I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 481 Give another 1% dry stock to the real rich man (first update)

Jing Shu was silent, if it's not hers, then whose is it?

The wealth you earn is given to the country when it is safe. If you don't do something to help avoid disasters, the country will take it back at any time when it encounters a real disaster that will destroy the country. The poor people at the bottom are really dying. Do you think I am the richest man with a lot of money, can I continue to live in a paradise in this stone garden?

After I knew that the next disaster would become more and more serious, I would continue to develop vigorously to make my fat sheep fatter. The fatter the better. When it gets fat enough to be slaughtered, I will be slaughtered. After pulling off the wool from the fat sheep, I can still survive without freezing to death.

Think about it, if Shiyuan develops to this stage, it can really withstand the next disaster. Do you think I will still be the richest man, or Mr. Shiyuan? If I want to continue to enjoy life comfortably in my position, then I can't let everyone at the bottom die.

So, we have to develop vigorously. I am trying to save myself.

So, Qian Duoduo was trying to save himself after knowing what might happen...? This idea somewhat coincides with her opening a red worm breeding farm.

It’s just that Qian Duoduo’s result was tragic. He should have been slaughtered halfway through development because Wucheng couldn’t sustain it.

It's just... In the previous life, it's not that Qian Duoduo and the tyrant didn't come to an agreement. The tyrant Lion asked Qian Duoduo for all his supplies, but Qian Duoduo didn't agree and it was a tragedy.

But after today's contact, it was obvious that Qian Duoduo was not arrogant, and he himself understood very well.

Then...if we face the kind of disaster you mentioned in three months, and the superiors want to kill Shiyuan, what will you do?

Qian Duoduo pondered: Of course we will fully cooperate with the above to open up the stone garden.

What if we want more than just the stone garden? What about all your supplies? Jingshu asked tentatively. The stone garden is only part of Qian Duoduo's property, and he still has a lot of real supplies. If the tyrant wanted more than just the stone garden in his previous life, Where is the garden? What if more money and supplies could save more people?

Qian Duoduo narrowed his eyes and looked determined:

Even if it is not easy, I have struggled all my life just for her mother and a few, and they have been luxurious for half my life...I can't go back. I don't want to be like Fu Yi who has everything and then loses it. What's the point of living like that? …

I have great righteousness, but I also have small righteousness. I am selfless precisely because I am selfish.

Aisin Gioro Fu Yi, the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty, owned and lost the world. He spent half his life in prison. When he returned to his home in the Forbidden City, he still needed to buy tickets.

Jingshu was silent again. In her previous life, she had very little and was used to the wasted ten years in the last days. In this life, she has a Rubik's Cube space and eats precious food all over the world. Under such circumstances, if she loses all supplies and Rubik's Cube space, she will return to Would she be willing to eat red worms and maggots?

If she was asked to sacrifice all her supplies in order to save others, would she be willing?

I'm afraid this was the conflict between Qian Duoduo and the tyrant in his previous life?

She was not a person in the game, so she didn’t know the detailed inside story of the Qian Duoduo incident in her previous life. There might be other reasons, but no matter what the reason was, Jing Shu felt that something should change in this life. Is it because she was afraid of damaging Yuchi? Are you going to kill her too?

We have all heard about old guy Jin. You saved his life but only got an official position. You made a good move. Hey, not only old guy Jin owes you a big favor, but also our circle Everyone owes you a favor. Qian Duoduo sighed, Old guy Jin can't die, he won't be able to hold on anymore.

Jing Shu raised her eyebrows. She didn't think much about it at the time. She just wanted to have one more life-saving charm. She held this favor in her hand. As long as she didn't use it, no one would dare to touch her before the tyrant took office. Unexpectedly, she also gained something. Such a batch of favors.

I also heard that you bought land and opened a factory, but I was still surprised when I found out that you were opening a red worm breeding farm. Jingshu, you are a smart person at this juncture. Since you dare to make it public When opening a factory, you have to be absolutely sure and take relative precautions. The formula is the most important thing. Qian Duoduo said while rubbing the walnuts.

Qian Duoduo's information is still very developed.

Jing Shu smiled bitterly: To be honest with you, I don't want to keep the red worm breeding secret, and even want to make it public, so that China will not be short of food and everyone will be safe. Unfortunately, it cannot be copied this time. You also came here to talk about cooperation.

Qian Duoduo said with interest: Oh? You said?

From time to time in the conference hall, there was the sound of the cup lid touching the teacup, and from time to time, Qian Duoduo shouted hello. Basically, Jingshu was talking, Qian Duoduo was listening, and only when he was confused, he would ask a few questions, and then he fell into it again. In deep thought.

The kind of stone you mentioned is fine. We are short of everything in Xishan. The kind of stone that is abundant is the one I will send to you at the cost price to the banana community, but you have to find someone to build it yourself; as for the red nematodes The farm land will also transport some stones to you according to your request, but the large monolithic stones you want are a bit difficult, but I will ask the vegetable housekeeper to do it for you later. It will be done in the next two days. Give you the results.

Jingshu was overjoyed that the preparations for the fourth year of mudslides were finally revealed! Now she just had to wait for the stone to arrive before starting work. She had to hurry up and she didn't have much time.

At this time, Qian Duoduo finally took out a cigar and started smoking slowly. The smoke filled the air. After a while, he said:

What you said about cooperation with red worm breeding farms, I think it is very necessary. Your idea is very good, but other aspects still need to be discussed.

But your thinking is also correct. Shiyuan and the breeding farm should not be too close. From now on, the cooperation with the breeding farm will be left to the vegetable steward to do it secretly. On the surface, Shiyuan is the buyer of the red worm breeding farm. .

That’s all we can do.

Qian Duoduo's brows widened: With you providing red worm feed, the poultry breeding in Shiyuan can finally be liberalized in the future, which greatly reduces my costs and losses. I will store as much as possible. Food and supplies are also more certain to meet the harsher environment. Jingshu, you have really helped me a lot! Don’t worry, I will give you an extra 1% of your monthly dividends from now on.

Did you give away 1% of the shares because of this disagreement? He's really rich, but he's still sexy, but Jing Shu likes him.

As for the cooperation transaction between the two parties, I still follow what you said. You will provide me with red worm feed, and I will provide you with energy materials. Both parties will develop rapidly together. We must stand up in Wucheng as soon as possible.

Because there was a little cute reward yesterday, I will update 6 today.

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