I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 452 Jingshu’s big plan

Jingshu shook the bottle: Then how is it different from traditional reproduction? What is the difference between the moldy algae on the ground? Can the moldy algae on the ground be cultivated and expanded like this and used as feed for various fish?

This moldy algae developed crazily after the floods in the second year of the apocalypse. It is also one of the foods for red worms and secondary evolved carrion worms. Unfortunately, it was infected by the zombie virus. If this kind of smelly algae that can be seen everywhere in ditches can be used again Then Jingshu thought that a grand plan could be implemented.

Perhaps, the plan that Jingshu had been thinking about for more than half a year on how to save the stone garden from the fire and water could be implemented. Jingshu naturally wanted to be a local emperor at home peacefully, but unfortunately, there were always things she couldn't help but need to solve.

Traditional propagation of this kind of algae requires the use of BG-11 culture medium, a temperature of around 25 degrees Celsius, a light intensity of 2,000 LX, and oxygenation with an oxygen pump. To be precise, our algae can be regarded as synthetic species invading it and those moldy ones. Algae are essentially different, and the moldy algae you see have been invaded and infected by zombie viruses. If fish and rice were cultivated with this kind of algae, would you dare to eat it? Wu Youai pushed up her glasses.

Jingshu shook her head and understood. Now the whole environment is infected by this zombie virus, so animals and plants all over the world are very likely to be infected with this virus. What can I say? This virus is just like colds and flus. Same thing, if you say it's serious, you won't kill anyone. If you say it's not serious, you won't care. If you eat something with a zombie virus, you have a certain chance of being infected with the zombie virus.

However, as time goes by, all living things are becoming more and more immune to this virus.

The identification rate of organisms infected by zombie viruses is very high. They are rotten, black, green and moldy, just like spoiled food and smelly, but they are alive and are bacterial species.

At present, there are many normal species of organisms that are known to be immune to it, such as sulfate ants, cockroaches, and many species of invasive species. Everyone is an invasive species. There is no reason for me to be weaker than you. Now there are so many Got this green algae.

By the way, the carrion worm counts as one.

The carrion bugs were almost eaten to extinction by maggots in the first year, and were almost eaten to extinction by red worms in the second year. But in the endless ocean, they finally understood that if they fell behind, they would be beaten! So I shut myself up and thought about my mistakes and finally completed the second evolution.

They have evolved from the size of the smallest known bugs in the world to dozens of times larger! Finally, we are about to reach the top of the reptilian pyramid!

There is another reason for their rise. Because they are immune to zombie diseases, and there are too many rotting sea creatures suffering from zombie diseases, they provide sufficient food sources for the carrion bugs.

So in less than half a year, they multiplied rapidly from the sea and returned to the mainland. They are not picky about food. They will eat rotten algae on the ground, wood roots, and rotten garbage.

This is also the reason why Su Long and others, including Jing Shu in the previous life, were all bitten by the carrion bugs and changed their colors when they mentioned the carrion bugs.

Unfortunately, this kind of bug has no natural enemies. Eat them, and you will definitely not be able to eat them. The pain is so painful that it makes you doubt your life. The key point is that stomach pain is a trivial matter if you eat too much. It is impossible to say that it will kill people. I remember the parasites that made people panic in the past. It seems to be spread through carrion insects.

After all, there were countless bacteria and viruses on it. Jingshu took it several times to save her life and could no longer eat it. She also vowed to starve to death and never eat such bugs again.

The bugs that like to eat corpse viruses and still survive very well, how can they not be dirty?

As for poultry and other species, they are afraid of carrion bugs. The tyrant once said that all living things must have their value, and proposed extracting carrion bug protein to synthesize food, but it ended in failure. The cost of extracting carrion bug protein is useless. Millions of dollars make the same $100 bill.

Later, the tyrant experimented with feeding carrion worms to poultry, but it didn't take long for the poultry to suffer from various diseases, indicating that it was okay to eat it occasionally, but not as a meal.

Use it to cultivate maggots and red worms... In short, Tyrant studied many methods at the time but failed to achieve the desired results. The key is that they cannot be popularized on a large scale.

This kind of carrion insect with no natural enemies is overpopulated and has no existence value, but Jing Shu thought that it might have a very huge existence value in the future.

Yes, now, if the most prevalent carrion worms continue to provide food for green algae, and then the green algae becomes food for fish... no, maybe it can also become the feed for red worms! Jing Shu's mouth Faintly rising, the red worms in the space have reproduced for so long but have not reproduced the terrifying reproduction ability of the past. Jing Shu always felt that something was missing.

This time she came back and brought the original solution for cell division, plus green algae as feed, let's see if it can succeed. If it does,

Looking at Jing Shu with bright eyes, Wu Youai was a little confused and reminded: This algae can only play a supporting role. Feed it to a fish. Don't think about anything else. We have also tested it.

Jing Shu smiled and said nothing.

Okay, okay, let's sit down and eat! It's so late and we are still talking about something that is incomprehensible.

The dinner was very sumptuous, and the topics on the dinner table were all the major events in recent days, such as where there was another collapse, where new types of snacks were opened, what counterfeit goods were being sold on the black market, etc.

Jingshu, who was specifically looking for someone to talk to about things, said nothing more. Instead, she said, I'm a little tired today, let's talk about it in detail tomorrow. Then she dropped the topic.

After making arrangements for her uncle's family in the evening, everyone made do in the RV. As expected, Jingshu went back to the second floor to rest early. There were too many things waiting for her to do the next day, especially Wu Youai's of green algae, she had to do a lot of experiments.

Who would have thought that they would be woken up again and again in the middle of the night by the rapid ringing of the bell. Soon the lights of the RV would turn on, and the whole family would be woken up. Then the sound of panic measures could be heard.

In the dark night, Jingshu lay on the bed and opened her eyes. She quickly solved the Rubik's Cube in her hand while listening to the voices on the first floor.

How is this possible? Our house in the old town of Xishan has all collapsed! It's gone. It's our only house. Where can we live in the future! The aunt's voice was full of despair and panic. Stopped sobbing.

Uncle Su Yiyang paced back and forth, I told you not to sleep in the house at night. Don't sleep in the house. You have to sleep in it with that scoundrel. Fortunately, my sister's family called us, so you can be satisfied. It's just a house. No, if all three of our family die inside, let’s see how you still cry!”

The whole family was obviously frightened, and Jing's mother's hands were trembling slightly. She couldn't imagine the scene where Su Meimei betrayed her and was no longer a relative, her parents died, and her only brother died without even leaving his blood!

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