I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 436 A mission from a rich man?

Jingshu ran out of the villa courtyard, and the robot followed behind her. Jingshu looked from the courtyard door to the gate, and started to translate. She wanted to hear what this middle-aged man was talking about.

He was wearing gray trousers, a white shirt, a decent vest and a proper blue tie. His whole person gave people a just-right feeling, with just the right figure, service and a specially customized Western-style dress hat, he looked so polite. , and the silver mask shows his nobility.

Jingshu quickly translated the next conversation.

I'm very sorry, friend, that I may have disturbed your enjoyment. I apologize for my recklessness. At the same time, thank you for taking the time from your busy schedule to visit my private property, the Rhine Manor. Of course, I very much welcome your arrival.

It's a rich man! He is the owner of this private land!

The man took off his top hat to express his apology and welcome. Then he stood up, leaning on the aristocratic crutch with his back to Jing Shu. After thinking for a while, he turned around and said:

You must be a capable adventurer, or a team, otherwise how can you get the 'key' in a trap full of lasers after infiltrating? I have to say that I admire you very much, you Passed my test.

Jing Shu looked around warily. Was this video recorded a long time ago? What about the conditions for playback? Is it this little robot? It seemed like it beeped twice just now.

No matter what the man on the TV said, Jingshu kicked the little robot away, but she didn't know what it was made of. It was not damaged at all, and it followed it again.

At this time, the gentleman on the TV continued: Do you still like Rhine Manor? How is the harvest? This is a gift I specially prepared for you. Yes, you heard it right. Everything in this entire Rhine Manor is given to you or your team;

Of course, you have to explore its value yourself. After all, it is still full of dangers, haha.

If you're lucky, you can get a lot of supplies that I didn't have time to take away.

I highlighted the key points and didn’t have time to take them away.

In other words, this is an escape? No wonder the whole area feels a bit empty, and I always feel that something is missing. It turns out that he has taken away some supplies? He left in a hurry. Could it be that he was fleeing? Jing Shu dragged her chin. , still wary.

Okay, friend, actually I have something to ask of you; although I don't know why you came to the Rhine Manor, it is undeniable that you succeeded, whether you want the latest formula for a new drug, or... I have prepared abundant supplies and life-saving medicine for you. They are in the middle of the tower. There is a secret room there. As long as you carry the 'chip' key, you can enter and exit there unimpeded and take away everything you want. Supplies taken away.”

Similarly, there is still my 'corpse' there, yes, all the materials of the Rhine Manor belong to you, and my great Job Spence has only one request, as long as you help me complete the task of Job Spess's death Just prove it, it’s very simple, right?

The clever and powerful adventurers killed America's top tycoon Job Spouse in his secret room and obtained a large amount of his wealth. Isn't it exciting?

Then please follow Xiaobu, he will take you there. By the way, Xiaobu only recognizes the owner of the chip. From now on, you will be the owner of Rhine Manor.

The man smiled.

Jing Shu thought the scene was over. She hesitated. This rich man wanted to fake his death to avoid some terrible things. It was most likely that the political corruption in the United States had his idea. Even rich men of this level fled. Okay, are they overestimating their capabilities?

What if she doesn't accept the request? Anyway, she now has a chip key. Jingshu took out the chip again. At this moment, the signal source was flashing inside it. She didn't know if the terminal at the other end would control it. This was always a trouble.

Suddenly, the man grabbed his body and came closer to the camera in vain, revealing his face magnified countless times. He showed a devilish smile: Please complete my commission, if it is not completed by 20:00 on April 2, , there will be trouble coming, if you don’t want to be the scapegoat.”

The scene finally ends here.

The big screen flashed, completely black, and the world became quiet. Jingshu raised her hand and glanced at the time, 19:59!

Emmm, did something go wrong? This time seems to have been missed perfectly. What should I do now? Hurry up and get the things in the tower and evacuate. I'm afraid this place will not become a battlefield. Jing Shu crossed her hips. , tonight's action was completely inconsistent with the plan for the first time, and it changed too quickly.

Danger is everywhere.

Wake up, wake up, Hao Yunlai! Jingshu patted her hard a few times, but there was still no sign of waking up. Jingshu was cruel, and for the sake of her own safety, she might as well feed Hao Yunlai some spiritual springs. She felt that this guy was indeed a bit nervous. Use it, if a dangerous situation does occur, you can avoid the danger.

Jingshu fed a drop of Lingquan into it, and at the same time sent a message to Yang Yang to roughly explain what happened, I seem to have found the information on the formula here, meet me!

While dragging Hao Yunlai, he continued to move forward.

After a while, Hao Yunlai opened his hazy eyes, and then cried out in pain: It hurts, it hurts!

Where does it hurt? Jing Shu stopped and turned to look at Hao Yunlai, who had confused eyes.

Give me a hand. Hao Yunlai said painfully.

Jingshu pulled Hao Yunlai up and saw that he stood up painfully, exposing his worn buttocks and thighs. Hao Yunlai was limping in pain.

Look, I'm injured and may not be able to leave.

Jingshu: ...

Ahem. Jingshu said embarrassedly, The situation was so urgent that I dragged you away. How about you change the direction and let me drag you away again? Something urgent happened.

Okay. Hao Yunlai obediently took off his clothes and spread them under the sack. You can go.

I always feel like something is strange, but I can’t put my finger on it.

Jing Shu dragged Hao Yunlai and ran wildly, revealing her size. Hao Yunlai was often hit by more than a dozen packages swinging around. Bang, bang sounds were heard. Hao Yunlai retracted his head, dug a hole in the sack, and observed The situation outside.

Jingshu was a little regretful. She might not be able to stuff things into the space in the future. Didn't there be supplies in a secret room? But after all, Hao Yunlai brought the awake Hao Yunlai with him for safety reasons.

The robot runs very fast, always a little faster than Jingshu. With it guiding Jingshu in front, the goal is very clear, that tall tower.

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