I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 486 Why don’t you cross your waist? (Additional updates for Scenery’s accumulated rewards)

I can't help but see that this family is very rich and they must be renovating a bigger house to enjoy life.

What do you know? When an earthquake comes, we have to consolidate the foundation. If another rock shakes from the mountain, we can prevent another wave and make it truly impregnable.

As a result, various news spread that the villa should step up prevention and so on. Jingshu didn't even find a reason, but the people came up with various reasons for her, which was great.

This is the benefit of establishing a good relationship with Xiao Lizi: after giving two kilograms of flour and twenty eggs, Xiao Lizi brought the apocalyptic prisoners who were reformed through labor to work for Jingshu for free.

But Jingshu couldn't let people work for nothing. Besides, laying foundations, burying stones, and puttying were all physical labor. Jingshu directly took hundreds of kilograms of red worm food from the Xishan Treasury to make people feel full and strong. Work cannot be done in a day or two.

Before red worms have been officially bred, the inventory in Xishan's library has to be used to supply the factory. After all, the workers are very active these days and have points. If you have points, you need to exchange them for food. These are all early consumption. , approximately several hundred kilograms are consumed every day;

Afterwards, these red worms did not plan to be sold, otherwise they would not have borrowed one million virtual coins from political corruption just to get an 8% advantage. Instead, they planned to exchange them all with Sumari for compressed natural gas.

First, I have to use my own home, which consumes a lot of money for cooking and floor heating every day. Besides, the weather is getting colder and colder, and the natural gas and boiler cannot be turned off. Otherwise, the villa and the German MAN will be very cold, and there are a lot of poultry at home. and vegetables, which will freeze to death if they get too cold.

The second is to provide factory-processed cooked food. At least it must be cooked before being eaten. Otherwise, if it is packaged raw, it will easily be mixed with various parasites. If there is a problem with one or two, it will not matter. If it happens in batches, People are infected by parasites, and the political corruption will definitely have a chance to catch her, a black-hearted businessman.

Until the factory reaches self-sufficiency, Jingshu estimates that there will still be red worms worth about one million virtual coins in Xishan's library. After all, she exchanged some red worms with Jin Ba Ba before and turned in some more, plus the consumption these days. There aren't many left.

Think about how much it cost Jingshu to harvest these red nematodes and make them into cooked food?

Oh, it was about two to three million virtual coins. Unexpectedly, just over a year later, I got back something worth about three million! It’s doubled ten times! It’s such a huge profit, so cool!

However, the red worm breeding farm will be similar in the future. Excluding the cost of various artificial materials, fuel, energy and lamps, the profit will be about 2-3 times. Although it is much less, the quantity is large! This scale will be dozens of times that of last year's factory.

After a busy morning, the stones were still being pulled over one after another and piled up on the roadside. Then professional workers pulled wires to divide the areas and then laid the foundation. The site became busy.

Come on, come on, it's cold, come and drink something hot to warm yourself up. Don't catch a cold. You are the mainstay of the family, so you can't get sick.

Jing Nai brought the hot batter with vegetable leaves floating in it, and gave each of Xiao Lizi and his brothers a paper cup. It wasn't much, but it was rare and good stuff.

Master Jing handed Xiao Lizi a cigarette and started chatting while watching so many people working.

Who in the second detachment doesn't like to come and work at Jingshu's house?

Not only the remuneration is generous, but every time I come to help, I will also give you a variety of food, and the delicacies are always changing. The last time I came here, it was the fried golden egg pancakes, and the last time I was the unforgettable soy milk, so when I heard that the villa is here If anyone needs help, these people immediately volunteer to help.

It's a rule that you can't enter the villa. Everyone is on the road outside. After drinking other people's paste, you have to supervise the prisoners who have made mistakes!

The fat chicken patrolled the territory with two lion-headed geese and two cubs. No bugs or creatures that dared to offend its majesty were allowed in the territory, not even pregnant flowers.

After Jingshu handed everything over to Master Jing with satisfaction, she rushed to the factory.


At the entrance of the factory's warehouse, there were three circles inside and three circles outside.

Look, my God, are there bags of rice unloaded in this truck? Oh my god, there are fresh vegetables!

What did I see? Lao Wang was moving eggs, ten or twenty... no, at least fifty eggs. I'm so damn lucky. I was assigned to the job of porter, so I could have close contact with the eggs. .”

I don't ask for eggs, just let me eat a little eggshell, oh no, let me smell the eggs and I'll be satisfied.

How many points is an egg worth?

20 points.

Robbery? A red worm buffet is only 1 point!

Just be content. An egg on the black market outside costs 25 virtual coins. It's equivalent to 20 virtual coins here. It's much cheaper. And I'm not telling you, where can I eat a red worm buffet with just 1 point?

That's not the point. The point is that the buffet in this cafeteria is so damn delicious. There are salt and pepper flavors, fried ones, and spicy ones. To take care of the elderly and children, there's also minced meat with red worms. Oh my god. , Is this boss a wealthy person? He even uses condiments. Anyway, after the finance team goes to work today, I will be promoted to LV2 star employee and I can eat the buffet twice for free, which is great.

Have you heard that if you don't have enough points for 30 consecutive days, you will be kicked out of the factory? And today, Zhang Zi and Lai Ziba found out all the people who wanted to sneak into the factory. I earned 20 points at once. My God, these points are so easy to earn.”

I'm afraid you haven't heard that anyone outside who wants to come in now has to pay 20 virtual coins. It's ridiculous that some people want to hang out and don't want to work. Some of them will regret it when the time comes.

What the heck, this warehouse is unattended. Director Su said that if everyone is aware of theft, there will be big rewards if someone is found stealing.

Tch, it's not like we all stole it together. Who wouldn't be greedy for the eggs in there?

There was a roar at the door, and suddenly there were screams and sounds of begging for mercy from inside.

What happened?

Go and have a look.

A group of people couldn't squeeze in. They only knew that something big had happened. After a while, Director Su and Manager Tuo arrived, as well as the police sir who seemed to be on call at any time. Only then did everyone know that there was a supervisor and a worker. The superiors and subordinates colluded, and everyone took 2 eggs and hid them in their crotches.

Another worker saw the bulge in their vaginas and reported it. The two people actually said something like, I don't have any shame in saying this here.

You're so big, why don't you put it around your waist and squeeze it? Take off your pants quickly and let the big guys see. If there is nothing, I will live broadcast today.

This chapter is an update for Scenery’s accumulated rewards~

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