by a tank. Everyone continued to walk forward together, and the fat chicken was lying on her on her lap, looking at her with concern.

Go away, it's too heavy for you. Jingshu kicked the fat chicken away, panting a little tiredly, How long have I been unconscious?

It's been a day. I don't know what you did, but since you fainted, we have returned to normal. I think it all has something to do with you, so I didn't dare to delay and hurried away. Your injury looks very serious. , Snake Spirit found several medicines for you and asked Lingling to apply them on you. Don’t worry, we haven’t touched your luggage. It’s under the care of your fighting chicken. If you don’t wake up, we will collectively starve to death. Yeah. Ke joked.

The snake spirit curled his lips, I just took some medicine, and your chicken chased me for three thousand meters. At least I was spared because it was for your use. Your chicken must be a chicken spirit.

Lingling hummed: If it weren't for the dozens of eggs laid by the fighting chickens, you would have been unable to walk.

The monkey said speechlessly: An egg costs 50 contribution points. If you don't record it, you won't give it. I have never eaten such expensive eggs in my life.

The fat chicken was like a tiger patrolling its own territory. He raised his head and was arrogant. He took the opportunity to step on two sulfuric acid queen ants with his paws, meaning: Master, did you see clearly? When you were unconscious, At that time, I was protecting you and earning contribution points for you, but this piece of trash only knows how to eat and does nothing else.

Jing Shu laughed dumbly: Okay, I'll reward you with two chicken legs.

The fat chicken would happily spin around in circles, but it was hard to say whose chicken legs would be rewarded.

During the time when Jingshu was lying down unable to move, Feiji had become the most popular chicken in the team. No one was allowed to touch Jingshu's luggage. Whatever Jingshu said she would go in and find and take out by herself. Fat Chicken is still a chicken that loves to learn. He likes to learn to fly with the clever birds, even though he always falls off halfway. He also likes to stick out his tongue and smell after Ah Huang.

When Feiji finally let go of her nature and lived her life, Jingshu finally became familiar with the eighth-level space after her promotion and its abilities, nothingness; before, her teammates ignored her abilities because of her half-assed skills, but now, Jingshu What can be achieved is to be completely integrated into any environment, and to be able to do whatever you want to the point where people can't ignore it.

This gives her an extra layer of security and a trump card for her life in the United States.

The four-dimensional space was temporarily closed because of the crystal stolen by Jing Shu, so Jing Shu and his party quickly walked out of the never-ending mountain, and quickly encountered the town. After getting the pickup truck, they rushed there frantically. The meeting place that I told Yang Yang half a month ago.

Speaking of the crystals Jingshu stole, Jingshu was still confused because there was less red liquid in the space and the crystals were also missing a circle. I wonder if it was her illusion. Could it be that the Rubik's Cube space secretly appropriated this red liquid? liquid? No way, Jingshu kept her eyes open for two days and found nothing unusual.

But soon, Jingshu's attention was shifted to the new mission target, which was also an important mission in coming to the United States this time. After all, this mission was the price for Qian Duoduo's sponsorship of Jingshu and his party coming to the United States.

Qian Duoduo had publicly raised funds in Shiyuan at that time, saying that he wanted Wucheng's team to go to the United States to obtain a complete set of vegetable dehydration technology. As for why he didn't use the country's housekeeper, he also explained that the domestic level effect and cost It's too big. In the end of the world, this precious resource won't be able to produce many dried vegetables.

The United States has a complete and mature industrial chain technology, but it requires sparse cultivation technology and a series of supporting planting methods, new machines and new technologies, etc. In addition, what Qian Duoduo wants is core technology, so of course it will be obtained from the United States. Come to steal the teacher.

Jingshu didn't know how much money was raised at that time, but it cost a lot of money to send several teams back and forth to the United States, and even placed operators in the United States.

Therefore, even if Jingshu's team disappeared for more than half a month, Yangyang's team would still be under pressure to finish. Unfortunately, the progress was not very smooth.

Fortunately, Jingshu's team finally came out intact and intact. After more than half a month, they contacted Yang Yang again, which allowed Jingshu and his team to quickly join Yang Yang and his team. Complete this difficult task.

It's even later

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