I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 430 Frankness before death

The evil star descends from the sky and kills all the relatives in all directions. If the noble Tianyi can save him, doing good deeds and accumulating virtue is the best way.

My name is Hao Yunlai. I was born into a prosperous family. The whole family relied on counterfeiting and medicine to become a big and wealthy family. With a strong foundation, strong connections, huge profits, and the protection of officials, I don't know how many people have been tricked to death. How can the family be able to Today's glory was achieved by stepping on countless corpses, and countless people shed blood and tears to curse, but it only made the family's business prosperous and sold to other places.

All that, until I came.

My mother died in childbirth when I was born. When I was one month old, my 13-year-old second brother choked to death in the kitchen after stealing glutinous rice balls. When he was found, he was squeezing his own neck with both hands and couldn't breathe.

When I was one year old, my 16-year-old brother was so involved in playing competitive games for seven hours that he choked to death.

My 6-year-old third sister fell into a manhole and drowned when she went back to worship her ancestors during the Chinese New Year.

“My grandfather was crushed to death by a cow that was about to be sacrificed during Qingming Festival.”

In just six years, not a single member of Nuo Da's family was left. They had resisted and thought of various ways. After they found out that I was the lone star of the Heavenly Evil Star, Gu Keliu, and my relatives died in all directions, they still They thought about killing me to silence them, but unfortunately this would only accelerate their demise. There are also people who donated all their money to start doing good deeds, but the end would be to leave a whole corpse behind.

But my life is getting harder and harder. Gradually, wherever I go, the people I meet, and the creatures I touch, tragedies will happen, and it becomes more and more serious. Even as long as I get close, tragedies will happen. By letting these creatures die immediately, I became a real plague god, but I just longed to live like an ordinary person.

When I was eight years old, I met a noble man. He taught me a lot, taught me how to do good deeds and accumulate virtue, and also taught me how to be an ordinary person.

According to what he said, he put my bad fate on the whole clan who will never be reincarnated and suffer in the 18th level of hell. This can temporarily suppress the bad luck and allow me to become an ordinary person for a short time, but I will never be reincarnated. When encountering danger, even more terrifying misfortunes will erupt, and even oneself will be swallowed up.

This is the price of being ordinary for a short time.

So I usually only let one person out. The sooner a relative dies, the stronger the bad luck will be. When the situation is as dangerous as just now, I can only let my second brother out. He pinched my neck fiercely and blamed me. I sent him to the eighteenth level of hell, and he became more cruel every time, and he will probably strangle me to death next time.

I will not let my mother out unless it is absolutely necessary. That means I will perish together with the enemy.

If that's the case, I would also be very happy, if that could help others. The noble man said that I will not live to be thirty because I have committed too many sins, so I can only do more good deeds to make up for what I have done in the past. The crime has been caused, but if it affects innocent people again, it will accelerate the process of death.

After all, there is reincarnation in the way of heaven, and good and evil will be rewarded in the end!

After twenty years of familiarity, I seem to be able to control some creatures without causing bad luck, but it is limited to two or three people, so when there are many teammates, I never dare to use it, otherwise I can bring it with me They came in and killed everyone, but unfortunately, they still don’t know my abilities and they think I’m just an ordinary person, but it feels so good to be protected.”

I've been feeling sleepier and sleepier lately. It's like an old man's life has come to an end. I have no energy. I always want to sleep all day long. Maybe if I fall asleep, I will never wake up again.

But I hope that before I go to hell to atone for my sins, I can help these teammates. For this, I will do whatever it takes!

By the way, the eggs ordered for 50 yuan are really delicious. I hope I can meet this chicken and her owner in the next life. They are both very interesting and good people.

Hao Yunlai's speed was very fast. He rushed forward without any scruples, even ignoring these terrible and terrifying creatures.

The place where Jing Shu is located is simply the place where the biggest poison in the world is locked up. The creatures that were supposed to attack them madly ended up dying in various weird ways due to various coincidences. What do you think? Hao Yunlai must be causing trouble, but these ways of death are really coincidental. You say these are really coincidences, but are there really such coincidences in the world?

Tragic, miserable!

Yang Yang pulled Jingshu and kept a close distance. Jingshu was a little afraid that the bad luck of the plague god on Hao Yunlai would affect her body. The effect was really terrible. Wherever he passed, there were corpses everywhere. Isn't it scary? If Hao Yunlai enters Austin City and activates this plague mode, I don't know how many people will die.

No wonder Yang Yang said, how could he take this path if he was not sure? It seems that we are indeed somewhat certain that this is the release of Satan's seal.

This time, the three of them arrived at the end of the underwater world very quickly. Of course, there were more exciting things waiting for Jing Shu there. Unfortunately, because of Hao Yunlai's bad luck, all the brothers there died. Jingshu didn't care about Hao Yunlai. We have a deeper understanding of our misfortune.

When Hao Yunlai went berserk, he was just like the big devil, cold and ruthless, killing people with no more than a nod, but he just took one more look in the crowd.

The three of them successfully arrived at the rich man's real home from the exit of the underwater world.

Jingshu took a deep breath and took off her diving suit, saying that she would never go out wearing a diving suit again.

Hao Yunlai also sat on the ground and collapsed from exhaustion. He couldn't even open his eyes. It seems that there is a time limit for his ability? It's about five minutes, which is enough to do something at a critical moment, but it's still too little for big things, and you'll collapse after using it once and you don't know how long it will take to recover next time.

Jing Shu touched her chin to estimate Hao Yunlai's ability and rating. A rating was still a bit low.

Yang Yang took out the map and said, From now on, we will divide our troops into two groups. You will take Hao Yunlai here, while I will go to the science and technology building from here. The formula of the rich man is very likely to be here, but no matter who finds it first If you get recipes or good things, you can send messages in the group.”

Jingshu coughed and said, Bring Hao Yun here, so you can be safer. In fact, Jingshu also thought that she should go hunting for treasures alone. Please, if there is anything, you can just put it in the space.

No, I can't carry him. Besides, as long as I can get in, it's my world. Don't forget how I stole so many things when I came to the United States last year. Yang Yang said proudly.

What you owe +1: WY_1007 (10,000 rewards). The book reviews on the starting point are all gone when we upgrade the platform, and the bookworm accounts and various buildings built by everyone are gone. I don’t know if they will be restored in the future.

By the way, I just found out that 880,000 words, 80,000 recommendations, and 88 monthly votes are really auspicious numbers.

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