I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 428 Relying on Hao Yunlai to avoid disasters

After figuring out the logic, Jingshu said:

"I understand, for example, for example, I have a 100 HP blood tank. The previous method was to replenish the 20HP blood tank from 60HP, but the latter one not only replenishes the blood tank, but also increases the upper limit, increasing the 100HP blood tank to The HP health tank is 120, right?”

Yang Yang nodded and gave a thumbs up, "Absolutely, so do you understand how rich this rich man is?"

Jing Shu nodded in understanding. This big boss mastered the technology and formula to extend human lifespan. How could he not be rich?

"Not only rich, but also rich enough to rival the country, right?" Zhen Nantian said lightly.

Yang Yang nodded, "With such technology, you can imagine how many assassinations and robberies this wealthy businessman has to suffer every day, but no one has ever succeeded, so I said before that this task is the most difficult this time, because of this The rich man not only has strong armed ability, but also has rich experience in dealing with robberies and assassinations. The most important thing is that we currently don’t know the information about the rich man, including his age, appearance, etc. We don’t even know whether he lives in the country or not. it's here."

Speaking of this, even Jing Shu felt the pressure. It was indeed difficult to say this. However, they were here to steal things. In fact, it didn't matter whether the rich man was there or not.

"But...this rich man believes in Jesus."

The corner of Yang Yang's mouth curled up, "Every week, he always invites priests and nuns to his manor for worship. At this time, 80% of his servants and bodyguards will start worshiping at this place. Some people say that rich people It is hidden in the hands of these people, and some people say that the rich man is not there at all, and it is just a pretense.

There are also many people who take advantage of this time to come over to seek benefits, or even want to assassinate, but no one can succeed. Some even say that this is a trap set by the rich, deliberately leaking their hobbies to attract these people to catch them all, etc. ; In short, no matter what his plan is, before the priest goes to worship later, it is the best time for us to take action! "

Yang Yang panted as he walked: "Although the rich man's house is very big, various protective measures have been taken. Not only does it have a restricted air area, but it also has a two-kilometer infrared thermal imaging camera. In other words, no matter it is day or night, you can No matter what kind of camouflage you have made, as long as your body emits thermal imaging, it can detect you from such a distance, and there are no blind spots, so 90% of people walking from the front cannot get in at all. So from the air and the ground It’s impossible to leave.”

Tank's eyes lit up: "Are we going to dig another tunnel?"

"Stupid, you have thought of it, how can others not think of it?" Snake Spirit said with disdain.

Yang Yang really shook his head: "Digming tunnels won't work. Before the end of the world, the rich man spent tens of billions to build a tempered glass underwater world under his house. One end was connected to the canal, turning the land under his feet into a real canal. The underwater world we are watching, in order to ensure that this huge underwater world is not destroyed, tens of billions are spent on repairs and additions of various protection mechanisms, not to mention the surrounding armed forces and various agencies, just to destroy this underwater world that can withstand explosives You can’t even do it in the underwater world.”

"Then how do we get in?"

Yang Yang said about the canal not far away: "The underwater world built by the rich is in the canal, and you can enter the rich man's territory from there. The underwater world is full of the most poisonous creatures in the world, and there are also many man-eating sharks. Creatures like mermaids and Belcher's sea snakes! They were poisoned not long after entering. Within a day, their bodies floated to the exit and were dragged away.

In fact, there is no one guarding the entrance. The rich man once said that if anyone can swim through the underwater world, then he welcomes these people to find him. But so far, except for a very lucky Indian, there is no way out. There was also a surprise waiting for him at one end. It is undeniable that the rich will collect several corpses at the exit every day. "

Everyone present could not help but gasp!

If you want to live in the underwater world, you are simply asking for death, but how do so many poisonous creatures live together peacefully?

"I heard that new poisonous creatures will be added every six months."

Hmm...is it really the 357 fish farming method? Feed once every three days, change water once every five days, and change fish once every seven days.

Wait, what do you mean by that?

Yang Yang finally stopped, pointed at the map and said: "Okay, let's start now. Let's split up. Lingling and Tank, you snipe from this position. Snake Spirit and Monkey, you go from here and act according to the situation or wait for my signal; Zhen Nantian, you are at this gate. The priest will bring people to worship in an hour. He will cause trouble by then. As for Hao Yunlai and Jing Jing, the three of us first arrived at the rich man's home from the other end of the canal in the Underwater World. "

With that said, Yang Yang took out the diving equipment and put it on for several people.

Jingshu and the others quickly put on their diving equipment and brought oxygen tanks. Jingshu suddenly asked before going into the water: "So do we have any good methods or measures to get through those poisons and reach the rich man's house?" At home?"

Yang Yang pointed at Hao Yunlai and said, "It depends on him."


Yang Yang shrugged and said, "Just follow him. If he thinks it's dangerous, let's not go there."

That makes sense!

"Then you're not afraid that everything is in danger?"

Hao Yun, who has always had no sense of existence, said: "No, there is no perfect way."

Is it reliable? The wetsuits are ordinary and not bite-proof at all. What if a shark comes?

Don't use firearms to hit these raindrops underwater. If you hit them, it will cause a bit of blood, and the next step will be very miserable. Perhaps poisoning is a good idea, but how much poison is needed to kill the piranha in half the canal? You must know that this underwater world is living water.

Before Jingshu had time to react, she was taken under the canal and quickly found the entrance to the underwater world. There was a narrow opening where only one person could pass through at a time.

If you want to bring in a large number of bombs to blow up this place, it is probably not possible, because the inhumane rich will tell you that although the underwater world is connected, it can flow from one underwater world to the other in an instant. The water turns into thousands of super huge closed fish tanks.

But the most important thing is to bring photography, and there are surveillance cameras all the way in the underwater world.

Jing Shu felt that her intelligence had been insulted. Does the owner know where her feelings are going? The key is that the owner may still talk about it and likes to watch a group of idiots risking their lives to kill him, so is this a monkey show?

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