I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 438 Mom, it’s you this time

So from the beginning, the rich man said that the entire Rhine Manor was given to you as a gift. It was just a gift for companionship on the Huangquan Road. From the beginning, he wanted to kill everyone, including his own 'corpse', no Should the destruction of corpses and traces wait for special people to check for errors? The best way is to destroy all evidence.

The rich man who went to great lengths to create his own death and was deeply afraid that others would not believe him was definitely in big trouble.

But the trouble for Jing Shu and others now is that the robot said that Rhine Manor has turned on the self-destruction mode. What is the power of this self-destruction?

The monkey said hurriedly: Run away, let the snake spirit drive to pick us up!

Lock all floors, close all passages, and block all exits. The robot issued the instruction.

What should we do? We can't get down?

In the blink of an eye, Jingshu got all the big and small things in the secret room into the package. At this moment, it was too late to take a closer look. At this moment, she heard that all the exits were sealed, and then she punched the robot away.

Sure enough, they were trapped on the 8th floor of the tower. They couldn't go up or down. They were trapped on this floor, and all the exits were closed! There are no windows at all. Once all exits are blocked, you can't even jump off the building. You're basically waiting to die.

How to do how to do!

Yang Yang quickly informed the group of the current situation, asking others to evacuate first, asking Snake Spirit to take over, and asked Lingling to directly request support. The formula has been obtained, and now he has no life left to get out!

Although a call for help was sent, those who should find a way to escape still had to escape. As the sound of beeping became more and more urgent, everyone felt that their lives were being roasted on a fire rack.

Jing Shu frowned. She could place explosives in the air outside through the weapon holes and directly blow a big hole out of a closed building made of special materials like a high tower. In this case, they could jump directly. Although the 8th floor was a bit high, she still could There are parachutes and stuff like that.

I just don’t know how long it will take for this countdown bomb to explode.

The longer it takes to activate the explosion, the more powerful the bomb is. Just like blasting, he must have deployed explosives at many points. Yang Yang gave everyone popular science. If he really wants to blow up the entire Rhine Manor, then We still have time to escape. It has been tens of seconds and there has been no explosion, which means that he is not just trying to blow up us 'murderers'. After all, there are still many shady places in this Rhine Manor. If it were me, I would rather deploy more explosives to blow up the entire manor to rubbish. As for whether we can escape, haha.

But if we don't escape from this tower, we will die!

The monkey angrily went up and shook the robot vigorously, Mirror, don't you have a weapon chip? Can't you control it? Can you tamper with the program?

Jing Shu shook her head. Just as she stood up and prepared to blast a wall directly from the outside, Hao Yunlai half-knelt on the ground, covering his head in great pain.

Danger..very dangerous..

Suddenly, Hao Yunlai screamed.

What's going on? Jingshu was a little stunned, Is it possible?

However, it’s unlikely, right? Jing Shu knows that some people are born with great luck. She saw Hao Yun's luck in the underwater world before he came, but how should I put it? He should affect the luck of the surroundings, or make the luck of all living creatures around him extremely bad. thus allowing himself to escape the disaster itself.

But what does this matter now? There was no interference from external objects, but they were trapped on the eighth floor. What they were about to face might be an explosion, and it wasn't just a small explosion, but an explosion in the entire Rhine Manor.

Can Hao Yunlai keep the entire Rhine Manor from exploding by taking ten thousand steps back? How big is the Rhine Manor? Could it be that Hao Yunlai's luck has not reached this level?

Jing Shu couldn't trust others at this time. It was safest to hold the steering wheel in her own hands.

I have a way! Jingshu couldn't hide her secrets and had to leave here as soon as possible, but she didn't expect that just when she said this sentence, the whole earth suddenly shook, and the whole tower shook crazily. Jingshu was shaken by this sudden shaking It hit the wall, but Jingshu wore the thickest clothes and wore a helmet. Although she was hit, she was actually okay.


Hurry and grab something, the tower is going to fall!

Jingshu hurriedly put on some more thick clothes, and when she was looking for something safe, the whole tower collapsed!

In the chaos, Jing Shu heard Hao Yunlai's faint voice: Mom, it's you this time. It seems I really have to go down to see you.

Um? Is Hao Yunlai talking in his sleep?

Boom! There was a loud noise, and Jingshu felt soreness all over her body and had a splitting headache. How tall is the eight-story tower? If you jump without protection, you will definitely die.

But the problem on Jingshu's side was even more serious. The entire tower collapsed, and the entire room was cracked. Reinforced steel and rubble were everywhere! This is almost the same effect as jumping down from the 8th floor.

Jing Shu was lucky enough to hide in the corner, and miraculously nothing happened. The same miracle happened to Yang Yang and Hao Yunlai, but the monkey's luck was not good, and half of his body was crushed under the gravel. The legs were almost useless. Jingshu lifted the person up with a lift, and the monkey's screams made her ears ring.

Jingshu raised her head and looked at the broken tower. It turned out that there was a reason why they didn't have much of a problem.

Who can believe that such a tall tower always breaks in the middle, but it happens that the bottom and top are buffered, just sandwiching the eight-story tower in the center. This avoids a big impact and saves Jingshu and his party from having to directly Killed.

If it were Hao Yunlai's weird luck, then this would be too scary!

Hao Yunlai passed out completely again, while Yang Yang coughed and looked up at the sky. There was a rumbling sound there. It was a helicopter. The country's rescue had arrived!

The ladder has been lowered, and as long as a few people climb up, they can escape. They have to hurry up! Because Rhine Manor will explode at any time!

Didi. Didi. In the corner on the other side, the robot that was pressed down at any time could still make a weak sound.

When others were not paying attention, Jingshu received the robot directly into the Rubik's Cube space. If it wanted to explode, just go ahead. However, as soon as it arrived in the Rubik's Cube space, it stopped moving, as if it was stuck.

Perhaps, this robot is the only way to contact the rich man. Jing Shu thought, then this robot must stay in the space.

No matter what, the rich man gave her such a big gift, and she would definitely have to reciprocate in return and give him a bigger gift in return.

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