I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 483: Finding political corruption when you have difficulty (additional update for WY_10.07 m

As for the detailed proportions of these five parts, it also depends on the output of factory operations. If you produce more, you will save more, and if you produce less, you will save less.

However, according to Jingshu's calculations, the daily output of this factory can currently guarantee the minimum consumption of at least hundreds of thousands of people. Note that this is the minimum consumption, that is, most of it is water, and only the bottom is made of worms. It takes ten minutes to chew and swallow One bite maximizes satiety.

If you want to eat enough, it is estimated that the daily production capacity can only provide rations for less than 100,000 people, which is about ten tons of red worms.

Although there is still a big threshold before we can support millions, doesn’t it all have to develop?

Even though Jingshu seems to be doing loss-making business now, taking out loans and investing in various materials, it seems that she has gained nothing. However, Jingshu has done some calculations and found that after she fully matures, her daily profit will be at least five yuan. About 10,000 virtual coins, what is this concept? And this does not include the batch of food stored to save lives. Not to mention making more money from this food, at least it can be exchanged for something above.

After she completed the virtuous cycle, she didn't have to do anything, just sit and deposit 50,000 virtual coins into her account, which is 1.5 million virtual coins in a month! Soon she will not only get her money back, but also earn more virtual coins! At that time, to her, these virtual coins were just a long series of numbers!

I really want to experience the feeling of being rich. Jingshu was already drooling a little, and was even fantasizing about what she would buy after having so many virtual coins.

No, no, she just didn't want the stone garden to be expropriated by the government more than a year later, and the fish pond to be harmed to her. Qian Duoduo had always been in front of everyone when he was alive. If Qian Duoduo died, it would be their turn. Well, so she was just helping Shi Yuan not to follow the same old path.

Why are you trying to make money by opening a factory in the apocalypse out of nowhere?

Hey, I can only passively accept this reality. Jing Shu was in a happy mood and rushed to Jin Tianci's house again without stopping.

One was to check on Jin Tianci's injuries. It turned out that Jin Tianci recovered very well. Not only had all the medical equipment been removed, but he was also much energetic. However, he still needed someone to support him.

Jin Tianci's recovery was expected. After all, he did not die so early in his previous life. It should have been delayed for another year, but what about one year later? Do you still need this medicine to maintain your life?

Secondly, of course I came here to cry for poverty. By the way, crying for poverty is very particular and requires skills. You also have to do enough homework before crying. The most important thing is to know what you need.

I'm so poor. I didn't know that it was so difficult to open a factory. I was young and ignorant and had already lost all my wealth. But now I find that the factory can't be opened. I also promised to feed 2,000 people. What am I doing? The city has been relieved of a great burden.

Jin Tianci smiled gently after hearing this. He knew that Jing Shu had a purpose, but he couldn't get angry.

Just say it directly. If you want anything or if you have any difficulties, you can raise it. I will help you solve it. You even laid down the rules and regulations in three chapters, which whetted the appetite of those people. I heard what the people below said. , you were divided into three, six, nine, and above, and you also continued to use the points system of your own factory.

Many people are working hard these days. Will you have no next move? Well, why don't you just tell me what you're interested in.

Jing Shu smiled calmly, To be honest, everything is ready and all I need is Dongfeng. Do you know the scrap metal left by the previous landlord? Those large equipment are all industrial and have no use for me. The most important thing is Still occupying space, I want to fuse them all and redo the equipment I need here.

I've been thinking about it for a while. The big equipment in the factory can't be moved away and is still embedded there. So I can build an equipment headquarters for the entire furnace here, right?

Jin Tianci was stunned for a while before he stopped laughing: You, you are too whimsical. You know that in the first year of the end of the world, the country recycled scrap iron and various iron weapons to build an artificial sun. Now is the key to research and development. when.

Moreover, this kind of iron-melting equipment is registered, so you can't just get it if you want it. However, I can ask Junjia to lend you a power frequency induction furnace, but it requires high-power electricity. There are also workers who use molten iron to carve molds.

Jing Shu said: The electricity issue is no problem. The workers will take care of food and accommodation and give me a red envelope.

Jin Tianci nodded with satisfaction: That's no problem. Most of these workers have a day or two off. If you're in a hurry, I'll call in more people and finish it for you within two days without delaying anyone.

The sooner the better.

Now that the factory equipment issue has been solved, there really won’t be any problems. The equipment doesn’t need to be electric. It’s basically an operating table, a conveyor belt, and a breeding room. It’s conventional equipment that can be used for mature processing. I believe all the master craftsmen know this. , this is mainly to enable workers to form a one-stop operation, which is conducive to speeding up efficiency.

Is there anything else? Jin Tianci looked at the stunned Jing Shu and asked.

Jing Shu nodded, That's right, I got a large number of sulfate ants here, and I can extract sulfuric acid from the sulfate ants. No, sulfuric acid will have many uses, and it can also be used as fertilizer, feed, etc. Now in the factory I have reserved a factory building, but I don’t dare to start it even if I don’t have the equipment.”

How much can be produced?

Not much. If it is stable in the later stage, hundreds of kilograms a day will be no problem. Jingshu said conservatively. Now that the old sulfuric acid queen ant, who originally died of old age, has been nourished by her spiritual spring, it is as if she has opened the Rendu Meridian. She can lay more eggs every day than It was several times more than before, and the number is still rising at a steady rate. Although these sulfate ants are small, they contain a lot of sulfuric acid after the super strong sulfuric acid in their bodies is diluted.

Jin Tianci's eyes lit up. Before the apocalypse, sulfuric acid factories were everywhere, and their production exceeded the standard every year. After this apocalypse, they are basically gone. Although sulfuric acid does not seem to be of much use, in fact, many of them need to use sulfuric acid, although the amount is not enough. There are many, and sulfuric acid corrodes. If people accidentally inhale it, it will have serious consequences, and it will be even worse if it is splashed on the body.

But now we do need sulfuric acid.

In this way, our government provides technology and personnel, you provide sulfuric acid ants, and we form a joint venture? I am three and you are seven...


Jingshu readily agreed to this point. Seeing that what she wanted was all gone, Jingshu still refused to leave.

What else do you want?

Oh, I really don't have any money. I want to borrow some money from the political corruption and transfer it.

Jingshu coughed. She did have a large amount of supplies that could be exchanged. She could definitely exchange them. There were also various supplies from the United States, but to be honest, things like virtual coins were always numbers and there were no real supplies. It was reassuring to have it in her hand, and besides, these supplies were useful to her.

This chapter is an update for WY_10.07 million reward

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