I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 443 Jingshu organizes the spoils (additional update for the first vote winner of Bookworm v1

And then by handing over the obtained materials and unused materials, everyone can allocate considerable contribution value. This time, in addition to transporting these messy things back, Jingshu could also make a contribution. Jingshu felt elated, not to mention other teammates, the gains were huge.

Welcome aboard.

It was the beautiful stewardess again, serving everyone to board the plane with a smile. However, after a few months of hardships, the teammates who were once strangers became familiar with each other. Of course, it cost a lot to come back again. There were three teammates who were carried onto the plane. One of them did not know whether to live or die, while the other team wiped out the entire team. Only the priest survived. Who could have imagined that this mission would be so tragic.

This time, there was no monk to carry everyone's luggage. The monk's hands were gone, and he was still unconscious due to severe burns. If it weren't for Jing Shu's medicine, he would have died long ago.

Everyone got on the plane carrying various supplies brought back from the United States. When they first met, Jingshu and others were in the front cabin, and Zhennantian and others were in the back cabin. This time, the three injured people were placed in the back cabin. Rest while the others gathered in the forward cabin.

Of course, as a doctor, Jingshu had to give medicine to the three of them. The condition of these three people was not very good. The specific treatment situation would have to be reviewed after returning to the imperial capital.

The luxury plane finally took off, and Jingshu and others hurriedly embarked on the road back to the United States. It wasn't that they didn't want to stay in the United States anymore, but they didn't dare to stay.

Yang Yang took a small notebook and began to calculate the general ledger and concluded that the first mission of smuggling dozens of cargo ships had already arrived in China and was successfully completed. These materials can enable tens of millions of people in China to eat and survive. Above It was decided to add an additional 3,000 contribution points per person.

Jingshu dragged her chin and opened the second form of the Rubik's Cube Space. She sorted out the materials obtained from the first mission. She secretly took a lot of diamond mines from the mercenary mission for promotion in the underground black market. After returning home, she can hire someone to process it again. Or wait until new energy comes out in the future and sell it directly at a good price.

Using the Fat Chicken Arena Victory Market, I earned hundreds of thousands of black market coins, all of which were exchanged for the materials needed for the end of the world. They have been shipped back to China. A few days ago, I confirmed with Jing’s mom and Jing’s dad that they have been stored in the second detachment, Li Yuetian. There, she can get it when she gets back. Although it took a lot of Jingshu's contribution points, these supplies are all available through the open road, so they are easy to use and don't need to be secretive.

Then while smuggling supplies, she killed Page and obtained her two giant snakes, as well as her private treasure house, wine and various food collections, a large number of firearms, etc. Jingshu had already sorted the firearms into categories. , you can send some to your family when you go back.

Page's firearms also played a big role later on. At least the RPG blew down an armed helicopter, and the rest were of great use.

By the way, we took advantage of many specialties from the United States on a luxurious boat.

In the cold storage on the ship, all kinds of American olive oil, foie gras, ghee, cheese and expensive caviar, tons of tuna, world-class Iberian ham, boxes of longan meat, and high-quality Kobe Beef, turkey, boxes of ice cream, layer cakes, pudding desserts, etc. directly occupy more than 30 cubic meters. These have expanded Jingshu's inventory, and there are many things that Jingshu has never eaten.

Jingshu really can't resist the delicious food she has never tasted before. It is true that every country has its own characteristics. Now she wants to go to Turkey to eat barbecue!


Later, when passing by the breeding area, she also encountered super large live Boston lobsters, precious sea urchins, king crabs, etc. Jingshu felt that the biggest harvest was these living creatures.

Because they can be placed in space and reproduce indefinitely, and in this apocalyptic world, these creatures are slowly becoming extinct. Jingshu is also trying to collect different varieties as much as possible. After all, if you only eat one type, you will get bored.

It is somewhat regrettable that when the slave owner later flew over in a Wuhan helicopter, he shot down the armed helicopter worth tens of millions of dollars. If Jingshu’s space was big enough, Jingshu would quietly put it in the space. He must get one in the future. An armed helicopter serves as a vehicle!

Jingshu quickly wrote down the plan on the schedule.

Later, in the mountains, Jingshu collected a lot of the red liquid produced by the dead trees that almost killed everyone. This time, she found some dead trees in Job Spouse's manor. I wonder if it was the first one. Jingshu planned to cultivate the dead trees in the fourth dimension. She was very curious about the things in the fourth dimension.

At the same time, Jingshu acquired the queen of sulfuric acid ants in the mountains and named her No. 3. She was officially promoted to Jingshu's new favorite. At the same time, she also gained the surrender of hundreds of thousands of sulfuric acid ants, which greatly increased Jingshu's armament. Power, and its value is also very huge. At least in the next apocalypse, it will bring a steady stream of benefits to Jingshu. The sulfuric acid produced can become an industrial chain and a tool for printing money. Unfortunately, it was destroyed in the Rhine Manor. Killed some.

The second mission was also very successful. Qian Duoduo successfully obtained the equipment and gave us some additional oil coupons. Yang Yang said while holding the notebook and calculated the contribution of everyone's transaction expenses during the period.

Jingshu also began to sort out the results of the second mission.

This mission was Qian Duoduo's personal mission. He obtained vegetable dehydration technology and completed it in Austin City. He worked with Dr. B to defraud a large amount of supplies. Considering the radiation problem, everyone only took away rare minerals and distributed them to Jingshu. There are only 100 tons, but it is also very impressive. First of all, this is something that has passed the road. Secondly, rare minerals will become more and more rare and valuable due to the mining technology that does not exist in the end of the world. Jingshu has this batch of minerals that can be made. A lot of things.

At the same time, Jingshu obtained the coffee seeds from Austin Castle and planted them in the Rubik's Cube space. After this period of time, it was about to mature. This is the most expensive Gesha coffee tree in the world, with lemon and citrus notes. Strawberry-like juice, like juice but not coffee, they are intertwined, and the aftertaste is full of floral aroma.

Of course, Jingshu didn’t plant a full 6 cubic meters of coffee trees just for greed, that’s definitely not the case!

It must be because it can resist the spread of the new zombie virus in two years, inhibit the growth of rotten meat, and is very effective against those kinds of creatures, so Jingshu planted it, huh.

The biggest gain from the second mission was 400,000 seeds, which were Jingshu’s private property. They were divided into three parts. One part was given to the country in exchange for contribution value, part was given to Wucheng whose price had not yet been negotiated, and part was kept for herself. The same is Those who have passed the clear path are very precious.

At the same time, Jing Shu also learned that Zhen Nantian’s ability should be related to dimensions, and Jing Shu quickly wrote it down.

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