I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 450 The expanded backyard of the villa

Don't disturb their happiness at this time, don't ask them to sit down and eat, because just watching Jingshu eat and listening to her talk about what she has seen and heard these days is already the happiest time for them.

Jing's father went to pick them up, and Jingshu drove a German MAN from the dilapidated airport to the new gathering place, which is the hill behind the villa's Banana Community, which is the highest and flattest place in the surrounding area.

Not far away, a deep trench broke out a few months ago, and it once swallowed up many people. But so what? I went down to pick up corpses for 0.1 virtual coins in a few days. The one where Jingshu stayed at the shelter in Lingshan District before going abroad. The place could no longer accommodate so many people, so the people from Banana Community moved back after half a month.

Nowadays, many residential areas have been densely built in this area. The 90,000 people in Banana Community sleep here at night and look for work during the day. The remaining 10,000 people naturally died.

The RV drove in along the vacated road, with pairs of black eyes staring in the darkness and whispering.

Look, it's this car. It belongs to that villa. I heard that my family has a lot of BMWs and Mercedes-Benzes.

It seems there are quite a few Ferraris, at least two.

Do you think the cannon up there is real?

It must be true. A few days ago, someone tried to steal something at night, but was electrocuted to death by the surrounding network. The officials from above came to collect the body and warned everyone not to destroy other people's belongings, otherwise their death would be in vain. .”

The German MAN finally stopped behind Jingshu's villa. Jingshu opened her mouth wide. She didn't expect that her home had changed so much after she had only been away for a few months.

Master Jing proudly pointed to the extra three hundred square meters in the backyard of the villa and said, How about this area?

Jing Shu gave a thumbs up, Awesome, I'm afraid it will cost a lot of virtual coins, right? This area is larger than our villa, and now we can add a lot of things.

Master Jing coughed and stretched out his hand and said, As you know, there are not more people living in the back mountain than before. It took 50,000 virtual coins to permanently buy more than 300 square meters in the back mountain. Then I and I Your dad just finished remodeling this area a few days ago.

Jingshu couldn't help but look at the backyard of the villa in front of her, which had added more than 300 square meters in vain. She didn't expect that Jing's dad and Jing Ye were so awesome. The key is to have such courage. Is this still the same Jing's dad with razor-sharp ears? No , the only one who can spend a lot of money is Jing Ma!

Jingshu glanced at Jingma, who was convinced that everything was under my control.

Before the earthquake, the entrance to Jingshu's villa could only be entered from the main entrance of the community. The yard of the previous villa was not large, only more than 60 square meters. Except for a cement road at the main entrance, other places were carefully planned by Jingshu, including farming land and fish ponds. As well as a small house for raising poultry, two trees were planted, a nanny's room was built for Zijin under the eaves of the main entrance, and a warehouse (coal room) and Song MAX garage were built on the left side of the main entrance (where the car can be charged) , the right side of the gate is next to Sumary's villa area.

This is the end, No. 1, Jingshu's Villa Area.

Not to mention the back of the villa, a very narrow alley, only enough for Jingshu to add a boiler room and barbecue kiln, as well as another small coal room.

It can be said that the entire villa has been built by Jing Shu into an invincible fortress. It is airtight. Materials are also placed in the basement, hall, kitchen, bedroom, etc., and even Jing Nai’s bedroom is full of silkworms. The entire building is full of silkworms. The downside of the villa is that it is too crowded.

In the past, the backyard of the villa was completely enclosed, but you could see the mountain behind the villa from the second-floor window. By the way, the RV garage was built on the mountain behind the villa. Now that Jingshu hadn't been seen for several months, Jing's father opened the door to the backyard of the villa.

This means that not only can you go from the main entrance of the community, but you can also go directly from the gate in the backyard of the villa to the back mountain. In this third year of frequent earthquakes, as long as you find something wrong, you can hide in the empty space of more than 300 square meters. in the big yard.

But we don't dare to sleep in the villa at night. We sleep in the RV in the yard behind the mountain. If anything happens, we can just drive away.

Even if the building in front collapses, it won't hit this yard.

The door to the backyard of the villa is still independently closed. When you open the door, you will find a large enclosed courtyard of more than 300 square meters, as wide as the villa, and about 20 meters long! Jing’s father and Jing’s master built a three-meter-high mud wall around the house.

The villa is still a closed fortress villa. With the addition of this large yard, the defense system has not yet been completed. It is just a wall. A few days ago, someone climbed over the wall and tried to steal things, but was electrocuted by the RV's power grid.

Boom! The gate of the yard was closed, and the RV parked in the empty yard. The people watching the excitement behind the RV felt a little pity, and some always wanted to climb up the wall to see the lives of the rich. Unfortunately, it was all covered with wires. Once they climbed up, It's life-threatening.

To prepare for future defense, we will raise the cows, sheep, and pigs here. The chicken pens and ducks will be raised in the front yard of the villa. In today's world, we just need to raise more chickens and ducks. Jing Nai fed the fat chicken crab shells and said.

Jingshu frowned. She had finished venting all the topics she had talked about in the past few months, and now it was her family's turn. Again, the prosperity of a family cannot be sustained by her alone. The family must strengthen themselves.

Jing's mother nodded in approval, Our family has a lot of red worm cakes, so we should raise more poultry. These things will only become more and more valuable, and it will be great to sell them by then.

Jingshu set her sights on the distance. It seemed that her family bought this land not only to avoid disaster, but also to expand the breeding base and breed chickens and ducks.

However, there will be serious mudslides next year. After the villa has experienced droughts, floods and earthquakes, it will eventually be partially submerged by mudslides due to the topography at the foot of the mountain.

Especially at the foot of this mountain, violent mudslides began in various places in the fourth year of my previous life. Countless mud and stones mixed with water flowed down to low-lying areas. At the beginning, no one took it seriously. The next year, It rained and flooded, and the high terrain of the villa made it through. Although there was mud and water this year, it slowly came down from the mountain, and it didn't feel like much.

But unexpectedly, the mudslides became more and more frequent and serious. Soon, the first floor of the villa was flooded by the mudslides!

Jingshu's family can only live in fear every day, fearing that the villa will be completely buried and there will be no place to live. Fortunately, it only flooded the first floor, and the second floor can still be lived in.

Unfortunately, winter came again, and countless people starved to death, including Jingshu's family who was about to starve to death, so they had no choice but to sell the villa in exchange for some food. Not long after, everyone began their fifth year of great migration.

The location here is not very good. The first place to flood must be the back mountain. Jingshu sighed. At the same time, Jingshu really had a headache. This is almost the fourth year and she is still developing vigorously. What kind of farming?

Notice: From now on, police officers will be replaced by official officers. Everyone knows the reason.

PS: I delayed the update again because I went to eat delicious food. I feel very guilty but I really want to eat it...

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