I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 455 I’m here to get supplies back on horseback!

Do you need a plan? Then what do you want to plan? Jing Shu squinted her eyes and asked. The longer the materials were taken away yesterday, the more likely they are to be used or even divided up. In this way, people will be killed. It's hard to get it back, so getting it back now is the best option.

Most of the American supplies brought back from the underground black market were black market supplies bought with hundreds of thousands of black market coins won by Fat Chicken, tons of grain and wheat, salt, oil, cloth, bristles (important strategic materials), cattle and sheep skins, These important supplies are also of great use to Jingshu, so she will definitely get them back.

Jingshu originally thought that if her supplies were taken, the other party might be an organized and premeditated theft, it might be Li Yuetian's immediate boss, it might be a high-ranking political official colluding with him, or a big shot might be interested in these shipments from the United States. supplies.

But she didn't expect that the man in charge of Wucheng who was about to hang up could not hold down the coffin board and suppress the troubles caused by the prodigal son, which also affected Yuchi.

Someone who has been blackmailed by Jinba, or even had a lot of things taken for nothing, is he willing to just swallow his anger? But this is really the case, because Jin Baba has a measured approach and looks at people.

For someone with a low background like Li Yuetian, he didn't dare to say a word even if he was taken away from him. He just saw that people are easy to bully. Just look at how Li Yuetian wore his mouth yesterday and couldn't solve the problem with every push. That's the imperial capital. Jin Baba dared to reach out for the things that were delivered, and even asked someone to pass on the message:

If I say hello to someone in the imperial capital, isn't that just selling me a favor?

The tone is really not small.

Li Yuetian knew that if he really wanted the Imperial Capital to solve the problem, he would offend both sides. He got the supplies back, offended Jin Baba, and still owed the Imperial Capital a favor. As for reporting something to the supervisory authority, forget it, just a trick of coaxing a child. In the adult world, to report something, you need to have the consciousness to pull up a whole tree root, not a blade of grass.

In short, go to death when you are sure, instead of crying and complaining.

Whether in the last days or in peacetime, this is how insignificant one feels when one has no power.

Then let's go. We really don't need any plans. Li Yuetian thought of all the ways he could think of and called Yang Yang. Yang Yang said at that time: If it falls into the hands of the local emperor, Why don't you assassinate me, everyone in Wucheng will support you.

Jingshu has many ways to get the supplies back, one of which is to expose him. Once everyone knows about it through the power of the Internet, this kind of thing that is harmful to both nature and society will definitely set off a wave of heat. Not only can the supplies be returned, but there will also be harvest. A wave of traffic popularity, but maybe when the limelight is gone, you will be gone too.

Jing Shu can't bear the consequences. Even if the superiors are forced to shoot Jin Baba due to public opinion, as long as his whole family can't be killed, you will be the next to die. Even if Jing Shu is really awesome and kills one by one, her family members It's dangerous.

The second is to use greater power to suppress him, such as joining the S-level national elite, without any restrictions, and using the most mysterious and highest-status organization in the imperial capital to oppress him, but this is still not within the scope of Jing Shu's consideration.

The naughty kid did something wrong. I still have to come forward. This matter is not that serious. Just let him take it back. Jing Shu comforted Li Yuetian. Not only that, she couldn't go out. This bad breath makes me feel sorry for myself who worked so hard for her life.

In Li Yuetian's impression, Jingshu has always been a polite, humble, kind and quiet girl who likes to help others. But this time after returning from the United States, Jingshu seemed to have accidentally exposed her true nature and tore open the A fake smiley face.

The cowhide is blowing to the sky. Let's see what we will do after I die.

Sitting in the pickup truck going to the government-corrupted family home together, Li Yuetian had already considered where he would transfer to work after Jin Baba's father died, No, I have to contact a few comrades when I go back today. , or go back to Tigress’s hometown, the land of Sichuan and Sichuan, I heard there are a lot of rake ears there who can learn from each other.”

Jing Shu's thoughts were also pulled away. In fact, there was another reason why she came so directly to the person in charge of Wucheng. She wanted to understand whether it was her butterfly effect that killed this person, although she did not remember the details. It’s time for people to die, but it’s at least the fourth year after the tyrant takes office, almost the fifth year.

In other words, the person in charge of Wucheng definitely did not die in the third year. Of course, it is also possible that the person in charge in Wucheng in the previous life is about to die now, and it is impossible to say whether he will survive until the fourth year.

Another thing, no matter what the situation is, as long as this person doesn't die, Jin Baba won't be able to make any big waves, and it will be easier for her to get the supplies back.

Jing Shu also wanted to see the injury of the person in power and see how long he could last. Jing Shu couldn't help but sigh, this was something she couldn't imagine in her previous life, but in this life she could be related to the highest person in power in Wucheng.

We arrived at our destination very quickly. Unexpectedly, the Courtyard for Political Corruption was located in a remote suburb of Wucheng, on Dongshan Mountain opposite to Xishan Mountain. The terrain here is still high at the foot of the mountain, so it has not been submerged. So far, the earthquake has not affected this area. Collapse.

This was built four years ago. How about it? Isn't it beautiful? It's a pity that the apocalypse has come after only one year of living here.

Jingshu nodded. This was not a family courtyard. It was clearly a three-story retro villa area. It must have been very beautiful here, and the people who lived here should be the truly powerful people in Wucheng.

Except for a few 5-floor office buildings, there are no tall buildings. You are not afraid of an earthquake at all, and there is no need to hide. It is a paradise for the apocalypse!

The pickup truck was stopped by the veterans. Li Yuetian even let out a slight sigh, but then a big yellow fang appeared in front of the car, waved his hands excitedly, and said loudly to the soldiers standing guard around him, Get out of the way, let's get out of the way. Vice President Jing of the Pharmaceutical Association is here to treat Lao Jin.

At this moment, everyone around them saluted, and then they enthusiastically invited Jingshu to come down. Outside vehicles were not allowed inside, so the young man drove a few people in a sightseeing patrol car.

Dahuangya is none other than Vice President Zhou of the Pharmaceutical Association, whom he hasn't seen for half a year. Zhou Papi, it seems like he has a good relationship with the people in power? Jingshu also felt guilty for Zhou Papi. In the past few months, thanks to Zhou Papi taking responsibility for her at the Pharmaceutical Association, she had disappeared for so long under the pretext of going abroad to study.

Jing Shu and Li Yuetian were both confused for a long time as the parties involved, Wait a minute, I'm here to get the supplies back!

Zhou Papi was still so slovenly and looked lackluster, but he was still happy to see Jingshu. The old man was like an old friend who had been away for a long time, making Jingshu, who had a murderous look on his face, become much calmer. , the hostility has also been reduced a lot.

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