I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 440: The fat chicken using other people’s heads as a henhouse (first update)

The fat chicken clucked at his feet, and Gouzizi agreed with Jingshu's statement.

Speaking of this, when Jingshu first boarded the 808 cargo ship, she saw that Tank's thick hair was regularly carved into a chicken nest. The fat chicken found a comfortable position to lie down, and there were two black pigeons on his back. Chicken cub.

It is hard to imagine that a 2-meter-tall strong man, whose aura was so powerful when Jing Shu first met him, now even chickens have built a henhouse on his head.

The fat chicken is big and Tank is very strong. This scene looks like Tank wearing a chicken hat with brown and yellow feathers. Oh, it is still an old hen that is always moving and weighs more than 40 kilograms. It is fat and has a lotus umbrella. It also blocks the sight of the tank.

Jingshu: ...

Why don't you come down quickly... When Jing Shu went to pass through the underwater world with Yang Yang and Hao Yunlai, she just handed the fat chicken to the tank for a while. How did it end up like this?

Tank smiled honestly: I was just about to carry supplies, but I was afraid of losing your chicken, so I put it on my shoulder. Unexpectedly, it made a nest on my head and was unwilling to come down, but it did lay down a lot. Give me an egg, it feels like a trade.

A chicken that sells eggs for enjoyment!

With that said, Tank carefully took out 8 eggs from his pocket and handed them to Jingshu. After all, they are eggs with a contribution value of 50. The whole team is very precious. A chicken that lays one egg every day is not precious, but it can be done in one day. Chickens that lay more than 20 or even 30 eggs and provide all the nutrition for the entire team are very valuable. Although Jingshu has to eat most of the eggs alone.

Not to mention that the eggs laid by fat chickens are really delicious. Once you eat them once, you want to spend a huge amount of contribution points to eat them again, even if the price is 50 contribution points.

Since the fat chicken gave it to you, just keep it. Jingshu knew that every time someone in the team exchanged their contribution points for eggs, the others would ask Jingshu to make fried eggs, egg custard, or scrambled eggs on the spot. At that time, only Tank kept it carefully, saying that he was going home to give it to his sister. Ahem, there was no additional processing fee for fried eggs and egg custard. Jingshu was still very kind.

Jingshu gave Feiji a look and let him realize it.

So Fat Chicken neatly held Tank's hair in his mouth, and used his saliva to give Tank a new hairstyle. Then he flew down with the chicken and followed Jingshu like a dog, acting extremely well-behaved.

Tank: Thank you so much for the new hairstyle.

Fat Chicken: It should be.

The teammates looked at the fat chicken with envy. When they met on the plane for the first time, many people laughed at Jingshu for bringing a chicken. What was the result? How many times in the past few months have we relied on Jingshu’s eggs to survive, even though everyone has made a lot of contributions to this...

Even the top ten ferocious dogs in the world who said that my dog ​​likes eating chicken can only be the younger brother of Fat Chicken. In the gambling battle in the underground black market, Fat Chicken even showed his fighting talent and won for Jingshu. After ten games, hundreds of thousands of black market coins were obtained, and everyone also won money and exchanged materials.

The contribution made by the fat chicken is obvious to all, so it is inevitable that he will be more tolerant towards this chicken and even pamper it, which makes the whole chicken very proud.

Having said that, let’s continue the topic just now.

Lingling stopped wiping the gun, lowered her head and whispered: I'm afraid we won't be able to come to the United States in the future.

Why? Jing Shu asked in surprise. If there is a lot of money in the country and there is demand from foreign countries, it is still okay for them to come out once a year. As long as there is 'sponsoring', the United States is like a fat sheep. Harvesting once every once in a while is extremely useful. Okay, although it gets worse in the later stages, the real fat sheep are still as rich as salted duck eggs in the end!

In fact, to be honest, Jingshu is still envious of these rich people who have airplanes. Although the fuel cost of a flight is very expensive, if you can go out to fight the autumn wind and plunder once in the last days, fuel and other things will not matter. I'm sure you'll get fat in just one visit.

If the Rubik's Cube space reaches level 13 or above, it will definitely be able to accommodate a small aircraft. By then, even if I go to other countries alone, I can still collect more supplies. After all, supplies will become increasingly scarce in the future.

Jingshu couldn't help but think that it wasn't too difficult to get planes, military helicopters, etc., even by robbing them, but it was troublesome and inconvenient to have no place for maintenance, etc., so she had to transport materials on the underground black market. At that time, she could also take the risk of getting a weapon into the Rubik's Cube space, use it when necessary, and stuff it back into the Rubik's Cube space when there is no need.

After all, the space is still too small. I can’t imagine how she could raise chickens, farm, and store some supplies for the end of the world when she first got the Rubik’s Cube space, which was only 4*4*4, 64 cubic meters.

The Rubik's Cube space is only at level 8, and there is still a long way to go. Jingshu sighed. Although she has been practicing the Rubik's Cube recently, because of her teammates, she always took out such a big Rubik's Cube from her pants and was not a good person. The second thing is that I am too busy and really don’t have much time, so it will take some time to advance to level 9.

After returning home this time, Jingshu plans to practice the Rubik's Cube space and strive to upgrade it to a large enough space to complete her next plan before moving in the fifth year.

Because we were on the blacklist in the United States, not only our appearance has been exposed, but our fingerprints, faces and irises recorded at the time in Austin have also been exposed to the wanted order issued by political corruption. There is a reward for our arrest in the world. No matter where we are found, we will be found. If we get the news, we will be rewarded with 50,000 pounds of food. If we can be caught and handed over to the US government, we will be rewarded with 300,000 pounds of food for just one person caught!

Lingling said implicitly, took out her mobile phone and opened the official website, and translated it for Jingshu and others on the spot. As a group of illiterate people, they don't read the news about political corruption in the United States and can't understand it, so naturally what big things happened these days Not sure anymore.

Tank's eyes widened, We were exposed? Impossible! Didn't we just defraud millions of pounds of stuff? The problem is that we only took away one-third of the rare minerals, and most of them were taken away by that damn thing. Dr. B, the liar, took it.”

Snake Spirit raised his eyebrows and said: With just such a small amount of supplies, it's impossible to be on the blacklist of political corruption, right?

I'm afraid you don't know that hundreds of thousands of people in the entire Austin castle have been suffering from terminal diseases recently! The blood they vomit every day can walk around the earth three times. At the same time, large numbers of high-level officials and farmers are dying.

Every day, corpses were piled as high as a mountain, attracting the attention of many people who robbed the supplies inside, causing a lot of bloodshed. At the same time, many people outside were sickened by mild radiation. Now Austin is in a mess. , and at the same time it became a ghost land, which had a very bad impact on the United States.

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