I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 433 Z10 Generation Bacterial Synthetic Meat

Jingshu picked up a tube and shook it in the dim light. As the liquid inside swayed, it emitted a star-like color.

What is this? Jingshu dragged her chin and frowned. The metal box was only marked ZS-880.

Could it be that this mission is looking for a potion that can make cells divide one more time when combined with the tripod? But what we are looking for should be the formula, right? No matter what, put it away first, no matter what it is, just take action , it’s a large amount of working capital, and if it doesn’t work, it can be exchanged for other supplies.”

Although the virtual coins of the apocalypse are just numbers to Jingshu now, the increasingly scarce supplies will make all prices rise. Jingshu is about to face the fifth year of ice and snow weather and migration, and she has to spend a lot of money to prepare Well, when it comes to money, no one can have too much, especially in the last days.

However, Jingshu herself never thought that she had once proudly said that virtual currencies were just numbers, but not long after, she owed millions in huge debts and embarked on a life of earning money to repay the debt every day. That’s another story.

Closing the metal box with a snap, Jingshu found the most conspicuous thing piled in the Rubik's Cube space: a dozen apple-sized, bumpy stones with a card attached to them. Jingshu used a translator to translate the following text:

Mars meteorites form unique magnetic fields and rare elements after falling at high temperatures, and 24 necessary rare elements needed for ZS-880 can be extracted from them at regular intervals.

Jingshu doesn't know what ZS-880 is, but she can probably guess it. It should be the potion made from the target formula of this mission, right? This is good, the formula was not found, but the necessary extracts were found.

She had heard about the important Martian meteorite, which had been auctioned for tens of millions of euros. This was a priceless item!

In this apocalypse, it has become a necessity for refining rare elements. So you can imagine how valuable this thing is, but Jingshu feels a little hot again. With so many things in her hand, will she? Will he be killed and silenced?

Then, Jingshu opened the third thing, which was a high-tech data carrier and a container frozen in dry ice. There seemed to be an unknown creature inside, and a small card came with it.

Jingshu's heart skipped a beat. Could it be the target formula for this mission? Today's technological formulas are not all stored in chips, and generally they dare not be stored in the cloud space to prevent hackers from stealing them.

Because the translation function is limited and cannot be interpreted in a particularly professional manner, Jing Shu’s understanding and translation are added as follows:

“Z10 generation bacterial synthetic meat is produced by cultivating bacteria to produce protein and then changing the NDA chain of the protein. Current data can produce 95% beef-flavored, 90% chicken-flavored synthetic meat, and 80% fish-flavored synthetic meat. , its main ingredients are”

The glassware is labeled as a Z10 generation bacterial sample.

Jingshu translated it several times and found that this was probably the core formula and technology of synthetic meat. In fact, for people like Jingshu who had room for it, there was no shortage of chicken, duck, beef and mutton.

But it’s missing in the last days! China is in short supply! Synthetic meat was available in the United States before the end of the world. It was promised that in the future there would be no need to kill animals, breed animals, or waste a lot of time. In the future, synthetic meat could be used directly. Its meat quality is the same as ordinary meat, but why has it not become more popular?

Because the cost is too expensive, far exceeding its original value, it is equivalent to using 200,000 yuan to make it. If it costs 100 yuan to make a fake, it is meaningless even if it is fake.

“I don’t know what the cost of this Z10-generation bacteria-synthesized meat is, but it matches the giant food that will appear in two years. First, bacteria are used to synthesize meat, and then it is enlarged hundreds of times, making Wucheng’s food less stressful. Well, if it’s done well, it will be a money-spinning plug-in! So this also needs to be done in a clear way.”

Two years later, when she heard about the change in food, she naturally would not act as a boss, but she could stand behind and do the output. Jingshu has been thinking about how to prevent Qian Duoduo from perishing, and how to save herself as if saving the country. After all, she is the same. As one of the shareholders of Shiyuan, isn’t the source of all evil coming from not enough food? If there is enough food, the tyrant will still do what he did in his previous life. Just pretend that Jing Shu never said this.

Jingshu quickly sorted these things, putting the things that didn't need to be crossed into the space, and stuffing the things that needed to be crossed into another sack. There were also some things that she didn't have time to look at, so she put them in the space temporarily. The things must be The good thing is that most of them cannot be used directly.

However, one of them still attracted the eyes of exclaimers. It was a very ordinary card, a bit like an ID card. When I picked it up, I saw it was just a chip. I don’t know what it is used for. The items in the Regal Safe are indeed very valuable. High-end items, and usually unique ones, should be considered 'valuable items' by the wealthy if they can be placed here.

Jingshu kept the card close to her, maybe it had some use?

Thick smoke curled up behind her, and the sirens still didn't attract anyone. Jingshu couldn't help but wonder even more. Could it be that except for some security guards just now, the rest of the rich man's house was empty? Such a loud sound can be heard by the entire manor, right? Is the imaging of hot spots within two kilometers that claims to be indiscriminate indiscriminate bragging?

Otherwise, where would the people be in such a big movement?

Jing Shu opened the sack, took a look at Hao Yunlai, who was pale and still showed no sign of waking up, and sniffed to see if he was still alive. Just stay alive!

Before leaving, Jingshu sent a message in the group: I made some explosions here, and the sound was quite loud, but no security guards came, not even one person. I suspect there is no one in this manor. Snake Spirit wants to Why don't you test it, test it from the air and from the front.

The air defense is normal. I just placed a dozen hydrogen balloons around, and they have all been shot down.

I'm going to drive a few creatures over to take a look.

I told them that they just heard an explosion, but they still didn't believe it. How did you get there?

The priest will arrive in ten minutes. If you can't find anything again, you will have to implement plan B.

Jing Shu dragged Hao Yunlai and the items that were going to cross the open road this time to the second place where her five-step snake disappeared. This was a European-style villa and manor, and it didn't look like anything special.

But Jingshu knew that this place must be full of traps just like the previous place, so she was preparing to release some more five-step snakes to die to check the traps.

But at this moment, a synthesized electronic sound came over, which almost scared Jingshu to the point of peeing:

Welcome home.

Huh?? Did I touch the mechanism? Jingshu immediately bowed and stepped back a few steps, fearing that there would be another mechanism like the laser just now, and there were actually sensors around her!

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