I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 448 Save the Uncle’s Family

Our largest supplier of red worms in Xishan, Wang Fangbai, is so arrogant. We have the most supply of red worms in Xishan in Wucheng. I heard that she supplies it. If other canteens are self-service today, I'm afraid they are all eating dung beetles. Listen. It is said that Wang Fang has something to do with the livestock farm, and even supplies a share of feed to the livestock farm.

“I really regret that I was like a fool last year and fished for red worms with 200 kilograms/virtual coins. I was so complacent after earning only a few hundred virtual coins. I also said that red worms were rampant and only a fool would accept such a worthless thing. Look at this year. The red worms were eaten to extinction by us, and now we can’t see any living ones.”

I can't imagine what we will eat after eating the red worms? Now the price of rice has increased again, 3 virtual coins per bowl.

This person was none other than her aunt Wang Fang, who was stopped by Jingshu last year when she was clamoring to sell red worms to repay the money!

Wang Fang heard the comments behind her and smiled proudly. Now, both the people in the canteen and the people in the livestock farm would fawn over her and bribe her. The people in the livestock farm would even give her a few eggs from time to time. Ask her to supply red worm feed.

This is thanks to Jingshu's foresight, which last year collected hundreds of thousands of virtual coins from red worms and made them into cooked worm cakes. Now there is no need for secondary processing. A batch of goods is transported every day, and the price is settled on the spot. , not to mention how enjoyable it is.

Looking at the increasing number of virtual coins in her account every day, Wang Fang felt an unprecedented sense of security. When she had enough virtual coins, she asked Jing’s dad to buy two licensed hens from the livestock farm that could lay eggs. Not asking them to hatch chicks in the future, but asking them to eat two eggs every day.

After selling for another half a year, I can get a loan to rent a pig, but I have to find a fiduciary relationship to queue up. Dad Jing's family is in trouble. Wang Fang shook his head.

Now, if a private individual wants to buy chickens, he must go to the livestock farm to register, apply for a license and the chicken's ID card. If he has proof of assets of more than RMB 10,000, he can get a two-year interest-free loan to buy chickens.

The most important thing is that the chickens bought from the livestock farm cannot be slaughtered and cannot starve to death. If they die, they will be fined. They must be inspected every year. Nowadays, chicken insurance and accident insurance are introduced to ensure the safety of the chickens.

If anyone can raise a chicken now, it will be as stylish and affordable as driving a BMW and Mercedes Benz before the end of the world. Raising a duck is like a sports car before the end of the world. Used oil is expensive to maintain and is not economical and practical. Raising a pig will be as expensive as fuel consumption before the end of the world. For big players, it feels great but the effort is the same.

Cattle raisers are different. They are people who don't care about money. They usually have nannies and bodyguards to take care of them full-time. Just like people who drive Rolls-Royces before the end of the world, they never drive themselves, but are driven by chauffeurs.

The topic is no longer about which rich man has dozens of luxury cars in his villa, but about who raises chickens, ducks, cows, and can even afford to raise oyster sauce giants like pigs. This is the real rich man.

Looking at Wang Fang who came back triumphantly, the uncle frowned.

You went to Xishan Canteen again? Didn't you say you would just sell a few hundred virtual coins to earn some living expenses?

Yes, I signed a three-month contract with them and sold red worm cakes to them at a low price every day. Xishan Canteen is really decisive. The price is much higher than the price offered by the livestock farm. Wang Fang combed her hair. Hair that grows out easily.

The uncle stamped his feet, How many times have I told you, Jingshu said that it would be best to start selling red worms in the second half of the year, and exchange it with political corruption for something. After all, virtual currency is just a number, why don't you listen to her opinion? Besides, the situation is getting more and more serious now. No matter how many virtual coins you have, they are all empty. How can the food you hold in your hands be of high value?

Wang Fang rolled her eyes: Yes, yes, yes, I admit that Jingshu has a far-sighted vision, but we will get money if we sell early, and it won't be worth it if we sell late. We also need to buy some chickens to give our son some egg nutrition every day. If we don't make up for this, What should we do in the future? School will start after the earthquake, and we have to go to a good school, all of which require virtual currency! Besides, the news says that the earth is adjusting itself, and the apocalypse is about to end. We have so many red worms in our hands that we can’t sell. , it won’t be worth the money later.”

The end of the apocalypse? Don't listen to that nonsense scientist!

While the two were arguing, Su Long came over and wrapped himself in a quilt and trembled: Mom, let's not stay in the square tonight? It's really too cold. There are people farting and urinating everywhere. I can't sleep at all. These days There have been earthquakes, there won’t be another earthquake tonight, let’s go home and sleep?”

Auntie was a little hesitant.

No! The uncle touched his nose, which was red from the cold, Your sister Jingshu specifically told her when she left. Even your aunt said she couldn't go back to sleep. It was too dangerous. The whole building in the East District community collapsed a few days ago. Oh, don’t you know how many people have died?”

Long, listen to your dad. Your sister Jingshu and your aunt are both far-sighted. What if an earthquake buries all three of our family? Mom's career has just started to pick up, and she is planning to buy it for you. Two chickens will lay eggs to eat. When the time comes, you can choose two easy-to-understand ID numbers for the chickens. You can also use a pretty number. Why don’t you just add 5 more virtual coins?”

No, no! I've been sleeping outside for several months. Look at the bites on my body and the shit on my shoes. Then I can go back and take a shower, right? Su Long made up his mind. After washing, it stays inside and won’t come out.

Okay, let's take a shower.

The family of three packed their things and took Su Long back to the old community from the densely populated square where people had taken refuge. The aunt spent 2 virtual coins to buy a pot of hot water for Su Long to wash briefly at home.

Su Long really wanted to sleep in the house.

How about sleeping one night? my aunt asked my uncle.

No! Your temporary kindness and doting has harmed him and us! What if something happens?

It's not as serious as you said. Su Yiyang, now that you have strong wings, you dare to contradict me! You don't love me anymore! Men are all big pigs!


Just then, the uncle's cell phone rang.

Hello? Sister? Here we are, we just gave Su Long a bath at home. What, Jingshu is back from the United States? After being sick for so long, are you ready? The uncle shushed and signaled to Wang Fang not to leave. When Wang Fang heard that it was Su Lanzhi, he immediately pulled her up. The call was intermittent and the signal was not good.

Now? Is it a banquet for Jingshu? It's so late to go to the new district now. It's too inconvenient for me to bother you. I can't come back at night so why not stay at your place? I'm so sorry for causing trouble to you. We still need to register the people who manage the community tomorrow.

My aunt Wang Fang had sharp ears. She couldn't bear it after hearing this. She took the phone and answered it, Hey, okay, don't listen to his father's nonsense that we have time. Then please ask your brother-in-law to drive to pick us up. Let's just wait at home. Why don't we bring more daily necessities to stay for a few more days? Let's go to the intersection downstairs now, okay, no problem.

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